発症の日 / That Day | kyushunotabibitoのブログ



2021年11月27日(土)の朝です。いつものように週末だったので、早起きしてコーヒーを作り、パソコンで作業を始めました。 うちの奥さんは仕事に出かける前に、私とキスをして、パソコン作業していた私を家に残しました。就職活動を始めました。 それが私の朝のルテインでした。


いろいろなウェブサイトを検索している間に、なぜか分からないけど、突然ちょっと頭が痛くなりました。失業中の私にとって頭痛は珍しくなかった。殆ど毎日、朝の7時から夕方の6時まで就活して、疲れて頭痛になるのは、よくありました。問題は、 周りの人に見られているからプレッシャーを感じ始めておりました・・・
























It was the morning of November 27, 2021. As usual, I woke up early, made myself some coffee, and started working on my computer. Before my wife left for work, she kissed me goodbye and left me alone at home. I started my daily journey looking for jobs. That was my morning routine:



While searching various websites, I got a little headache. Well, nothing new: being unemployed, and trying to find a nine-to-five job might give you a few headaches, sometimes. I wasn’t completely bankrupt, I had a few sources of income but they were very modest. You start feeling the pressure from people around you and from people watching you.


My headache got worse.


I, then, opened a snack for myself which was close to me and while typing at the computer, I was trying to imagine where I could get a tablet for my headac…




The headache became so strong that it felt like my head was being split with an ax. Along with that, the cold sweat was flowing like a waterfall, and the intensity of the headache was rapidly rising. When I tried to move and stand up, my left leg didn’t react, so I fell down to the ground. I had no clue why. I’m left-handed, so when I tried to reach my mobile phone on the desk, I didn’t have any success as well because I didn’t feel my left hand. I was barely able to touch my phone with my right hand but I dropped it down.


Then I knew that my left side was … paralyzed!


While panting on the ground, I tried to reach for my mobile phone with my right hand and I could bring it close to me.

My vision was getting somehow blurry.


Then I remembered the position of the numbers and randomly pushed them on the mobile phone screen. I was starting to lose consciousness and I thought I was running out of time. In fact, I made up my mind and I thought my end was near. 


I was going to die…


A film of my life was playing in front of me while I lost consciousness. Although time was short, various scenes came out. While watching the film, I closed my eyes and waited for God to embrace me. That was the end. At that moment the phone rang, it was my wife. She said, “Alex, I’m sorry I couldn’t answer before. What’s wrong?” I can’t remember what I said but didn’t sound normal at all, so she came home as fast as she could. It was less than five minutes from my wife’s workplace to my house by car.


When my wife came home and asked me if I was okay, I looked at her worried face and then entered the unconscious world...