結婚式の歴史と『古事記』との関係 | ブライダル専門家 婚礼文化研究家 鈴木一彌のオフィシャルブログ

ブライダル専門家 婚礼文化研究家 鈴木一彌のオフィシャルブログ


Relationship with “Kojiki

I would like to consider the beginning of the Japanese wedding ceremony from all angles, without deciding where it began.

The story of Ijanaki Ijanami as the first male and female deity to give birth to the nation is often discussed.

This is already mentioned in the preface before entering the main text.

Yin and Yang opened up, and the two deities, male and female, became the creators of all things.”

This is supposed to be a married couple.

