第225回 How to enjoy my trip  私の旅の楽しみ方 | Yukarinの旅行・自然・食べ物・cooking わがままブログ

Yukarinの旅行・自然・食べ物・cooking わがままブログ

I am a teacher at a private ONLINE Japanese cooking School in English. My foods are influenced by mum and grandma.

What is your way of enjoying trips?


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ONLINE Home-made Japanese Cooking School.  

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Hi, there! How are you?

Look at a picture down below, curry made with lobster was given as a souvenir one day. The curry was delicious, and it reminds me of my trips. It was a retort packing, so it can be stored for a while after receiving. I love this type of present.


When I traveled somewhere, I often bought foods that could store for a few months. I love choosing and recalling memory there. After traveling, I naturally forgot the travels. But after a few months, when I eat the foods I bought there, it brings back to the good memory. It is my way to enjoy traveling, actual trips, and trip memories.


When I went to Canada, I bought some cans of salmon. Though I can eat salmon even here in Japan, I thought there I wanted to eat Canadian salmon at home. I packed the souvenir for myself in my suitcase, and I checked in at Vancouver Airport. The staff said surprisingly “What do you have!? It is so heavy!” Yes, the suitcase was overweight. Since then, I pay attention to choose the weight of souvenirs. It is one of my good memories of traveling.


Thank you for visiting my blog.








缶詰は意外に重くて、帰りの飛行機のチェックインで、現地の方に「何買ったの!?重いわよ!」って言われました!規定の重量を超えていたそうです。(^^ )その失敗があってからは、重さも考えるようになりました。( ̄∇ ̄) 







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