



























Opening Talk


















R:Sensei, you always use too much.

Hey, everyone. This is Akino Roza.


D:And I'm David Evans. Ooh, he is a meat thief.






Today's Dialogue



Grandma & Grandpa


Gm: Care for some more tea, dear?

Gp: Thank you, darling. And I'll have another piece of toast...

Gm: Be careful with the butter. You always use too much.

Gp: I like butter.

Gm: A little is enough. Oh, before I forget, I received a birthday card from Roxy.

Gp: How sweet of her to remember your birthday.

Gm: Yes, she's very sweet. I miss her terribly.

Gp: I wonder if she'll stay with us again.

Gm: I'm sure she will.



Typical Expressions





Key Sentence


Before I forget, I received a birthday card from Roxy.











D: OK, everyone, it's time for today's practice. It's important to tell other people I'm going to change the conversation in a different direction. So, let's master these phrases and improve. Here we go.





Changing the subject, we need a theme for tomorrow's meeting.

On another note, we need a theme for tomorrow's meeting.

On a different note, we need a theme for tomorrow's meeting.



R: Let's continue.





By the way, how do you like your new apartment?

Putting that aside, how do you like your new apartment?



D: All right, and here's a few more.





Anyway, the guests will arrive soon. We should get ready.



In any case, the guests will arrive soon. We should get ready.





D: All right, everyone. Fantastic practice today.


R: Excellent work, guys.




Typical Expressions in Action



(1) Before I foget, we're out of toilet paper. Can you run to the store?


run to the store




(2) Anyway, I'll be in town until Friday. Call me if you'd like to get dinner.


get dinner は have dinner でもOK



(3) Changing the subject, I heard that Big West Coffee is having a sale. Shall we go?




My Takeaway



『英会話 話を組み立てるパワーフレーズ 講義編』をもとに、2020年度の学習事項をたどっています。(当時は番組を聞いていませんでしたので、今年度の内容と重なる箇所を見つけて、そこから2020年度分を回収中です)


話題転換については、2023年3月号 Lesson 238(話題転換のフロー)で一部学習していましたが、当時は回収できていなかったのでここで取り上げます


Lesson 55 話題の転換:





Having said that, she is one of the most popular teachers at our school now.





I'm not sure if my presentation was effective, but anyway, I did my best.


In any case, the meeting will take place as planned.


By the way, I should mention that we have excellent after-sales service.


Talking of managing stress, let's have a short coffee break!



Lesson 179 フローを引き寄せる❷:



Changing the subject, did you know that Tom is dating Masami?


Anyway, that's not what I came to talk to you about.


By the way, did you watch the match last night?


Oh, before I forget, did you remember to ask Jane to babysit?


On another note [On a different note], what do you think of the new coach?



Ending Talk





R:I heard that they are having a sale.


D:Yeah, I heard their pumpkin spice, oat milk, tripple cream cappccino is the best.


O:OK, let's go!



O, R, and D:Bye.




Today's Oral Reading and Recitation



Lesson 224 100回め

Lesson 225 90回め

Lesson 226 60回め

Lesson 227 50回め



今日のオープニングで David さんが he's a meat beef. と言っているように聞こえたのです…


でも meat がおかしいと思い、時間を空けて聞いてみたら meat thief !!!







Have a nice day!