That Bracing Glass of the First Urine of the Morning

50-year-old male

It's been a year and two months since I first learned of urine therapy. That encounter came about when I joined Miyamatsu, who brought some Indians from Canada who were afflicted with mercury poisoning to Minamata.

At first I thought he was making fools of us; after all, no one in his right mind would consider drinking urine.

But a close friend of Miyamatsu in the group said he had changed dramatically from the listless figure he had been several years earlier. I had vaguely noticed that change, but it came into sharp focus when she mentioned it. He cut quite a differnt figure from the last time he had come back to Japan before he had begun urine therapy, so it was impossible to reject his claims outright.

I had diarrhea as soon as I tried it the next day. I had heard that detoxification occurs within a week or two, but mine was instantaneous. This condition continues today. Shortly after drinking it, I get the urge for a bowel movement. Everything that has accumulated in my intestines over the past 24 hours is emptied out entirely, leaving me feeling very braced and refreshed.

I have noticed a big change in my perspiration levels I didn't sweat much, before but today, I sweat profusely during the summer. And I'm not bothered so much by hangovers any more. Those are the only changes I've noticed, nothing particularly dramatic.

But I have noticed a change in my character. I am now able to listen more keenly to what others have to say. Until now, I had drawn a line between myself and people from different backgrounds or those who held different opinions from me. But ever since drinking urine and overcoming my preconceived view that it is dirty and a waste product, I have come to think that perhaps nothing is absolute in this world. So instead of rejecting others' views outright, I wonder why they are so hard set in their ways. This may be a psychological change, but I think it's a major one.