英語例文 one's way構文 | 学習塾・家庭教師 秋田市 泉 保戸野 英語の英学ゼミ ブログ

学習塾・家庭教師 秋田市 泉 保戸野 英語の英学ゼミ ブログ




「ロッキー山脈 子育て奮闘記 ~成長編 秋から冬へ~」

A grizzly mother and her four chubby cubs are making their way across the valley.

Riding thermals across high mountain passes, cranes make their way across Colorado's Rocky Mountain.


As the Arctic Ocean begins to freeze over, she's making her way to a nearby island to build a snow den. (she=a female polar bear)

He starts to make his way across the icy lake.

(he=a young bear)

「スカンジナビアの森で  3匹のこぐまの物語」

Migratory birds make their way across the sky and down south.

「動物たちの24時間  ジャングル編」

This female has long whiskers that enable her to feel her way through the dark.

(this female=margay, a small wild cat)


Gilpin's taken on Charlie as a management trainee who works his way up through the company.


But there are a lot of lacewing larvae enough to fight their way through to the aphids.

「月と衛星 宇宙の神秘~生命は存在するのか~」

The underground water expands and forces its way up through clacks ...


Marina, Becca and Hannah make their way deeper and deeper underground.

「厳冬のアルプス  ~雪山を生きる動物たち~」

Countless blooks and creeks find their way from the mountains to the low lands.

「シマウマ  最強のサバイバー」

She can find her way back to the places she hasn't visited for years.  (she=a female zebra)

「人類を再び月へ ~動き始めたアルテミス計画~」

The craft then makes its own way to lunar orbit.


Settlers found their way out of my desert and ...

「ワイルドカナダ 風の物語」

They are making their way from South America back to Canada to spend summer.

(they=song birds)

But how they find their way over four thousand kilometers to this mountain top in Central Mexico is still a mystery.

(they=monarch butterflies)


... the soggy ground makes it easier for them to make their way to the open air.

(them=baby chameleons)



... We can find our way home.


Meanwhile Philip had delivered his empty cars and was making his way back to the shunting yard again.


By the next morning, Salty had made his way back to Brendam Docks.


Henry made his way to Wellsworth station ...


Thomas and his friends were making their way back to Tidmouth sheds.

映画『きかんしゃトーマス 探せ!! 謎の海賊船と失われた宝物』

Thomas made his way up to the construction yard.

『100 オトナになったらできないこと』


I pushed and crawled my way through nine feet of screaming girls ...

『アニメ おさるのジョージ』


They might not be able to see their way home.

But maybe they could hear their way home.

Hundry and George found their way back to the alley behind their home.


He had to find his way to the kitchen in the dark.


We never find our way home now.


It's too dark to find our way home without it. (文末のitはナビゲーション)


That wouldn't help him find his way back to the ship. (Thatは火星には月が2つあること)


First one to dig its way out wins. (one=a worm)


If you get lost, use the outpost beacon to find your way back.

🆕one's way構文のおもしろさはbelchやhomerなどの突拍子もない動詞が入ってくること。私が見つけた例文ではwork、fight、crawl 、hearが多少おもしろみがあるでしょうか。
