良い友達 / A Good Friend | kyushunotabibitoのブログ


















The hospital was a strange and lonely place for me. After a brain bleeding, I found myself in a hospital room, surrounded by Japanese patients who were recovering from various neurological and psychological disorders. I also spent a quite long time at the ICU for brain surgery because one of my brain’s veins (or arteries?) burst and I had a serious complication: hydrocephaly, which basically means “water on the brain”. I didn’t see or feel anything because I was unconscious.


I was the only non-Japanese patient there, and my ability to communicate was severely limited due to my difficulty in remembering words to express my thoughts.


But then, something changed. I woke up one day to find a friendly face next to mine - a Japanese man who had also undergone brain surgery. We must have been in the ICU at the same time, but we didn’t remember anything. We had an immediate connection. We were kind to each other, even though we struggled with speaking and forming coherent thoughts. It was as if we understood each other on a deeper level, beyond the constraints of language.


As we spent more time together, I discovered that my friend was a good listener. He would patiently listen to my garbled speech and saw me having difficulties with my food, which I had trouble swallowing. I underwent rehabilitation to overcome this challenge, and although I can now swallow without difficulty, I still choke sometimes if I don’t chew food very well.


I asked my friend for his name multiple times, but my memory and writing skills were also impaired. My handwriting was illegible, and I could not read what I had written. However, he was resourceful, and he managed to write down my name and phone number. He promised to call me on a public phone because he didn’t have his own mobile phone. Probably, I missed his calls, because I knew that the missed calls were from a public phone.


My friend's discharge from the hospital left me feeling isolated once again. The other patients in the ward were struggling with various neurological, mental, or psychological illnesses, and I found it difficult to relate to them. After two months in Daido Hospital, I was transferred to Nishi Chita Rehabilitation Hospital, where I spent almost 2 months and a half.


During my stay in the hospital, my thoughts often turned to my friend. I missed his company and the way he had made me feel less alone. If he ever reads this, I want him to know that he made a difference in my life. I hope we can reconnect someday and celebrate our recovery together.