Summer it is sunny today | Music NGC6302のブログ

Music NGC6302のブログ

Music,Novel,science,universe,Happy time...war...
All regular reflected in everything!~

Recite Shurangama mantra.

















0,To someone:这是谁呢?选秀啦,女孩都来参与啊。立夏啦,筛选了一些新朋友,加入到我的对话中。

1. To "middle":welcome, nice girl.

2024summer在线演说家:我给你很多点赞哦,那时候几乎每天都点赞哦。哎呀,今天終於看到你的更新啦,原來那個弱智平臺不給我推送你的内容啦。哈,開心是發自内心的,你的特點啦。咦!? 被我关注才是幸运的啦,轰隆,幸运之神降临你身边,我啦,一定啦,我会祈祷,念佛啦,你不会啦。生日会祝福和祈祷。那么接下来,你念佛啦。呵呵,太开心啦。看我小说啦。呵呵。讓更多的人閲讀啊,你就給我做廣告啦。哎,你會出版書嗎?日文的,



2024summer13:summer, are you ok?  trust?


2024summer派对摩登女郎:Hello, 呵呵,还生气啦?一直关注你啦。是呀,罗马城不是一天建起来的。你就是一个大杂烩,就是一锅粥,就是一团乱麻啊。也许就是丰富多彩啦。你家孩子学了达摩已经洗髓功了吗,这才是时髦啊。噢,你家孩子太小哈。


2. To "energy":OK,现在心干净了吗?就是清空成见,前进。
3. To something:清零了吗??? 哎,遇到了弱智的翻譯。你的褲子也太破了吧


()Winter. 做了一件不被别人和自己证明错对的事情,受挫,偃旗息鼓。骑虎难下。中间。










4, 天打雷劈。你爷爷辈在光天化日之下,在大街上强奸少女。你肯定继承了你爷爷的基因啦。在光天化日之下,干骚扰人的事情。光天化日之下大街上騷擾別人,就會受到別人的清晰詛咒,全家立刻下地獄。


To: Mata katyayani (the six armed tiger riding God believed by Indians)            


By analyzing the strategic structure of the universe, we have formed the strategic pattern of human development on Earth. Here we have a central topic. I extract it, and that's all about hierarchy and strategy.
Obviously, many countries now have their own national development strategies. But there are no levels.
Therefore, I propose that first of all, the structure of human civilization needs to be hierarchical, and then a strategy should be formed on this basis. In fact, after having a hierarchy, the strategy will naturally have.

The strategy for economic development in many countries is as follows. development of infrastructure, including racial equality, English as the language, basic security at the national borders; develop the agricultural industry and gradually upgrade; The introduction of capital, low tax rate, which is the core of the development of the economic strategy, all kinds of enterprises and companies around the world to settle in, bring high-tech, excellent management technology; a highly self-disciplined social government management system; develop its own economic extension system based on its own geographical and mineral resource characteristics; control of the financial sector to achieve stability of prices, interest rates and exchange rates; After that, use the money earned to invest in yourself and eventually globally, embark on the road of capital operation, invest in stocks, financial bonds, enter the foreign exchange market, and share the risk equally.

This is also Singapore's development strategy and model. I think that's how any economy would go. So, I guess that's the blueprint for the development of the three newly created cantons of Ukra as special economic zones. The prominence of these three states is itself a kind of restlessness, perhaps seeing the development of the surrounding areas, not being willing to accept their own backwardness, and reflecting their differences through a form of war, in the end it is necessary to raise the status of these three states too high and let them develop freely. Presumably, this is the essence of the war between Ukla and Russia, and the underlying intentions.

It has to be said that the global financial turmoil of 2008. The storm came from a gold forecast chart circulating on the Internet. It's about a half-year forecast cycle. In fact, after half a year, the chart of gold is in perfect agreement with this forecast. Therefore, at the very beginning, after people realized the accuracy of the prediction of this chart, a large amount of money entered the international market, invested according to the forecast chart, and finally earned a lot of money. And it was for this reason that eventually led to the global financial crisis. And this forecast map is drawn by myself and posted on the Internet.
It can be seen that in the financial market, the accuracy of forecasts has brought profits to some countries, but it has brought global financial turmoil and financial crisis. As for who made the money this time, it was the country that saw this forecast map. Singapore has survived the crisis with minimal impact.

From this microcosm, we can also see the model of economic development of any country in the world. Finally, embark on the road of capital operation. Many countries in Europe are on this road of capital operation. But you must know that in this world, the first to embark on the road of capital operation were the Jews. Jewish money is invested all over the globe. This is an area worth studying.
Moreover, we have already seen that various multinational companies that have been developing for 30 years have basically embarked on the road of capital operation.

Therefore, we have seen the economic level of human beings from economic development, and thus we have also seen the strategy of economic development. In particular, the introduction of funds is called the key link, which can quickly improve the country's economic development and set up an advanced pattern for the country's economic development.

But when it comes to capital operation, you will find that there is no difference between commodities, no difference between industries, no differences between regions and countries, you can all invest and make money.
For example, one of the most lucrative areas right now is rocket launches. At the same time, we also see that the investment in AI has also passed a period of ambiguity, and we don't know when the investment in AI will make money, but now we have seen that OpenAI has been realized.
That is, when embarking on the road of capital operation, which field makes more money, which field will be invested. It's a businessman's instinct.

The development of some ancient technologies and tangible cultural heritage. For example, investment and development, entering the meditation hall, Kunming already has; Investment and development, Dharma Yijin Washing Gym.

But why do you need to invest, and printing your own money doesn't constitute an investment? For example, the introduction of capital has become an important part of economic development, and the slow economic development of many countries is due to the lack of capital introduction. But why don't these countries print their own money and invest themselves? The National Central Bank could definitely print more money.
I did an internet search on these issues and found that a country prints more currency, which devalues its currency and triggers inflation. It's just that money is worthless. More currencies to buy the same commodity. Therefore, the amount of money in circulation and the total value of goods in society are the same. If the currency is exceeded, the money is worthless. Because money is not a commodity, just an equivalent exchange. It is easy to circulate and buy.

Then foreign investment money into the country is basically the same as printing their own currency. However, when foreign capital enters the country, it can have more foreign exchange reserves, which is different from printing money by its own central bank. Moreover, investment, or the introduction of capital, these include advanced management, materials, technology, and talents. It's not about introducing banknotes.

I have another question, foreign exchange reserves, can't I increase the amount of foreign exchange reserves myself? The central bank account is 1,000, and it is changed to 100 million, what is the difference, because the central bank prints money, why can't it print foreign exchange? I searched the Internet, and I really didn't have the answer to this question. Isn't it reaching a global height again?
Foreign exchange is the foreign currency earned from exporting goods, such as the US dollar, the Japanese yen, and so on. Presumably, the money of other countries, it is not possible to print foreign exchange by yourself, right? I don't have that power. If you have this power, it will also cause inflation, so you have to fight an international lawsuit. Hahaha

As we can see, there is a level involved here. Why don't you use the same currency in the world? In the European zone, there is the euro. Why is there no Earth Coin in the world? It seems that only AI has the answer to this question. Humanity can't give an answer right now. To realize the globalization of global economy and trade, then to achieve currency unification, this is the future direction. Easy to exchange items. However, now that electronic money has appeared, will it become an electronic currency in the future? First of all, there is a globally recognized electronic currency, the earth currency, which has an exchange rate, and then the earth electronic currency is used to replace the national electronic currency. At a certain moment on a certain day, the price of the national commodity can be instantly changed to the price of the earth's electronic currency. All private accounts will be converted to Earth Currency at the same time. Thus achieving the unification of global currencies into one currency. At this time, there was probably no word for foreign exchange. The fast global network system is the basis for the operation of Earthcoin.

This is also the process of globalization. This is human strategy. It's not a national strategy anymore.
Therefore, we see that human beings should talk about levels, especially in the economic field, and the highest level is capital operation. And the currencies of the world are not uniform. Unified into Earth Coin. Strengthen global communication and exchange. And this process is a process of close cooperation among all countries. It embodies what a new era of the earth should look like.

The currency is unified into Earth Coin. Then the development of various fields is also global. For example, the country is required by globalization to become a multi-party system. If that doesn't happen, stop the inflow of money. The development of each province and state benefits from global participation in management, and whoever manages well will be on the job. Or thanks to the participation of global AI.
The ID card becomes a global ID card, and of course it is the result of global cooperation, and so on. In this way, the global management of AI can be realized, and the large model can play a good role. Improving human efficiency.
The school became, the standard model of all types. Every student can have an AI teacher to teach students according to their aptitude, discover talents and recommend talents; The school popularizes the eight categories of enlightenment methods. There are all corners of the global Ikisai Hall. Training courses for special functions, institutionalized, are equipped in all schools. Global travel programs and funds, in which everyone participates, travel at public expense.

After these elements are complete. We have seen the establishment of a global investment system for finance. Let the capital flow to the places where it is most needed, so that the people of the earth, everyone is protected by the global civilization.
In the process, you will find that there is no shadow of war. Both management and currency can be involved globally, so where does the money for the war come from? Could it be that Russia is now saying to the global central banks, give me some money, I'm going to invade Ukraine, this has become an international joke in the future.
10:59 2024-07-04















10:59 2024-07-04