【東京五輪残酷物語】五輪ハラスメントをボイコットせよ❗️奴隷ボラ/汚水アスロン/フクシマ | ☆Dancing the Dream ☆

☆Dancing the Dream ☆

Let us celebrate
The Joy of life ♡
with ☆Michael Jackson☆



私たちが アンダーコントロールしましょう❗️

東京五輪 中止せよ‼️

大腸菌東京湾 トライアスロン

日刊ゲンダイ 公開日:2019/08/16


福島 2020オリンピックの悪夢 : 安倍首相は狂っているのか❓

Fukushima 2020 Olympics Nightmare: Is Abe Criminally Insane?
This 2019 documentary looks at the plans of Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to bring the Olympic baseball games and Paralympics to Fukushima during the 2020 July August Japan Olympic games. It interviews experts, community activists and trade unionists about the reality of Fukushima and the massive propaganda campaign to cover-up the continuing dangers and crisis.
PM Abe told the International Olympics Committee that Fukushima had been "decontaminated" but there is over 1 million tons of tritium radiocative water in over 1,000 tanks surrounding the broken nuclear reactors, the melted nuclear rods still remain in the reactors and there are 9 million bags of contaminated radioactive material spread throughout the prefecture. The Abe government and it's IOC representatives have also been involved in corruption through bribery of IOC delegates to vote for having the Olympics in Japan.
This documentary hears from people in Japan about the reality of having the 2020 Olympics in Japan and Fukushima.
Additional media:
Toxic water level at Fukushima plant still not under control As Abe Pushes Olympics In Fukushima
In reality, however, the situation is not under control even now.