117.目指すもの :Our goal | 香取神道流の真髄 : Nature of Katori Shintoryu

香取神道流の真髄 : Nature of Katori Shintoryu

日本武道の源流である天真正伝香取神道流の教え : Key learnings from Katori Shintoryu which is an origin of Japanese martial arts








The goal of the Katori Shindo Ryu is the happiness of the family and the prosperity of the descendants. It is the same as the wishes of people all over the world. However, the reality is that people's daily happiness quickly collapses, as evidenced by Russia's war of aggression on Ukraine. Protecting the happiness of the family and the prosperity of the offspring is not easy. 

Ukrainians are fighting desperately for their families and descendants. Many people in Russia, even if they know Putin's bad politics, take part in it and protect their families. If you don't help, you can't protect your family. It is the same as many Japanese people were restricted in information during World War II and could not live without their help. I think I will be a part of it if I am placed in the current state of Russians. 

However, the hero continues to sue for anti-war even in such situations. In Japan, there were many people such as Mr Takao Saito who continued to appeal for anti-war even if Mr Saito was chased from the position of a member of the House of Representatives, and who continued to appeal for anti-war even if they were tortured in prison. What is scary is the Japanese government, the media, and the Japanese people who treat those who have contributed more to the war than such true heroes for whatever reason. 

There are people who are appealing for anti-war in Russia while fighting against Putin's purge. As a hero, I want to respect and support people who are suing anti-war for their offspring and descendants of mankind even at the expense of theirself, rather than those who help Putin to protect their families.

Mr Takao Saito
