I couldn't believe how quickly it became effective. I was overjoyed, having no idea it would work so fast. Perhaps that was because my condition had dropped to such a low level. Before I knew it, I felt energetic and vigorous again, My complexion took on a ruddy color, my lips turned red and my skin regained its firmness. All my movements, which until then had been in a state of slow motion, started returning to normal. I regained my appetite once I started moving around and using my body again. Once I began eating again, I was able to put on weight. I noticed a big improvement in my will power and perseverance. The coughing and choking stopped and my palpitations and loss of breath eased up.
I was in top shape for about three months. But my condition took another downturn around July with the arrival of the rainy and muggy summer season. Nor did it improve even when the rainy season ended in mid-July. I'm not sure whether I had run into my second round of reactions, but my condition turned downward again. The first bout had occurred eight months into urine therapy. This second came in the 11th month. The scenario was identical to the first one. Two weeks of coughing fits resulting from bonchitis, insomnia, lack of appetite and weight spiraling down to 46 kilograms. Positive that this was a question of endurance, I relied almost exclusively on urine therapy to pull me through.
I expect to experience these cyclical ups and downs time and again. Mr. Miyamatsu says these reactions are evidence that the body is releasing built-up toxins. According to him, most people ragain their health in a matter of three years. If this is the case, these reactions are to be welcomed.
Thus ends the story of my medical history and the effects of urine therapy on me. As I'm still in the first year of urine therapy, I don't know whether it will be effective in curing my bonchitis. But it is clear that this body waste has impressive power to restore one's strength. The following experiences have underscored this fact:
1) Urine's incredible effect on me when I first started drinking it.
2) The rash that had bothered me for 10 years cleared up without a further trace.
3) My troublesome allergic rhinitis cleared up when I cleansed my nostrils with urine.
4) My astigmatism cleared up and my nearsightedness improved. My cataract has yet to improve, although it has not regressed further.
5) Urine speeds the healing of cuts, scratches, grazes, splinters and bug bites.
I have not included any hearsay whatsoever, all the comments relate to my actual experiences. I should add that the improvement in my health is due entirely to myself. Regardless of what anyone says, I do not intend to waste a drop of this precious elizir, but will depend on it for the rest of my life. I would be extremely happy if this essay is helpful to others suffering from illnesses similar to mine.