The Roastery | e.Front英会話スクール



I always liked coffee shops for studying, Internet browsing or relaxing with a book. There are places, however, that offer more than a pause during a busy day, surrounded by coffee aroma and mellow sounds. The other day, while having a stroll along Meguro River I came across a Starbucks roastery. It quickly caught my attention and I hurried to check it out. It felt more like a modern art museum with its extravagant interiors and state-of-the-art heavy machinery. Quite a sight to behold! It offered a selection of mouth-watering food from various sandwiches and veggie quiche to freshly roasted coffee beverages. As you might expect, coffee and food come at quite hefty prices but it’s worth your while when you’re on your special day out and feel like having a refreshing break.