現在の健康状況 / My Current Health State | kyushunotabibitoのブログ

















After my discharge from the hospital in April 2021, reality set in, and I was faced with the harsh truth of my current health state. The effects of the brain bleeding had taken a severe toll on my body, leaving my left hand and leg numb.


On hot days, it feels like a furnace, and on cold days, it feels like I was walking on ice. It is a constant reminder of my disability, a carving etched onto my body that I couldn't ignore.


The fear of another brain hemorrhage lingers like a dark cloud over my head. Whenever I experience a headache similar to the onset of the bleeding, my anxiety skyrockets, and I become nervous and afraid. It is like my head is a ticking time bomb, waiting to go off at any moment. I know what might happen if the pain intensifies, and the thought alone is terrifying.


The scar from the stitches on my skull hides under my hair, but I know that someday, it might become visible. However, I don't care. I have been through so much that the thought of a scar doesn't bother me. What does bother me is the numbness that has taken over my body. My left leg felt like it had slept all day, and my left hand felt like it weighed a ton. It is challenging to move around and use a computer, and taking deep breaths is painful.


I was able to walk when I left the hospital, but I injured my left leg soon after, which forced me to rest. However, the prolonged rest only made matters worse, and I could no longer walk. The doctor recommended rehabilitation, and I have been working hard to regain my mobility. Currently, I use a pick-up walker to move around, but I still have a long way to go.


My left leg is divided into several parts, but I can only feel my buttocks and toes. It is like there is nothing between them. The numbness is like being hugged by a giant octopus, and the degree of numbness determines how tightly it embraces me. Sometimes, it feels like the octopus has been drinking and hugging me cruelly, but not tight enough to make me completely numb.


I know that I need to exercise constantly to build my muscles, especially since I am over 50 years old. Even healthy individuals lose muscle strength after this age, let alone someone who had experienced a brain hemorrhage. However, the road to recovery is not easy, and it requires a lot of rehabilitation and an understanding of the after-effects.


As challenging as it is, I am determined to overcome this hurdle and regain my strength. I know that it takes time and effort, but I am willing to do whatever it takes. After all, I have come a long way since that fateful day in the hospital, and I am not going to give up now.