







最後にご紹介する前置詞は of。「~の」と訳されることが多い前置詞ですが、それだけでは使いこなせません。






前置詞シリーズ最後の of。









➤of は最も意味が薄い前置詞



 Key Sentences


●He's a friend of mine.
➫a friend of mine は a friend(ほかにもいる友達のひとり)を mine で説明


➫He's my friend.とニュアンスは大きく異なる


cf. He's my friend.


●How thoughtless of me!

➫thoughtless に「私がね」と、誰が thoughtless なのかについて説明





a member of the team
a corner of the room
a cup of coffee
a photo of Lucy

➤of の「説明」は文脈で
the problem of finding new energy sources
the discovery of new species
➫discovery の意味上の目的語の説明(何を発見したのか)
Death of a Salesman



This chair is made of wood.
➫from のような強さはない(☟)

cf. Cheese is made from milk.
➫「チーズ」と「ミルク」は見た目がかけ離れているため、「~から作られる」とプロセスを from で述べる必要がある

That's so kind of you.

This matter is of importance.
This matter is of great importance.
This matter is of extreme importance.
This matter is of some importance.
This matter is of little importance.
This matter is of no importance.

➤sure / afraid の内容を説明
I'm sure of your success.
Chris is afraid [scared] of spiders.

I've dreamed of going there.




 Expressions in Action


(1) Would you like another piece of cake?


(2) This bag is made of leather.


(3) We need completely new ways of thinking.


(4) That's so generous of you.


(5) Climate change is an issue of crucial importance.


(6) I'm scared of heights.





 Today's Oral Reading and Recitation



Lesson 127  100回め

Lesson 128  90回め

Lesson 129  80回め

Lesson 130  70回め




次からは2022年11月号『形容詞・副詞 イメージで本質をつかむ』に入ります。



See you!