012 - 昨日はいい日でしたが、最後には悲しくなりました。 | あなたが励ましてくれるから、私以上の私になれる

昨日渡辺先生のかわりに松本先生が「日本315」を教えてくれました。日本語部の顧問、柴田先生は松本先生がもう退職したと言いましたが、「日本315」を教えたことがありますから、もう一度は大丈夫と思いました。実は、以前松本先生は他の教科書を使って、全部日本語で授業をしました。今のクラスはGE(General Education)のクラスなので、日本語がぜんぜん分からない学生がいますから、渡辺先生は英語で話します。でも、松本先生は英語がとても上手で、面白いことを話しました。特に、戦国時代のことやその時の大名など。本当に面白かったです。







☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆

Now it's February 5th, 9:44 at night.

Yesterday, Matsumoto-sensei substituted for Watanabe-sensei and taught Japanese 315. The Japanese Department Coordinator, Shibata-sensei said that Matsumoto-sensei had already retired, but he had taught Japanese 315 before, so she thought once more would be okay. Actually, before Matsumoto-sensei used a different textbook and taught the class completely in Japanese. The class right now is a GE (General Education) class, so there are students who don't know any Japanese at all, so Watanabe-sensei speaks in English. But, Matsumoto-sensei's English was very good, and he talked about interesting things. Particularly, the Sengoku Period and the daimyous of that time, etc. It was really interesting.

Watanabe-sensei should return next week!

And, yesterday I could see the results for the test I took last year (JLPT - Japanese Language Proficiency Test) at the website. Level 3, passed! It was my first time taking the JLPT, so I am glad I tried. I want to do my best on Level 2 (maybe Level N3?) this year. I have to study more on kanji and particles though.

Finally, what I've gotten sad over. For the purpose of studying Japanese, I always read Japanese blogs and such. The blogs are Japanese actors' blogs. Yesterday, one of the actors wrote that he will separate from his office and close his blog.

Actually, since before that blog was written, I have admired that actor. His smile encouraged me, and after he started to write in his blog, his words became my strength. I think he's a really kind and sincere person. That blog was like a thread connecting to him. Now, it seems that thread has been cut.

But, he wrote that he might return one day, so I have hope. I'll be waiting no matter how long it takes.

It's mysterious, isn't it... The power of one person...