すじこのブログ ぽかぽかTRANSLATION -5ページ目
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If I'm able to express in 
words, it would be a bit better.

Though I feel you and you feel me fully each other.

Your shivering eyes had been talking to me if we could have met much earlier. 

I love you, if it’s not possible, I'd rather want to forget but still I can forget nothing.

I miss you, if I were forgiven, I want to hold you tight during the shining afternoon as well as starry night,baby.

I had many love with only spark but it is probably the first time to be such painful.
I had a dream we were talking forever surrounded by gradually dyeing the sky. 

I love you, if not reaching you, I don't look back at you but still I can't move because you captivate me.

 I miss you, if I were forgiven, I want to hold you tight during the shining afternoon as well as starry night baby.

Just drawing the deepest breath and closing my eyes in the twilight. 

Oh, I love you

if you were only mine, I want to run into you right now.

I miss you, if I were forgiven,I want to hold you tight during shining afternoon as well as starry night baby.

I'm missing you.

I'm missing you.





子供が小さいうちは仕方ないと諦めて、自分に合わない仕事を7年続けたけど、もう限界だった。中学生になるまでは地元で働くつもりだったが、もうすぐ5年生だし、留守番もできるし、いいよね。やっぱり、贅沢かもしれないけど心躍る仕事がしたいんだよ〜。子供みたいに青臭いこと言ってる夢見る母ですみませんm(_ _)m


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