Summer it is rain today | Music NGC6302のブログ

Music NGC6302のブログ

Music,Novel,science,universe,Happy time...war...
All regular reflected in everything!~

Recite Shurangama mantra.

















0,To someone:这是谁呢?选秀啦,女孩都来参与啊。立夏啦,筛选了一些新朋友,加入到我的对话中。

1. To "middle":welcome, nice girl.

()Winter. 做了一件不被别人和自己证明错对的事情,受挫,偃旗息鼓。骑虎难下。中间。

2024summer在线演说家:我给你很多点赞哦,那时候几乎每天都点赞哦。哎呀,今天終於看到你的更新啦,原來那個弱智平臺不給我推送你的内容啦。哈,開心是發自内心的,你的特點啦。咦!? 被我关注才是幸运的啦,轰隆,幸运之神降临你身边,我啦,一定啦,我会祈祷,念佛啦,你不会啦。生日会祝福和祈祷。那么接下来,你念佛啦。呵呵,太开心啦。看我小说啦。呵呵。讓更多的人閲讀啊,你就給我做廣告啦。哎,你會出版書嗎?日文的,



2024summer13:summer, are you ok?  trust?


2024summer派对摩登女郎:Hello, 呵呵,还生气啦?一直关注你啦。是呀,罗马城不是一天建起来的。你就是一个大杂烩,就是一锅粥,就是一团乱麻啊。也许就是丰富多彩啦。你家孩子学了达摩已经洗髓功了吗,这才是时髦啊。噢,你家孩子太小哈。


2. To "energy":OK,现在心干净了吗?就是清空成见,前进。
3. To something:清零了吗???背景音樂是明天見。哪個明天啊,姑娘和尚!~








4, 天打雷劈。你爷爷辈在光天化日之下,在大街上强奸少女。你肯定继承了你爷爷的基因啦。在光天化日之下,干骚扰人的事情。光天化日之下大街上騷擾別人,就會受到別人的清晰詛咒,全家立刻下地獄。


To: Mata katyayani (the six armed tiger riding God believed by Indians)            


Through a small pendulum experiment, we unveiled the relationship between our physical behavior and our mental concepts. Of course, this is only a preliminary exploration.
There are two explanations, one is that when you have a certain label concept in your mind, your behavior system also behaves as a certain label concept until it is consistent. The other is that you have been in your heart for a long time because of a certain label concept, and since then you have formed your own consciousness field, or what we often call an aura. For example, we always say that this person's aura is very strong. These auras will affect the people around them.
That is, the same thing, the concept, the difference between the primary and the advanced. Of course, you'll find that the two are completely different. High-level, celebrities can always influence hundreds of thousands of die-hard fans. So the fourth launch of the starship is epic for mankind, but its skew is also epic. This is only the elementary level, if it is advanced, it means that it can form an epic skew, and there must be an epic evil center that dominates the occurrence of these things. Because it's not an accident, it's not a coincidence, it's a necessity. If there is no evil, this is a different story entirely, like Boeing.

There is probably a third situation, which is similar to supernatural powers. For example, as we usually know, the mind bends the spoon. It's time to go to the spirit realm. Changing the physical state of the physical phenomena in the spiritual realm, the physical state of the physical phenomena in the real world is also changed. This is to directly change the objective world with consciousness. Directly opposite to science. For example, if you go to the spiritual world and let a person's fracture be connected, then the person's bone in the real world will naturally be connected, okay. If you cut a piece of wire in the spirit world, then the wire in the real world will also break. Because every real-world object has a relative virtual object in the spirit world.

So, we did a single pendulum experiment, and the meaning is deep. Of course, you can make a single pendulum fixed to an object, such as a table, a chair, and then you mentally meditate, swing left and right, or back and forth, to see if the pendulum will change the direction of the swing. I just did this experiment, and the result is that the mind can't change the direction of a pendulum. However, this does not apply to those with special functions. It is easier to bend the spoon and change direction with a single pendulum.
But with a single pendulum in your hand, your mental mind can change the direction of the pendulum. I succeeded in doing this experiment.

Of course, some people say that the earth is spherical and rotating, so a single pendulum will always change direction, and of course this will take several hours, far more than 5 minutes. This law is not the law we are going to talk about today.
The law we want to talk about is when you have any concept in your heart, whether it is active or passive; Those who know, those who don't; Subconscious, or conscious. will affect your behavioral system, so that your behavioral system is consistent with your mental concept system. And not the other way around. Explain the concept of mental thinking, very, very subtle effects on my body, on my behavior. Or act on every cell in your body. Through the meridians, of course. Generally, the meridians are 24 hours and circulate for a week. So a lot of things, you have one night, the next day you understand, this is how the meridians work. The same is true for a lot of other things, and the decision made after a day or two is the right one. It was definitely not right at the time, with a deviation.

Therefore, each other is born from the heart. When you see a person's appearance and behavior, you can know what the person thinks psychologically, or what the subconscious is. So look at the phase to predict your future, which is determined by the law represented by this single pendulum. That's right, looking at physiognomy, that is, there is also a scientific truth. As soon as I said this, everyone began to look at my face. Hehe. When I encountered this problem for the first time in my life, I thought about how to control this appearance. Or just do the most direct way to hide the Buddha in your mind. Let your faith hide great wisdom. Focus on human beings and the advanced creatures of the universe. Perhaps, suddenly, some people's hearts will brighten up and become enlightened. Oh, that's Buddhism. This is faith in God.

Of course, everyone also knows that I have been practicing a kung fu for nearly 30 years, although I don't know it, I only recently learned that it has become extremely powerful, which is a label that others have put on me: really, I am blind. said that this person described himself back then, but the words were given to me. So you see, when the people around me see me, they instinctively appear to be blind. Can't see me. And the influence has reached the other side of the world. Covered the evil aura of those people.
I analyzed it, and this label, although it is not good, is still relatively neutral. It's not a bad thing. Just expressed the person opposite me, manifested as blind behavioral traits and psychological traits. So think about it, those who come into contact with me are covered by my powerful aura. It's a bit of a blind man touching an elephant.

If back then, I didn't hear this sentence, but how handsome you are. You're such a capable man. Then I'm going to be completely different now. So love can make a person successful, but when it comes to shrews and, probably they don't know these things. Nor have they used these principles positively. Therefore, parents must say positive things to their children. If it is negative, it can only be formed, the shackles of the original family. However, since childhood, if you feel that some people look down on you and do not speak, then you will naturally form a positive energy in your mind and break through the perception of this person who looks down on you. So, the most important thing is how you think and how you deal with these things. There are some things that you don't want to deal with, but they are planted in your heart. So, I will now say to the girl I met back then: You are blind, but my eyes are bright and lead the way to light up the world.

And you will find that everyone has encountered such things more or less in their lives, when they were young, so you must say loudly to yourself, I am a capable person, and I will definitely have a positive impact on the world. Don't say I want to succeed, because success is too small and easy to succeed. I must say why I succeeded, capable people, people who lead mankind forward. I hope that every child will have to deal with these things psychologically. And you can't acquiesce, or ignore it.

It reminds me of a recent incident that happened at the beginning of 2023. I registered on a social network, and I was able to register and upload a photo of myself. However, the social networking company, which was bound to go out of business, told me that it must be verified, otherwise after 30 days, your account will be permanently closed. But after 30 days, my photos were permanently sealed. This may affect things in 2023. I only got back today. So, from that time on, I said to this big online social company in my heart, your company will go out of business, forever. Those pictures of mine will be seen by everyone in the world.
After that, on the same day, I took a photo and posted it on another network because someone needed it. You can see it right now. I feel disgraced. hehe

Another thing, when I first went online, I went to the Internet café to play, and two little boys, 7 or 8 years old, said let's play online games together. The first time I played, a networked game of gunfights. At first, I was behind the wall, and then they were behind the wall, and they jumped up and watched, and then I was shot and died. At that time, the two boys looked at me, gray, full of fear, or they were caught by me and wilted. I know that they shot me with a gun in the game, and I saw the strong me in front of me, the inner activity. Inability to adapt properly. If you know that, they won't play anymore. I said it's okay, it's the game. The two little boys left immediately. I think this is the first time they've encountered this kind of psychological situation when playing this game.
Of course, it seems that this kind of game, especially the first time to play, has also had an impact. I didn't play games before, and I don't play games now. That time was just an attempt. I think I'm still alive. And the vitality is getting stronger and stronger.

Actually, I didn't like to play games since I was a child, especially poker. Because playing the game, you will always fail due to bad luck. How normal do you think this is? But I pay more attention to these things, because it is the effect on the psyche. It can be seen that I have realized since I was a child that the inner things are powerful, and it is not easy to have unwanted results in the inner world. Some people say that this is a game, but I think it has a psychological impact, which is more powerful than playing a game, and this is not a game. Am I different from all of you since I was a child?

Of course, I'm going to give an example to illustrate that this pendulum experiment, the concept of the mind, will always affect every cell in your body. Maybe I've had this subconscious since I was a kid.

So what does this have to do with what we are talking about planting good causes and evil causes? A thought of good is good, and a thought of evil is evil. This affects your body's cellular system, and through your body's cells, it affects your language system, because the language system is the vibration of your throat muscles. It will inevitably affect your other musculatures, such as the muscular system of your behavioral system.

Therefore, the causes of kindness are all because through one's own mind, and then affect one's own world and environment. Therefore, in order to live a free and beautiful life, such as in the Middle East, everyone needs to learn to plant good causes from the top to the bottom. Refuse to plant evil causes.

So. I said so again. Some people will say that there are too many because of and so in your article, one because, there are many so, in fact, these are all because of one reason, and then at each level, different so, in this way, after the emergence of an essential law, it brings all kinds of fields, all levels, different phenomena, can be attributed to this reason. So, I'm always practical a lot so. You'll see, some of my articles, whole of them are so. Hehe, some people are not used to it, but this is a display of great wisdom and grand strategy. Without so many levels, there would not be so many strategies, and with levels, there would be strategies. Without hierarchy, strategy cannot be reflected.
Moreover, when we discover a great essential cause, we will outline it and have an effect on all levels below.

Today, we will emphasize the top-level form and structure of human intelligence. This is the relationship between stratification and strategy. The most famous stratification in human history is the caste system in India, which is divided into four parts. It can be seen that this wisdom is only possessed in India. This is not so obvious in other countries and regions. Because many civilizations, when they are narrated, are at the same level, they feel very confusing, unclear, and incomprehensible.

As I said today, this one-way experiment is to tell us that mental thoughts determine our behavior system, and although each person has 100,000 thoughts a day, after you understand this concept, you will know that your evil thoughts need to be discarded, and your good thoughts need to be protected.
So, from today onwards, your mind has also built up a concept of self-God, which is your mental system. The Buddha is the mind, and the mind is the Buddha. It seems that the Buddha deeply understands the law of the single pendulum.
No matter how great a Buddha is, no matter how bright he is, no matter how influential a Buddha is, he only lies in the heart, and he is not a Buddha without the heart.
It can be seen that what changes a person's mind is the label of the mind. It is still the hearts and minds of everyone that change humanity.

From now on, you should know that the world that looks inward always guides the world that looks outward. When I was a child, I rarely looked inward, it was all my parents, classmates, and friends. Exams, competitions, are all compared with others. It rarely involves the heart, it involves one's own thoughts. It wasn't until I was in my 20s, at least, that I was exposed to the inward-looking world. Before, I didn't know that there was a difference between inward and outward.
Later, after a long time, many years, probably as an adult, I realized that the Buddha also looked inward at the world. Even after knowing this, I thought for a long time, what is the use of looking inward, comparing myself with myself, and building up my mind? The so-called law of attraction is also because of one's own mind, attracting the same mind. But time can finally speak for itself, and now I have suddenly become enlightened.
However, it takes a long time for the things of the mind to be formed, and it is generally difficult to form them in a short period of time, and it will take ten or thirty years before they will be discovered by themselves. But there are only a few people who can summarize these rules, such as me, so this is a miraculous power. It took ten years of martial arts practice to take effect. That's all true. For example, Dharma is easy to wash the marrow.

How to build a mental label concept, of course, this is what everyone wants to know.
We build habits and only then do we build labels of our own needs. Through love, we have established a label in our hearts. Therefore, love often establishes the label of life, and we must pay attention to this law. Silently accept good labels and strongly oppose bad labels.
For shrews, vixens who violate these laws must be whipped and merciless. And gradually moving away from these filthy souls is the ultimate way. Otherwise, isn't hell empty? Generally speaking, these evil spirits are the daughters of great celebrities. Because they chose celebrities when they were reincarnated, they must have been snobbish in their previous life. The pursuit of fame, fortune, wealth. And there are some evil means, otherwise they would not be reincarnated as celebrities. The daughters of some celebrities are very kind and choose to marry civilians, which is the result of cultivation in their previous lives. Great evil spirits are not formed in one lifetime, they must have been formed in multiple previous lives. Evil, but the energy is not small. Their instinct is to attract the attention of real historical figures. The most critical and core thing is that their hearts are extremely evil, and they will go to hell after all. It's from the heart. I think the Great Buddha Vajra will be able to subdue these evil spirits. I'm just talking about popular science, and I don't do anything to them.
Exposure to a good environment. Reach out to good friends. It's all about the process of building a good label for us. Be good at observing your parents, because our parents have the greatest influence on us, and we must treat our parents reasonably, because they have a great influence on us. At the same time, the most important thing is to establish your own ideals and goals, such as paying attention to human beings, the universe, the environment, and life. If there is an opportunity for the environment, contact with the Buddha, contact with God, this is the best mental concept to build. It is beneficial for a person's whole life.

Today we have also cracked the matter of how to believe in God and how to believe in Buddhism. You will see that through certain logical events, you will reach the state you want. But without a specific experiment, a single pendulum experiment, you won't know yourself and the truth. Let yourself make a qualitative leap.
Popular science is to enlighten the lost, to make the chaos clear, and to establish levels and strategies.

During this period of time, I will also record the ceiling lamp, and there is no electricity and glow, to see if there is any pattern. Yesterday, the day before yesterday there was no flash. There were flashes in the days before yesterday. It rained yesterday and today. If the humidity is high, the discharge phenomenon will be weakened.
10:49 2024-07-03





















10:49 2024-07-03