あなたが励ましてくれるから、私以上の私になれる -2ページ目





可愛いでしょう。  ^_^




☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆

Now it's September 25th, 11:38 at night.

Everyone, good evening. It has really been a while, hasn't it? It has gotten busy recently, so I couldn't update very much.

First of all, we have a new puppy. He's a three-month old, very small, and cute Yorkie (Yorkshire Terrier). He's called Shadow, and it means "kage."

Here, a picture~

Cute, isn't he? ^_^

And, today is the last day for the JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) registration. I am going to try and take Level 3! The test is in another 2 months, so I have to study.

I will do my best!

See you again ne~











☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆

Now it's August 5th, 8:02 at night.

I apologize that it has really been a while that I haven't updated. Actually, my personal computer crashed, so I wasn't able to write in my blog. Not to mention, I had a part-time job and class too, so I've been very busy up until now. But, I'm going to take my final exam next week, so I'll do my best~

First of all, to everyone who gave me peta and wrote me comments, thank you very much. I didn't think my blog was very interesting, so when I received the peta and comments, I was surprised and became happy. However, Ameba's Peta Book doesn't save all of the petas, does it? I can no longer see everyone who gave me petas before. But, thank you very much. And, Mina-san, Mai-san, Megane-san, thank you very much for writing comments to me. Hajimemashite and yoroshiku onegaishimasu ne.

Which reminds me, Mina-san and Megane-san, you've written about the mobile version, right? I live in America, so I wonder if I can use the mobile version...?

I don't really understand it, but I found this link.


I don't have a Japanese cell phone, so I probably can't ne... I'm sorry!

I'm changing the subject, but today is my younger brother's birthday. I want to give him a present, but I don't know what he wants, so I wonder if it's okay to just give him money...? Well, he will be able to buy what he likes, so it'll be okay right?

The last thing I want to write about is the JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test)! The registration has already started, but I want to talk with my Japanese teacher first. Among the four levels, which one should I take? Level 4 might be too easy for me, so I think Level 3 or Level 2 is better. I'll do my best~!

Iya... this time has gotten a bit long, hasn't it? There are probably a lot of mistakes, but please don't mind them.

Well then, see you again!








☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆

Now it's July 3rd, 1:07 pm.

Um... it's been a while. It's already July, isn't it? I hadn't written in my blog for two weeks. I'm sorry.

Tomorrow is America's Independence Day, so today is a holiday too. I have time, so I want to write in my blog. Well then, I'll introduce my dog.

This is the chihuahua called Bambi. Yes, the same name as that Disney movie. Isn't she cute? Actually, Bambi has her own bed, but she likes to lie on my computer chair. I must be careful when I sit down.

By the way, Bambi's birthday is next month on the 12th. She'll turn 3 years old very soon!

I love you, Bambi!

Well then, see you again ne. This is a bit short, so I'll write more another day okay?

今日太陽が出ました!いい感じです~ 最近黒い雲がいっぱいあって、空が暗くて、寒くて、雨もちょっと降りました。でも、今暖かい太陽や白い雲が見えられるので、嬉しいです。


津田健次郎さん (6月11日 - テニプリの乾貞治の声優)
荒木宏文さん (6月14日 - テニミュの2代目乾貞治役)






☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆

Now it's June 14th, 1:50pm.

The sun came out today! It feels good~ Recently there were a lot of black clouds, the sky was dark, it was cold, and it rained a little too. But the warm sun and the white clouds can be seen right now, so I'm glad.

Actually, I was busy last week, so the birthdays of two people have already passed. Therefore, even though it's late, happy birthday:

Tsuda Kenjirou-san (June 11th - the voice actor of Tenipuri's Inui Sadaharu)
Araki Hirofumi-san (June 14th - the role of 2nd cast Inui Sadaharu in Tenimyu)

Well, it's already the 15th in Japan, isn't it?

And yesterday, I went to Chinatown. The library there was selling books, so my dad went to buy them. He loves Chinese novels. In order for me to practice Japanese, I want to buy Japanese novels. Actually, on May 30th, I went to another library and bought about 20 books. They are tiny books, so I can put them in my handbag. But, I'm still not used to the vertical words.

Ah, which reminds me, I also went to Little Tokyo yesterday. I went to Kinokuniya Bookstore and planned to buy books about the "Japanese Language Proficiency Test," but the books were expensive. One book is 20~30 dollars... it's amazing.

The test is in December, isn't it? I'll think of something.

See you again ne.



それで、この本を読んでいます。著者はアメリカ人で、外国人として日本語の難しいところを説明してみます。なかなか面白いです。英語を使って、日本語を説明するのはやっぱり面白いです。今「causative form」と「passive form」についてを読んでいます。あ、難しい・・・ しかし、「あ、そうか!」の感じもありますよ。まだ読み終わらないので、続きます。


☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆

Now it's June 7th, 9:15 at night.

It's the first time I've uploaded an image onto Ameblo. The picture is the book I'm reading. For a person studying Japanese, I think Japanese has its difficulties. The grammar and the kanji aren't very easy. I have to use the dictionary or my class notes.

Therefore, I'm reading this book. The author is an American, and as a foreigner, he's trying to explain the difficult parts of Japanese. It's quite interesting. Using English to explain Japanese is of course interesting. Right now, I'm reading about "causative form" and "passive form." Ah, so hard... But, there is also a "Ah, I get it!" kind of feeling. I haven't finished reading it yet, so I'll continue.

A person who understands a language is probably unconscious of various things. If we're speaking about English, I am the same too. (But, English is my major, so I think I have come to understand more about the places I was unconscious about.)