How many seasons does Japan have? | e.Front英会話スクール



It was only last week that we had snow in Tokyo and I found this little guy:



And yet here we are this week looking at temperatures of over 16 degrees. And looking at my weather app next week we have daytime highs of 21 and lows of 7 degrees all within the span of a few days!


Clearly this is the often overlooked 5th season of Japan - Fake Spring. And after real Spring we have rainy season - the 6th season? Of course after Summer we then have typhoon season. So that makes 7 seasons? But recently I feel Autumn only lasts about a week or so. So back down to 6 seasons ... ?


Whatever. All these temperature changes sure make it difficult to know what to wear. Do I take a light jacket and freeze in the evenings? Or do I take a warmer jacket for the evening and sweat it out during the day?