As I wrote in "The Travelling Cat Chronicles," my favorite novel "旅猫リポート" became a live-action film and it was released on October 26 this year.


I just went see the movie today. I cried a lot while seeing it in the theater remembering my cat Kuro, like I had cried while reading the original work in a bullet train thinking of him. He passed away on January 10 this year.


You know, I sent a message to him using pancakes of Eggs 'n Things after he left us.


These photos are from "Flowers For Kuro."





I'll write about the movie some other time. It's worth checking.




"L’essentiel est invisible pour les yeux."  


They say it's translated as "What Is Essenctial Is Indivisuale To The Eyes" or just "Eye" instead of "Eyes." I personally feel the word "eyes" sounds better.


I don't speak or read French though some of my friends are fluent in it as well as English, but I'm sure many of you have read the book titled ... well. guess what the title is.


Kuro is like a fox in the story. I read the book when I was a child, but I still remember what the fox told the prince. I think Kuro just looks like a simple and plain cat for many other people, but he's still a very very speacial cat for me and for my family.