覚醒 (急性期)/ Awakening (Acute Stage) | kyushunotabibitoのブログ













と尋ね、そのドアマンはとても親切に 「まだですよ!」 と答えてくれました。その夢を何度も見たが、ドアマンがいつも同じ人でした。どんな顔をしていたかは覚えていません。何語で喋ていたかわかりません。先ほども言ったように、知覚はなかったのですが、同じ夢を見れば見るほど、パニックになっていました。まあ、全然パニックになれなかったんですけどね。かなり長い時間、鎮静状態にいました。



































I was in an unconscious world, but at times like that, our perception certainly goes crazy. There is no sense of time. I didn't know if I was alive. More than anything else, I wanted an answer.


One thing I clearly remember is that I had the same dream many times. It was crystal clear to me! I was in that dream, and there was a bright light shining straight on me, and I couldn't see what was on the other side of that light. No matter how many times I try to stand up, my body won't move. I could hear voices, but I couldn't see people's faces. It became clear at that time that it was a waiting room. People were called and they talked loudly as one man walked back and forth through a brightly lit door. "Yeah, there's an exit here!"


"Excuse me, is it my turn next?"


The man at the door replied very kindly, 


"Not yet." 


I had that dream many times and the man at the door was always the same person. I don't remember what he looked like. I don’t know the language I spoke. As I said earlier, I didn't have any perception, but the more I had the same dream, the more I panicked. Well, I couldn’t panic at all. I was sedated for quite a long time.


What was interesting is that it was always the same dream.


I kept having the same dream, and my impatience gradually grew, and I decided, 


"I will pass through that door this time!" 


When I was about to go through the door, the same man next to the door quickly put out his hand in front of me, very politely, and said again in a gentle voice, "Not yet! It's not your turn!" I was so frustrated that I couldn't help myself and started screaming in that dream and crying like a child.


In my dreams, I thought, ``I can't go through that door, so I have to go through a different door or exit.'' In my dreams, in order to go around and avoid that door, I tried to escape from prison many times, but the man at the prison gate caught me again and kindly said, 


"It's not your turn yet! It's not!"


I don't know when I woke up. I had no idea if I should wake up, or not. I had no choice but to go with the flow. I had a short dream, and suddenly a hospital doctor was talking to me in that dream. "This is Daido Hospital. You should be fine. Please rest," he told me. I didn't know if it was true or not, I mean, I didn’t know if it was real or not, but for the first time I found out where I was, and from that point on I slept peacefully without dreaming anymore. He was my Savior Doctor, Doctor Tanaka (fictitious name).