Congraturations on the release of DVD and Blu-ray of "旅猫リポート," or "The Travelling Cat Chronicles." 







You know what? I ordered its DVD special edition at Amazon online a few months ago. Amazon's version seems to include a limited special giveaway in addition to their original special gift. I haven't received it yet. I'm looking forward to watching the movie again. I'm pretty sure it makes me cry next time, too.





And I finally watched it in my room. I cried loudly. It always reminds me of Kuro. 








Well, I cried a lot while seeing the film in the theater last autumn. I was thinking of my cat Kuro. He passed away on January 10th last year. I still miss him very much. 





This is Kuro. He made my family happier than ever before. He's still special for us. I never forget him. Thank you so much, Kuro. 



He looks like the cat appearing in the film, Nana, right? To be honest, he also has yellow eyes, though the picture doesn't show. 





Well, I first wrote about the movie in this blog post last year after I saw it in the theater.


I didn't mention at the time, but many of the official items sold out at the theater when I went  see it. So, I only could buy this plastic folder. Actually, I did want to get a key chain with the charms of Nana and canola flowers. 





As I wrote before in another blog post, the film is based on a novel written by a Japanese novelist Hiro Arikawa. 



Though she's released lots of noveles, they say that especially this one has been very popular. Many of her works are made into live-action movies. 


If you don't read Japanese, the novel has been translated into many languages including English, so check it out.




Well, the book made me realize something important. I still regret what I couldn't for Kuro, what I didn't and did etc ... but the story taught me that some owners, like the main character Satoru, die before their cats do and have to leave them. At least I didn't leave my Cat. Maybe I should call them cat's friend or family, huh?


Also, Kuro lived for 20 years old or so. Of course we wanted him to live much longer and I think he also wanted to live as long as possible, but he didn't have a disease then. He was not killed in an accident, either. You know what I mean.



What we call "Golden Week" just started yesterday. It's longer than usual. Well, as many of you know, Japan welcomes a new era named "Reiwa." "Heisei" era ends on April 30 and "Reiwa" starts on May 1st. 



NEW Right now, Eggs 'n Things Japan is offering "Blueberry Cheese Pancakes."  They'll be served till the end of May.


When I first saw the seasonal pancakes on their website, I thought they looked like last year's "Dark Sweet Cherry Custard Pancakes," which were available from the middle of May then. They use different cherries and Dark Sweet Cherries are bigger. I wrote about the pancakes with photos last year: "The Greatest Showman Blu-ray & DVD on May 23." Yeah, Hugh Jackman's popular movie released its Blu-ray and DVD at that time. 



Well, the current pancakes looked nicer and more beautiful than I'd expected when I saw the real one, not just the picture. Also, they tasted much better, actually. They were really good. Rich but refreshing. On top of that, they're served with a slice of lemon, and we can enjoy a different flavor by squeezing it on pancakes as you like.  



In addition to "Blueberry Cheese Pancakes," they start "Loco Moco Salad Bowl" on May 16. I love their loco moco and they must be great when they're served with avocados and other vegetables, but I'm really sick and tired of this kind of same old pattern as I've mentioned many times. I mean, arranging regular items and offering them as seasonal ones. I hate to tell you this, but they offered another arranged Loco Moco  as a seasonal item in May last year, too; They were "Cheddar Cheese Loco Moco." They seem to run out of new ideas, but I bet this kind of arranged version has just become easy to get approval when they release something since people in charge replaced or changed. 


I'd like to try fried green tomatoes. They should offer them as seasonal ones sometime. 



やしの木By the way, I bought clothes at H&M after a long time. They seem to be new items; "H&M Golden Pass." 



How do I look? I made up my mind to buy them both after I tried them on. I mean, I wear a blouse and a pair of shorts in the same pattern in the pictures though they may seem just one item. Each item costs only 2499 yen. Tax included. What a bargain.




Well, I was wondering if I should get something there at first, actually. Though I used to buy lots of clothing and other items at H&M as well as Forever 21 when I was in my late 10s and early 20s, I sometimes felt some of their products looked cheap while they are available at reasonable prises. As I got older, I try to get and keep some expensive clothes instead of many inexpensive ones. I threw away lots of clothes I had. 


Still, those items attracted me and I got them even though I didn't expect to stop by clothing shops and buy something to wear for myself because I was browsing and shopping around to find a gift for my mom since Mother's Day is coming soon. 





See what I got for this year's Mother's Day. It falls on May 12, you know. ブーケ1




Well, my mom and sis would often say I was like May when I was small. May is one of the main characters of "My Neighbor Totoro," a popular animated film produced by Ghibli. They also told me that I watched the film every day and remembered its lines, haha.  




The gift's perfect for Mother's Day. It's awesome.








I think I'm going to get both or either of these two for Father's Day this year. Both have a cat which is like Kuro. My father would love it.