008 - もうすぐ。 | あなたが励ましてくれるから、私以上の私になれる











☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆

Now it's August 5th, 8:02 at night.

I apologize that it has really been a while that I haven't updated. Actually, my personal computer crashed, so I wasn't able to write in my blog. Not to mention, I had a part-time job and class too, so I've been very busy up until now. But, I'm going to take my final exam next week, so I'll do my best~

First of all, to everyone who gave me peta and wrote me comments, thank you very much. I didn't think my blog was very interesting, so when I received the peta and comments, I was surprised and became happy. However, Ameba's Peta Book doesn't save all of the petas, does it? I can no longer see everyone who gave me petas before. But, thank you very much. And, Mina-san, Mai-san, Megane-san, thank you very much for writing comments to me. Hajimemashite and yoroshiku onegaishimasu ne.

Which reminds me, Mina-san and Megane-san, you've written about the mobile version, right? I live in America, so I wonder if I can use the mobile version...?

I don't really understand it, but I found this link.


I don't have a Japanese cell phone, so I probably can't ne... I'm sorry!

I'm changing the subject, but today is my younger brother's birthday. I want to give him a present, but I don't know what he wants, so I wonder if it's okay to just give him money...? Well, he will be able to buy what he likes, so it'll be okay right?

The last thing I want to write about is the JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test)! The registration has already started, but I want to talk with my Japanese teacher first. Among the four levels, which one should I take? Level 4 might be too easy for me, so I think Level 3 or Level 2 is better. I'll do my best~!

Iya... this time has gotten a bit long, hasn't it? There are probably a lot of mistakes, but please don't mind them.

Well then, see you again!