中杉 弘の徒然日記


崇徳天皇の呪い ②崇徳天皇の呪い ①

The Harm by Koreans ①


"Don’t be concerned a liar Korean."

By Hirobumi Ito


"The Korean's reform of sense is impossible."

By Shouin Yoshida


"I wasn't born in China and Korea, and thought it was good."

By Souseki Natsume


"When inconvenient for themselves, Koreans lie tenaciously,

They don’t feel guilty about lying."

By Souseki Natsume


"There are couldn’t be helped in this world. That's Korean."

Inazou Nitone


"There is cause by which Korea fell for man as a Korean race."


"Don't concern a Korean."

By Souichiro Honda

Japanese hated Koreans from the past. Korean problem has started in Japan now, but it has started from the Mongol invasion in Kamakura era. It seems to teach the Mongol invasion in Japanese school, Korean has attacked Japan in those days.The trigger was Korai, "You shall invade Japan!" Koreans cheated Mongolians. "Then you make a ship, and invade Japan." Because they were nomad that can't build a ship.Being said so, their expectation came off. In 1274, Korai army attacked Japan and did a cruel thing. There was a massacre in Iki and Tsushima, and they raped all women, and all massacred.There were Japanese 400 warriors who fought thoroughly. But it's the number of soldiers of about 10,000 people of Korai army; Japanese couldn't be able to win. It's Tsushima's history that it was a battue of all. They made a hole in a human hand of Tsushima who killed and hung on a prow of a ship through string there.Military ships of Korai have a corpse that was like a dried fish, an echinus dangles and shakes. It is the fearful view. They have flattered and have come Japan to invade with that. While not stopping at Hakata the 1st time, they left.Again, Korai army was invading Japan in 1281. This time is the number of soldiers of 140,000 people with the Chinese military. They were attacking Japan and a sea has become black. After invasion, they were going to reside permanently and brought livestock with a hoe.  Kamakura samurai did a heroic war to Mongolia army. It was courageous, so a Kamakura samurai took a boat and bet kamikaze attack on Mongolia ship in that night. A divine wind played this competition, and an army of 140,000 people sank in a sea. This is an ending.Korean mission dispatched to Japan in the Edo Period. Hideyoshi is related to this. Hideyoshi tried to get the continent of China though Korea. Koreans resisted Japan not to come in. So they were criticized.The Yi-Dynasty will be very afraid of Japan in the Edo Period, so they have come to Japan for greeting not to be attack by Japan. The people are called a Korean mission to Japan, and it's performed 12 times during about 204 years (1607-in 1811), and 1,200 people have come in the time when the number is large approximately 400 people, too. It was serious number.The Korean mission to Japan is ill-mannered and it's fact that chickens were stolen and a lady was rapedBut, the TV programs of NHK said that Japanese anxiously was waiting that a Korean mission to Japan comes in those days. It was serious trouble actually! Korean mission to Japan came to a celebration from Korea so it couldn't be declined.There was a terrible problem that unclean Koreans can't put the inn where 1,000 people stay, and   the place where the Japanese lord stay, so they also come to occupy one village and prepare all the members' meal by the village where they were stayed, it's very troublesome. In fact, Koreans were thieves and dirty, so Korean mission to Japan was hated very much in Japan. Koreans often obeyed the calls of nature in outdoors simultaneously every morning. It's different from Japan there are no bathrooms in Korea, and 1200 people do it together on the way.It is exceedingly average for Koreans, but it's serious trouble for Japanese. Korean often took out the bottom simultaneously, and where they stayed was full of discharges, and more chickens of a village are stolen and eaten.Japanese thought, "Korean was a savage." from the time. The Korean is vulgar and unclean. A Korean has no customs of bathing. There are also no colored kimonos in Korea without a dye. This is true. After that Saigo Takamori raised "Seikan-Ron" in Meiji Period. When Japan abolishes the Shogunate then, and a Meiji government starts and send a letter for Korea, it has been also returned impolitely. Because an emperor is only a Chinese emperor while Japan uses a word as an emperor by the letter, such word shouldn't be used. It has been pushed back.Meiji government was scolded because it had not been received yet even if Japan corrected the letter. Most of the threat is was Russia in those days. Before United Kingdom and United States invaded Japan, Russia aimed at Japan and occupied Tsushima. Russia wanted an ice-free port. When winter came, a harbor froze, they thought they would like to make the east side a naval base somehow or other, so Korea was threatened and aimed vigilantly.

Japan would like to make Korea and China break off and Korea independent from China. This is Sino-Japanese war (1894). At first, Japan fought with China and offered that Japan wins and makes Korea become independent from China.

So an independent country as the Republic of Korea empire could be set to 1897 for the first time. That's the related origin of Japan and the Korea. The first emperor of the Republic of Korea Empire is plum Gao-zong. But, a civil war breaks out in the Korea, and Koreans wern'tunite at all.









『中杉 弘のブログ』2006年より、好評連載中です!

