




<Week 1>





基本文型 他動型

基本文型 自動型

<Week 2>

基本文型 説明型

基本文型 授与型

基本文型 目的語説明型

説明ルール 時・場所の説明

<Week 3>

説明ルール リポート文

指定ルール 話し手の発言態度を表す副詞

指定ルール 程度を表す副詞の前置き

指定ルール 助動詞

<Week 4>

指定ルール 否定の not

配置転換 疑問文基礎

空所ハンドリング wh疑問文

空所ハンドリング 関係代名詞節による修飾




Opening Talk




















O:Chichan became a teacher.




Hey, everyone. This is Akino Roza.


D:And I'm David Evans. Ah, you're at it again, sensei.





Today's Dialogue


Ryan and Cynthia


R: Cynthia, hi! Fancy meeting you here.

C: Ryan! Wow, what a surprise! What are you doing here?

R: I like to read a good book now and then.

C: That's news to me.

R: Anyway, I heard that you quit as manager of the band.

C: Yes, that was quite a while ago.

R: What are you doing now?

C: I'm teaching English at a high school.

R: You're a teacher?

C: Yes, it was a long-time dream of mine.

R: That's really great, Cynthia.



Lesson Notes


Fancy meeting you here.


fancy + 動詞-ing:(驚きを表して)おや~するなんて



I like to read a good book now and then.


now and then:ときどき、たまには

If you say that something happens now and then or every now and again, you mean that it happens sometimes but not very often or regularly. (CCAD)



That's news to me.


If you say that something is news to you, you mean that you did not previously know what you have just been told, especially when you are surprised or annoyed about it. (CCAD)



It was a long-time dream of mine.

of のイメージ




Target Forms


Key Sentence


I heard that you quit as manager of the band.



➫ 主語の思考・発言・知識などを述べる










茶色は David さんと Roza さんの説明部分です


D: OK, everyone, today's pracitice is about verb plus explanation. Verb plus explanation, OK? Let's jump into it.


R: Let's go.


I heard


I heard


I heard that you like roses.


I heard that you like roses.



D: All right. Here's our next.


I think


I think


I think that we're lost.


I think that we're lost.



R: Keep going. 


I know


I know


I know that you lied.


I know that you lied.



D: All right, and one more.


He told me


He told me


He told me that you need help.


He told me that you need help.



D: Unlock your potential.


R: Repetition is the key.


D & R: Great work.




Grammar in Action



(1) I heard that you bought a car. Congratulations!



(2) I think that we need two hotel rooms. I snore at night.



(3) He said that the restaurant is full. Let's go somewhere else.





Ending Talk



O:Hey, David. Do you snore?


D:I don't think I do, but I used a sleep appli on my phone to test it. It turns out I snore a little. 


R:So, sensei, basically, the answer is yes.


O:All right. というわけで今日はこのへんで。


O, R, and D:Bye.









Lesson 8    100回め

Lesson 9    90回め

Lesson 10  80回め

Lesson 11  50回め



今日は David さんのオープニング




You're at it again, sensei.




be at it again は辞書にこうありました:


to be doing something that you have done before, often something annoying






a sleeping appli




アプリは英語では app あるいは略さなければ application と言うでしょうから、ここは日本語で「アプリ」ということだったのかなと思いました





Have a good day!