Summer it is cloudy today | Music NGC6302のブログ

Music NGC6302のブログ

Music,Novel,science,universe,Happy time...war...
All regular reflected in everything!~

Recite Shurangama mantra.

















0,To someone:这是谁呢?选秀啦,女孩都来参与啊。立夏啦,筛选了一些新朋友,加入到我的对话中。

1. To "middle":welcome, nice girl. 啊,你坐在我旁邊啊,哈

2024summer在线演说家:我给你很多点赞哦,那时候几乎每天都点赞哦。哎呀,今天終於看到你的更新啦,原來那個弱智平臺不給我推送你的内容啦。哈,開心是發自内心的,你的特點啦。咦!? 被我关注才是幸运的啦,轰隆,幸运之神降临你身边,我啦,一定啦,我会祈祷,念佛啦,你不会啦。生日会祝福和祈祷。那么接下来,你念佛啦。呵呵,太开心啦。看我小说啦。呵呵。讓更多的人閲讀啊,你就給我做廣告啦。哎,你會出版書嗎?日文的,。你看了什麽?開頭太簡單?我這是説明文啦,宇宙説明書啦,



2024summer13:summer, are you ok?  trust?


2024summer派对摩登女郎:Hello, 呵呵,还生气啦?一直关注你啦。是呀,罗马城不是一天建起来的。你就是一个大杂烩,就是一锅粥,就是一团乱麻啊。也许就是丰富多彩啦。你家孩子学了达摩已经洗髓功了吗,这才是时髦啊。噢,你家孩子太小哈。


2. To "energy":OK,现在心干净了吗?就是清空成见,前进。
3. To something:清零了吗??? 


()Winter. 做了一件不被别人和自己证明错对的事情,受挫,偃旗息鼓。骑虎难下。中间。










4, 天打雷劈。你爷爷辈在光天化日之下,在大街上强奸少女。你肯定继承了你爷爷的基因啦。在光天化日之下,干骚扰人的事情。光天化日之下大街上騷擾別人,就會受到別人的清晰詛咒,全家立刻下地獄。


To: Mata katyayani (the six armed tiger riding God believed by Indians)            


We look at the global economic development model, and then we can see the level of economic development. The first level is infrastructure, commodity processing; the second floor, then the factories, attract foreign investment; The third layer, management and all-round development, earns a lot of money; The fourth layer, after which the capital is operated, investing domestically and internationally; The fifth layer, the global unified currency, is uniformly allocated by AI, investing in the world, and the war disappears. Sixth, AI is deeply involved to achieve a unified global energy supply. With the unified supply of food, human beings have embarked on the direction of the development model of the planet Fruit. In the seventh layer, while the global economy is developing, it is also developing towards Mars and Venus. It's an extension of the planet's economy.

You will find that as soon as human beings appear on Mars, they will be supplied with energy and food. It is a global cooperation of the earth. and not the development of the national model. For example, the current exploration of the Earth's Antarctic is still a national model, and each country has an Antarctic research station, which is not uniform. It is gratifying to see that the International Space Station is still the result of the cooperation of many countries. Embodies the future lunar base, as well as the model of the development of Mars and Venus.
It can be seen that the exploration of the Moon, Mars, and Venus still requires global cooperation. Because of the limitations of each country, the development is local, so the moon base and Mars base are not the intellectual achievements of all mankind. Clearly, the risks of such single-country exploration are greater than those of global cooperation.
Although this is only a subtle difference, in fact, the wisdom of various countries in the world is the wisdom of the whole world, which is the comprehensive response to the risks of human exploration of outer space. For example, the space station is haunted, which is a difficult problem to solve. Global cooperation is easy to solve.

With this level, you will see the development strategies of various countries around the world. Try to develop quickly, then it is to introduce capital. For example, the development of Russia and North Korea now requires the introduction of foreign capital, including technology, management, human resources, and so on. Otherwise, they are in a backward stage, always thinking about starting a war and fighting for the interests of the country. The era of the state has been scientifically proven to belong to the past tense, and now it is the era of human beings with global cooperation.

Backward on the one hand, lagging behind on all fronts. Unable to keep up with global development, it is falling behind step by step. Contradictions accumulate and war breaks out. This is the pattern of development in Russia for almost 30 years. In retrospect, the issue of Crimea was a strategic turning point in which national interests were seen, but not global ones. We fail to see that economic development is the way and the way to solve all problems.
We have also seen that for the sake of national interests, 70 years ago, a war of unification was launched, and now it belongs to the loser mode. The economy is backward, the ideology is backward, domestic and international contradictions are accumulating, and they are ready to start a war, but launching a war will not solve the problem. This is North Korea. Only economic development can solve all problems. However, it was not possible to bring in capital.

The best economic model, in the capital operation stage, so that it can be invested in any sector. There is also a lot of freedom of choice. But can every country do capital operations? If the country has been developing economically for 30 years, it has more or less already accumulated capital, and it has also reached the stage of capital operation. National investment is already evident in the construction of high-speed rail, the development of new infrastructure. There is no shortage of money at all.

If you compare it, you will find that it is definitely problematic to follow the national strategy. It is clear that Russia and North Korea are following the model of national strategy. In fact, it was a failure.
We must follow an international strategy. The cornerstone of the international strategy is economic development. To develop the economy, it is necessary to put aside national territorial disputes and the incident of national reunification. Towards an international model. Towards globalization, weaken the nature of the country, and promote the awareness of globalization. Global awareness is about growing the economy. Through our blueprint for globalization, currency unification, etc., we can see the negative role of the state here. If there is no global level, and a strategy, then there will be no negative aspects of the countries that you recognize, and now it is clearer. So the hierarchy and strategy can build a blueprint for human wisdom. The most fundamental aspect of solving human problems is that people are easy to recognize.
If you don't have a global economic development level and strategy, then you can't see clearly the limitations and pitfalls of the current national strategy, as well as the negativity.

In the same way, we analyze the Middle East in a hierarchical and strategic way.
Israel, the Jews are well-known operators of capital, and the reason why they have so many problems and wars is because they cling to the concept of the state, and do not touch the concept of humanity, that is, only at the national level, they do not see globalization.
Therefore, they use the function of the state vigorously, but they have no understanding of the trend of globalization. It's because they don't separate the levels, they don't see the relationship between the global level and the national level. and the strategies and directions of action that emerge from this level.
Knowing this international level and the national level, we can see that Israel's unilateral development of the economy of the Israeli state, while the economic development of the Palestinian blockade, which provides them with land, is actually not in line with the level and strategy. They have endless friction, hatred, revenge, war just because of the proximity. Completely tied to the concept of the state. It is impossible to break free from the national consciousness and conceptual system. Nor can we see international peace. It is because they have not yet seen the international level, the international strategy.

In fact, this is a kind of national wisdom, which does not see the level at all, and at the national level, there is also international development. The core of international development is economic development. You will see that the contact of modern human countries, in addition to the economy, is war. That is, state-to-state relations, that is, economic and trade relations. In addition to this, there is scientific collaboration. It doesn't matter anymore. Are you enlightened? Oh, it turns out that international relations do not involve agriculture, nor industry, but only economic trade, especially trade relations. Birth, old age, sickness and death do not involve international relations, they are all domestic relations. There is also scientific cooperation, such as the International Space Station.
Therefore, Israel's blockade of the economy of the State of Palestine is also problematic. It's actually a trap. National traps. In other words, the Middle East is actually caught in the trap of the state. Everyone thinks that the state is very good, and the state functions well. However, at the global level, we will find that the essential problem of many countries is also the negative function and role of the state. For example, nations are born out of war. Thinking that war is the solution to all the problems of the country. This is the negative function and role of the state.

However, if we stand at the international level, we will find that there is an international community above the original country. There are also state relations. If we stand in the international blueprint I described, monetary unity, you will find that the country actually has a lot of problems, a lot of negative properties and functions.
Therefore, I put forward that the essence of international relations, state-to-state relations, must be based on economic development, otherwise, how can we talk about international relations? International relations are trade exchanges, scientific and technological exchanges. Domestic problems cannot be solved, and international relations are even more difficult.
When we see this level, we know that our Middle East strategy is to develop the economy, and when the economy develops, all problems have been solved. But now we see that it is not according to this level and strategy. There is only hatred.
Do you want to solve the Israeli-Palestinian problem? Then it is necessary to stand at the international level and see the relationship between the national level and the international level. This gives rise to a strategy, which is to develop the economy.
If we want to develop the economy, we can't blockade Palestine, we have to bring in capital. I think it's easy to bring in capital. From another system, this is also a good cause.

Only if the economy is developed, then all problems can be solved. Territorial disputes, as well as national security and war, will not solve the problem.

So how can such a great hatred be lifted? Read my article, understand this truth, and stand at this height. There are levels, there is also a strategy, and the implementation of the strategy is to implement specific matters.

So, hierarchy and strategy are the solution to all the problems on the planet. In particular, the system of methods for solving international problems.

And to open the layer, it is necessary to have a holistic concept of human beings and the entire universe, which comes from many alien travelogues to alien planets. Although travelogues are considered to be written, their actual role can be used to construct the hierarchy of human beings. Obviously, these travelogues of alien planets are not fake. It's just that your understanding of the problem is still very limited, and it is at a low level.

In order to raise the level of your understanding, it is necessary to contact and study all the phenomena that exist in the entire human race and the entire universe without distinction and prejudice, and follow up and study them for a long time. And I did that. But scientists have hardly done so. Because they have prejudices. These are all habits of human society.
To get rid of this stereotype, then you have to be enlightened, not to be tied up by anything, not to depend on anything, to start from scratch and to make the right judgment. It's so simple to say, you understand, you can say enlightened. But it's hard to do, it's hard for you to do it, for example, you don't know the true face of Lushan, just because you are in this mountain. You can't be independent of anything, but if you are independent, you will be enlightened. It's a little bit, little by little accumulation.

To achieve enlightenment, I have come up with eight types of methods. It is centered on the concentration and Dharma Yijin marrow washing work. Realize that there is almost no one on the planet here. But after I explain it, you will also understand and absorb.

In this way, it is easy for us to understand the level of a thing, and we will also know the level of cosmic wisdom and the level of cosmic civilization. These are all on the earth, so I won't call them out. But what is on the earth, you have prejudices and preconceived ideas. Therefore, if you break these preconceptions, you will also come into contact with the civilization and wisdom of the universe.

The framework I've built is clear. These articles are best printed in the psyche. In this way, the mechanism of the hand-held pendulum and the psychological idea ultimately determine the development trend of human society. As a result, the thread of my two-line discourse for some time has been intertwined. The combination of mind and science is the law of quantum science.
12:14 2024-07-06

















12:14 2024-07-06