第223回 TSUKUDANI-Traditional arranged foods 佃煮 | Yukarinの旅行・自然・食べ物・cooking わがままブログ

Yukarinの旅行・自然・食べ物・cooking わがままブログ

I am a teacher at a private ONLINE Japanese cooking School in English. My foods are influenced by mum and grandma.

I would like to introduce traditional arranged foods.


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ONLINE Home-made Japanese Cooking School.  

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I wrote about soup stock, which includes a lot of UMAMI and made of dry bonito and seaweed before. They both waste!? (foods) after taking soup stock have still enough UMAMI. So, I always use them and make TSUKUDANI which is preservable food boiled with soy sauce, etc. We usually eat it with rice. It is a traditional arranged food not to waste foods. I try to arrange and eat whole foods not to waste them as possible. Because I think when we eat alive animals and plants in our nature, trying to eat whole things is our duty and sincere attitude towards creatures with life. I think there are such kinds of foods in your countries. If I have a chance, I would like to know them.

I always make this with soup stock, soy sauce, and MIRIN. And I want to have whole liquid because of UMAMI in the soup, so I use ground sesame for having whole liquid and whole sesame for appearance. Sesame is also good for health and tastes delicious!

My mother had always made BENTO for me with this type of food since when I was a child. She never used additive condiment for rice. So, I think my palate would develop the ability to taste UMAMI. I am thankful for her. 

Though this TSUKUDANI is made of waste of foods after taking soup stock, you can find a lot of better, fine, and delicious ones, which fine Japanese producers cook in Japan.

I would like you to try them when you come to Japan.
Thank you for visiting my blog.





かつお節や昆布を、取った出汁を少しと、醤油、みりん (私は砂糖を入れないのですが、入れる方もいらっしゃいます)で甘辛く味付けします。少しにじるが残るので、この煮汁にも栄養が残っていますから最後まで頂くために、擦ったごま(出汁吸う用)と擦らないごま(見栄え用)を入れてできあがりです!味付けはお好みですが、擦ったごまで最後まで頂くというのはプロから教わりました。筑前煮のときもそうしていますね。









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