入院について(大同病院)/ Hospitalization (Daido Hospital) | kyushunotabibitoのブログ
























Talking A Bit More About My Hospitalization (Daido Hospital)


As I told you before, I woke up Daido Hospital, Nagoya City. Of course, I didn't have the slightest idea of what was happening around me, and I didn't know the name of the place I was at. After waking up, I just knew I was being taken care of. After a week or so, I happened to know that I was at Daido Hospital. I didn't know why but I didn't have the energy to care about it. After 2 or 3 days, I happened to know I was not in Chita City where I live, but I was in Nagoya City.


I woke up after having a brain surgery. I had brain bleeding, so basically I had surgery to stitch the rupture in my brain vein and clean a great deal of blood that spread on my skull. It was a very serious surgery, but my savior doctor was used to that, thanks God!


Generally, in Japan, after a stroke or other serious health problem, we spend the acute phase, as they say, in one hospital, and when the patient's situation becomes stable, he or she is transferred to another hospital. This second hospital doesn't handle serious cases and generally is a rehabilitation hospital. At least, that's what happened to me in Nagoya City.


Of course, I didn't know which hospital word I was at. After a few days, I noticed that I was taken for breakfast, lunch, and dinner in a wheelchair. I can't remember what I ate. After a week or so, I regained much of my awareness and I noticed that people in that ward acted a bit strange. There was the "Good-morning-man" who used to tell me good morning maybe 10 or 15 times a day. There was also a lady who refused to eat, was very rude, used to scream out but smiled at me. I have a theory about that but I'll tell you later. There was a man who was so rude and used to talk like a gangster to the nurses. There was another woman who used to talk to the walls.


Even now, I don't know the exact name of the hospital ward I was at. Still, I can say that patients there had psychiatric problems, degenerative diseases like dementia, or recently had their brains operated on. This is at least what I can remember. There was this guy, that I wrote about, and me who were the " most normal" people in the ward, if I may say so... Well, I may not. I don't remember what I did when I was theoretically awake but couldn't remember even 10 consecutive minutes of what I did.


We had the best treatment possible at Daido Hospital! My Savior doctor visited me regularly. We also had very good, very patient, and very kind nurses, but they were very firm when needed. They kept a very sharp routine of medicine administration. We also had a very good, and very well-trained team of physiotherapists, occupational therapists, and speech therapists. The therapists used to pick us up in the bedroom and walk us up to the rehabilitation center. The equipment was the best possible!


I stayed there for almost 3 months. I spent Christmas and 2021 New Year's holidays. We were in the middle of the Covid acute phase. Visitors were not allowed to come into the ward. We could only talk through the glass door, slightly opened. The visitor outside in the patient inside should keep their safe distance from the glass door. My wife and I preferred to talk over the smartphone instead of fighting with other visitors for a place in front of the glass door.


Little white little with 3 months of hospitalization at Daido Hospital I regained my memory and I thought a lot about life in general. It was a very good opportunity to reorganize my thoughts, or what was left of them, and think about how to deal with the situations that I failed to deal with before the stroke. It's because I failed to deal with a few sensitive and critical situations that I probably had a stroke. Well, I dare to say that I am quite sure but who knows?


The time came and I had to leave Daido Hospital. I thought I was going home but I had to go to a second hospital, the West Chita Rehabilitation Hospital. The experience there was... Well, I'll tell you in the next article.