救世主の医師 / My Savior Doctor | kyushunotabibitoのブログ





恐怖と不安の中、田中先生の存在と態度が私を安心させてもらいました。お礼の言葉を探すのに苦労したが、先生は私の心の内を察してくれたようでした。そして、「大丈夫です。ここでお世話になれば、すぐに家に帰れます。ゆっくり休んで、体を治してください "と。












When I opened my eyes, groggy from the anesthesia, Dr. Tanaka (fictitious name) was the first person I saw. He stood at the foot of my hospital bed, exuding a sense of calm and reassurance. With a gentle smile and a soothing voice, he said, "Don't worry. You're at Daido Hospital in Nagoya. You had a brain hemorrhage, but you're going to be okay. We operated on you, and the surgery was successful."


Despite my fear and uncertainty, Dr. Tanaka's presence and demeanor made me feel safe. I struggled to find the words to thank him, but he seemed to understand what was going through my mind. He spoke again, "You're in good hands. We'll take care of you here, and you'll be able to go home soon. Just rest, and let your body heal."


That encounter marked the beginning of my relationship with Dr. Tanaka, the man who would become my savior doctor. Over the next few weeks, he visited me every day, checking on my progress and answering any questions I had. He was always patient and kind, even when I asked the same question multiple times.


As someone who had been living in Japan for a long time and worked as a translator, interpreter, and proofreader using the Japanese language every day, I had no language barriers when talking to Dr. Tanaka. His Japanese was precise and easy to understand, which made our conversations even more reassuring.


When it was time for me to leave the hospital, I felt sad at the thought of leaving Dr. Tanaka behind. But he reassured me that he would still be there for me, even after I left. And true to his word, Dr. Tanaka remained a supportive presence in my life. I saw him for routine check-ups; he was always there to listen to my concerns and answer my questions.


Looking back on my hospitalization, I realized how fortunate I was to have Dr. Tanaka as my doctor. He was a skilled surgeon and a kind and compassionate human being who truly cared about his patients.


In my darkest moments, he was a beacon of hope and a reminder that there are still good people in the world.


As I finished writing this chapter about Dr. Tanaka, a sense of gratitude washed over me. He had been a true angel in my life, and I knew that I would never forget him.