ハロウィン Did you get new "Bearful Sleeve" of Tully's Coffee Japan?



Of course I did. And I got ones for my honey, too. キスマーク 


I hope his daughter also wants ones and likes them. Well, I got several pairs of the two designs, to be honest. If she doesn't care for them, I told him to give them to Oginon or his father or his sister or his friend. Well, this reminds me that my hon's mother passed away on October 31, I think, when he was in his 20s. Well, Halloween always falls on Oct. 31, you know. He may remember her especially this season every year.



I guess some wonder who Oginon is. I've mentioned Oginon, or Ogino-san, before here in my English blog. He was once working for Tully's Coffee in Singapore as well as Japan and supporting my hon, the founder of Tully's Coffee in Japan.日本 You know, Tully's Coffee was originally born in the U.S. アメリカ




Tully's Coffee Japan started the 3rd version of "Bearful Sleeve"just yesterday. "Bearful Sleeve" is a beverage sleeve produced by Tully's Coffee Japan.



Like always, their latest "Bearful Sleeve" also comes in two designs. But this time, they dress up in disguise for Halloween.ハロウィン


The left one with fangs and a black big ribbon is called "Ribbon" and the right one with a light purple ribbon and a black hat is "Hat."宝石紫



I thought what they call "Ribbon" wore a black bow tie, but he's named "Ribbon," so it's a ribbon, not a bow tie, huh?



Anyway, as I wrote about "Bearful Sleeve" in this last year and in this this year, people love it and it sold out very soon.


It seems they've produced the item in a larger amount this time and each store has more stocks than ever before. So, if you haven't bought any yet, I guess you can still get either or both at nearby Tully's Coffee shops.



I hope fellows, staff members of Tully's Coffee in Japan, can get at least one kind of the two this time. Well, when they released the 2nd version of "Bearful Sleeve" for Easter in the Sprnig this year, I heard many fellows couldn't buy it at their own stores because they were not allowed to purchase it for several days after it started to sell.


Though some could by going to other locations as customers, not fellows, I found many fellows was so patient and some even told me customers should get first. Well, male fellows even said "I don't want it at all," haha.



I'd say some customers or even fellows get it to sell at online auction websites or somewhere, and I'm always so sad about that. But this year, they have more stocks, so more people can get it at a usual price at Tully's Coffee shops by themselves and they don't have to get it online at much higher prices. I'm so happy.





コーヒーI'll tell you guys how to get "Bearful Sleeve" at Tully's Coffee all over Japan.日本



First, order "Caramel Pumpkin Latte" or "Apple Caramelized Tea" at Tully's Coffee. Both can be available hot or iced.



Then, tell fellows at the cash register that you want to add "Bearful Sleeve." We can get one sleeve for one beverage by paying extra 350 yen. 


At most two sleeves per one person at one store one time. 


So if we order any two beverages from the two items I've just touched on, say, hot an iced Caramel Pumpkin Lattes or hot Caramel Pumpkin Latte and iced Apple Caramelized Tea, and so on, we can get two sleeves in total. In this case, we need to pay extra 700 yen since one sleeve needs extra 350 yen, not to mention that we have to pay for each beverage, too.


Here, the location you come by may still have both "Ribbon" and "Hat" If that's the case, you can choose between the two. So, if you order two beverages enabling us to get "Bearful Sleeve," you can get both or you can even say two Hats or two Ribbons.


Also, we can have the beverages without adding any sleeves and paying extra yen.


I hope it makes sence.





I found some locations offer each own Halloween decoration like these so customers can enjoy taking pictures of their beverage using it.




ハロウィン By the way, I'll show you my favorite Halloween items this year.



LUPICIA's Halloween-limited design is so cute.





Their Halloween-limited "Trick or Tea!" comes in three designs, and I chose this one because the cat looks like my cat Kuro and the basic color is purple, which is my favorite color.宝石紫






ドーナツピンクドーナツThey are two of Krispy Kreme Doughnuts' Halloween doughnuts this year. I always think Krispy Kreme Japan's seasonal doughnuts are amazing ... not only their appearances but their rich flavors.





黒猫If Kuro were still alive, I would have him collaborate with the black cat doughtnut like I did for Christmas last year in this and this.クリスマスツリー



Well, I think I should have taken photos of the doughnut with the black cat teddy of Tully's Coffee.コーヒー


Yep, he is.黒猫 






ホットケーキ By the way, Eggs 'n Things in Japan will be doing Halloween-limited items from Oct.15 till 31.


They're offering two items; "Halloween Trick Pancakes" and "Halloween Burg Benedict." Both look so good. I'm really looking forward to trying them out.ナイフとフォーク



Enjoy Halloween.ハロウィン