Summer it is rain to sunny today | Music NGC6302のブログ

Music NGC6302のブログ

Music,Novel,science,universe,Happy time...war...
All regular reflected in everything!~

Recite Shurangama mantra.

















0,To someone:这是谁呢?选秀啦,女孩都来参与啊。立夏啦,筛选了一些新朋友,加入到我的对话中。

1. To "middle":welcome, nice girl. 啊,你坐在我旁邊啊,哈

2024summer在线演说家:我给你很多点赞哦,那时候几乎每天都点赞哦。哎呀,今天終於看到你的更新啦,原來那個弱智平臺不給我推送你的内容啦。哈,開心是發自内心的,你的特點啦。咦!? 被我关注才是幸运的啦,轰隆,幸运之神降临你身边,我啦,一定啦,我会祈祷,念佛啦,你不会啦。生日会祝福和祈祷。那么接下来,你念佛啦。呵呵,太开心啦。看我小说啦。呵呵。讓更多的人閲讀啊,你就給我做廣告啦。哎,你會出版書嗎?日文的,。你看了什麽?開頭太簡單?我這是説明文啦,宇宙説明書啦,



2024summer13:summer, are you ok?  trust?


2024summer派对摩登女郎:Hello, 呵呵,还生气啦?一直关注你啦。是呀,罗马城不是一天建起来的。你就是一个大杂烩,就是一锅粥,就是一团乱麻啊。也许就是丰富多彩啦。你家孩子学了达摩已经洗髓功了吗,这才是时髦啊。噢,你家孩子太小哈。


2. To "energy":OK,现在心干净了吗?就是清空成见,前进。
3. To something:清零了吗??? 


()Winter. 做了一件不被别人和自己证明错对的事情,受挫,偃旗息鼓。骑虎难下。中间。










4, 天打雷劈。你爷爷辈在光天化日之下,在大街上强奸少女。你肯定继承了你爷爷的基因啦。在光天化日之下,干骚扰人的事情。光天化日之下大街上騷擾別人,就會受到別人的清晰詛咒,全家立刻下地獄。


To: Mata katyayani (the six armed tiger riding God believed by Indians)            


I saw an earthquake this morning at 6:04 a.m., with a magnitude of 4.5, and it was 2,000 kilometers to the west. This is because the frequency of the earthquake is transposed, and it is different from the previous one, from frequency A to frequency B. As I said before, sensing earthquakes is the speed of light, and major earthquakes around the world can be perceived, but the signal strength will be different. The strength is greater when the distance is closer, and the intensity will be smaller when the distance is far. Interestingly, yesterday at 12:12 noon in Tokyo, Japan was hit by a 5.1 magnitude earthquake. That's 3,500 kilometers away. Such a prediction is relatively about 3 days in time, which is still accurate. However, the distance is very inaccurate, because the signal will be received at a distance, but there is a slight difference in strength. But the signal is too weak when it is too far away, such as the 7.1 magnitude earthquake in South America on June 28, which was 10,000 kilometers away, and almost nothing was felt before. Some earthquakes were not predicted because there was a signal, but I didn't receive a signal. The funny thing is that there is a Japanese star who wants to see the second episode of my earthquake prediction.
These predictions of earthquakes are all said to be about 1,000 kilometers, but in fact they are all about 2,000 kilometers. Because I'm also exploring, groping for patterns through subtle differences.
So, earthquake prediction is a long-distance 1000-3000 km or so, subtle work.
It has been proven countless times that there is information sent three to ten days before the earthquake, and the time of the earthquake can be predicted by receiving this information. It's as simple as that. It is not clear whether this information was sent from the spirit world.

We continue,
Through a hand-held pendulum experiment, let us know that the concept of our mental meditation will be subtly transmitted to our arms, but we don't know it.
If we continue to inspire and deduce, we will know that inner concepts, thoughts, can influence and guide our behavior.
Continue to deduce, and you will know that it is the environment that forms the inner concept steadily, and it is what happens when you are in love. It's the miracles and the books you see. and the ceremonial things you are involved in.
Continuing to deduce, we take the initiative to plant good thoughts, Buddhas, God, truth, freedom, and service in our hearts, and we are a person who is of great benefit to mankind and the environment. After thirty years, you will inevitably form a powerful aura. Or a field of consciousness that becomes an important part of your life. Incorporate everything around you into your consciousness field and serve you. Therefore, when we meet a person, we first encounter the aura of this person. Particularly powerful aura can act at a distance as far as the opposite side of the Earth, involving the whole globe.
We continue to deduce that the Buddha planted in the heart, any mind, has the effect of being like this: people with the same mind are together, and people with different minds leave each other. We call it the Law of Attraction. This is what we often say: different ways do not conspire with each other. It is also what we say about things gathering like and people grouping.
We continue to deduce, whether there is a God or not, it is not important, important things, your heart is God, and your mind is God. And what God is, that is, we describe the Buddha, God, by learning from them you to build your own inner self God.
As we continue to deduce, God and Himself are unified and reconciled. I don't think there is such a thing as enlightenment or enlightenment. Through our nature, natural expression is fine. Time flies, time flies, and the establishment of these thoughts will have a natural wisdom after 30 years.

The above 7 aspects are the deduction process of our handbill pendulum experiment. As can be seen, this is hierarchical, which naturally gives rise to strategy. You have to understand that, then you are enlightened.

I've heard people on the Internet mention the ten conditions for enlightenment, and these ten conditions are put forward by a mongrel, an animal, a beast. This thing is the three ancestors of the Zen Dharma Eye Sect, I scolded this thing as hellish rotten, inhumane, lost heavenly principles, pigs and dogs are inferior, crooked seeds in the world, demons. After the second ancestor Hui Ke is enlightened, he can enter the brothel every day and live happily. I think I can scold this third ancestor of the Dharma Eye Sect as a villain in the Buddha realm, a scumbag. The ten conditions he put forward are the ten conditions for the Buddha realm to become a demon. It can be seen from this that the ancients were all beasts, bad breeds, and this kind of scum was exhausted.

By taking the initiative to plant the mind that is beneficial to people, plant good roots, and do not destroy people's good roots. Then this thought is slowly expressed through its own system of behavior, and becomes the source of all opportunities and strength. Obviously, humanity hasn't quite done it yet, however, it's pretty much it. Otherwise, it is rare for everyone to become more successful and more experienced with age. But in fact, the experience of the elderly is infinite. For example, a White House spokesman emphasized this characteristic of the current US president.
The average life expectancy is longer, and the wisdom is higher. The average life expectancy of ancient people was about 30 years. But now the average life expectancy in the world has reached more than 70 years. The average life expectancy in Japan is over 80 years. It can be seen that the modern wisdom of mankind crushes the wisdom of the ancients. There is a basis for longevity.

Of course, in these seven deductions, we see a fact, and thus build a human social system with this fact.
The current human system, that is, first agriculture, then infrastructure, then communication, then industry, trade, is probably framed by this logic.
However, when we understand the workings of human consciousness, we also understand the workings of human society.
First of all, these seven deductions establish a level for us, a level based on the mind. This forms the basic structure of human social management, first of all, Buddha, Christian God, Islam, Catholicism, because these are the study of the mind, the study of human consciousness. This is one of the reasons why Western civilization prevails, with the presence of God. And it's a pure mental system. The Oriental system has been detached from the mental system, but the coordination and combination of the mental system and the objective world. That is to say, most of them still talk about the external world, including Confucius and Lao Tzu, which are not pure mental systems. And God is a pure system of mind, love and light, which has been passed down for more than 2,000 years, giving rise to a great modern scientific civilization. And continue to play its role and law.

It was further discovered that the mental system has an important role and law not only in the real world, but also in the spiritual world. This is the world that began with Swedenborg's Travelogue to the Spirit World. Three hundred years later, a class of scientists who explored the spiritual realm appeared represented by Professor Li Sishuo. And the ten laws of reality and fiction have been formed.
The mental system bears abundant fruits. Generations have driven the development of humanity.

It can be seen that the mental system is the bottom of human society, and what kind of mental system there is, what kind of society there is, which has greatly promoted the progress of human society.
That's why we should take Buddha, Christianity, Catholicism, and Islam as the first level of human beings. Then with economic development, as the second level of humanity; War and force as the third level of humanity; With the people's democracy, freedom, and equality, it is determined to be the bottom of human society. The source of this principle is the handbag pendulum experiment. Let us know the different levels of this truth and this mechanism, which arise at once.

Now that there is a clear hierarchy, it is natural that there will be a strategic structure. We know which of the levels in this series is the key level and which is the important level. Thus re-establishing the structure, the blueprint of human civilization.

With this blueprint and the structure of human civilization, we are naturally clear about the position and positioning of other important matters in human society.
For example, if you have this architecture, it is the 7 that I proposed to continue to deduce. You will find that the dominance of science has changed, and the underlying logic that dominates human society is not science, but the seven deductions of this mental system. Because subjective consciousness in the field of science is always the opposite of objective facts. And now it is found that human society is established by these seven deductions. What kind of socialist society is not in this series of deductions at all. If it is established correctly, you will find that the others are somewhat skewed and do not fit into this fundamental law and structure.

When you discover the truth of this world. You will find that the original so-called truth is all false.
But the universe is still consistent on the greatest scale.
We have discovered that the mental system has dominated human society from now on. Because we have discovered the secret of the core functioning of human society. However, we have also studied quantum systems from science. And the mind is consciousness, in fact, it is quantum consciousness. Therefore, the pinnacle of human science, the quantum concept system, has exactly the same law as the seven deductions of the mental system that we have discovered. They are all phenomena and laws of the quantum world.

If you see the quantum world and the mental world, if you can have an epiphany, you will reach the height of what we know now. However, the concept of quantum has been around for a century. No one has yet had an epiphany, but now through our discovery and analysis, we have restored the original laws of the operation of the world and human society. Oh, it turns out that society works like this, through the mind to the action, from the action to the goal. All kinds of non-human goals are achieved because you have such an incorrect mental system. The world is now colorful. There are also many large and small disasters, and it is because of the passivity of this mind that it is actively formed. To make the world beautiful, free, just, equal, and settled, then we must know this set of methods and theories. I think your heart will be completely absorbed when I tell you about it today. for it was converted. This is the essence, this is nature, this is mindfulness, and the human mind will easily absorb these things. It's like your mouth and stomach absorb honey easily.
Understanding the essence of the development of human society will naturally equip everyone with an upgraded cognitive system, a new mental system. Thus the whole human race jumps.
This is the strategy of our human beings, first of all, to upgrade people's own mental system, and other systems will be optimized and improved. So reading my book became an important step in human progress.
10:59 2024-07-05

今天早上我看到了一次地震 时间6:04,震级4.5级,距离却在西边2000公里外。因为这次地震频率是转调的,不同于以往,从A频率转移到B频率。之前也说了,感知地震这是光速的,全球的大地震都可以感知到,只是信号强度会不同罢了。距离近了强度大些,距离远了,强度会小。有趣的事情,昨天中午12:12日本东京发生5.1级地震。这在3500公里之外了。这样的预测,在时间上是相对来说3天左右,还是准确的。但是,距离上就十分不准确了,因为距离远近都会收到信号,只是强度有微弱的差别罢了。但是太远了信号太微弱了,比如这次南美6月28日的7.1级地震,在一万公里之外,之前几乎没有什么感觉。有些地震没有预测到,因为有信号,但是我没有收到信号。之所以有趣,就是有个日本明星她希望看到我的地震预测第二集。











10:59 2024-07-05