Today is my 48th birthday | DK Voice Official Blog 「Voice of DK Voice」

DK Voice Official Blog 「Voice of DK Voice」

今思っていること、感じていることを書いていきます。通常は日本語で書きますが、英語で書くこともあります。I write my current thoughts and feelings.I write them in Japanese normally,but sometimes I write them in English.

Good morning. It's very cold this morning. How are you doing?

Today is February 22nd, my birthday.
So number of "2" is special and favorite for me. I became 48.
Single life is so lonely for me. No one celebrates my birthday again. But I will overcome the loneliness.
I think that my age is just a number.

A three-day weekend is coming soon. I think about this three-day weekend's plan. I'm thinking about what I will do.
Tomorrow is a national holiday, but it will be very cold again tomorrow.

Have a nice day.