ChatGPTを使った英語トレーニング | コンサルサルのぶろぐ-思考、読書、雑感などを語る




Of course! Here's some feedback on your conversation practice:

1. **Routine Description**: You clearly described your daily routine activities, which is excellent for practicing speaking about everyday topics.
2. **Detail**: You included specific details about your routine, such as the time you wake up, your muscle training, and your evening activities, which made your descriptions more vivid and complete.

**Areas for Improvement:**
1. **Grammar and Sentence Structure**:
   - Instead of "I always do muscle training and also have one glass of water," you could say, "I always do muscle training and have a glass of water."
   - Instead of "I started my job, so I sit down in front of my laptop and checking my email box and write down," you could say, "I start my work by sitting down at my laptop, checking my email, and writing responses."

2. **Consistency in Tense**:
   - Make sure to use consistent tense. For example, "I started my job" should be "I start my job" to match the present tense used in the rest of your routine.

3. **Clarification of Intent**:
   - When you mentioned, "I don't like, you know, checking the Internet, so I'm always doing the Internet," it was a bit unclear. It would be clearer to say, "I don't really like spending time on the Internet, but I often find myself doing it."

Overall, you did a great job communicating your daily routine! Keep practicing, and you'll continue to improve. If you have specific areas you'd like to focus on, let me know!