"It's really strange, isn't it? We never would have met if I had taken my car to another garage, and I never would have learned about urine therapy. I was supposed to be giving you acupuncture treatments, but in the end, you taught me the best treatment of all. Lately I've come to believe that curing someone else is really nothing other than curing oneself."

"I've recommended urine therapy to various people. Most of the ethnic Indians who immigrated here are aware of urine therapy as it is practiced in India but are unwilling to try themselves. They're all firm believers in Western medicine and end up on the operating table time and again. My younger brother is one of them. He won't try it even though he realize how healthy I've become."

Just as Hamid was saying this, his big brother emerged from the back of the shop, smiling feebly as if he had overheard the conversation.

"You're going back to Japan? We are really grateful to you. I'm truly impressed by the improvement in Hamid's health. But I still need a little more time before I take the step myself. Hope you are as healthy as ever after returning to Japan."

"You too. Wish both of you the best of health," I said, firmly shaking Hamid's oil-smeared hand. I could tell they were watching me as I left the shop, but could not turn back to wave good-bye.

Very soon after returning to Japan, I began to tell people of my experiences with urine therapy.

Whenever I tell people I was drinking urine, the standard response would be a bewailing about what the world was coming to if one had to go so far as to drink urine. And indeed, it did seem as though the end of the world had approached. All I can say is today, with the world in this condition, the only way to stay healthy is to drink urine. That's why I practice urine therapy and strive to spread the word to as many people as possible. In fact, that's why I wrote this book.