Summer it is cloudy today 3 | Music NGC6302のブログ

Music NGC6302のブログ

Music,Novel,science,universe,Happy time...war...
All regular reflected in everything!~

Recite Shurangama mantra.













0,To someone:这是谁呢?选秀啦,女孩都来参与啊。立夏啦,筛选了一些新朋友,加入到我的对话中。

 1. To "middle":
welcome,I'm interested in the girl in the middle.en, nice girl.
You see a new color world about me
Do your best.












2024summer13:summer, are you ok?


2024summer派对摩登女郎:Hello, 呵呵,还生气啦?一直关注你啦。是呀,罗马城不是一天建起来的。你就是一个大杂烩,就是一锅粥,就是一团乱麻啊。也许就是丰富多彩啦。你家孩子学了达摩已经洗髓功了吗,这才是时髦啊。噢,你家孩子太小哈。


 2. To "energy":OK,Hope you happy!~
Do your best. 我搜索不到你的信息,那你要主动显示信息啊。今年冬天感觉怎样?人生是自由的,不是和别人比,而是和自己内心比。你检查一下你的心,看你心理都是什么,是不是都是脏东西?比如攀比心,比如恨心,比如嫉妒心,比如愚痴心?都有吧。这么肮脏的东西放在你心里,哪里会有你呆的地方呢?现在心干净了吗?就是清空成见,前进。

 3. To something:


























To: Mata katyayani (the six armed tiger riding God believed by Indians)            


In a few days, I'm here to host a conversation between the two big names. I have a feel for what I heard. In fact, it is the difference between believing in God and not believing in God. If you believe in God, your high self will be exerted to the highest limit of human beings. If you don't believe in God, then the cognitive system and conceptual system that you have developed will be very partial and limited.
But the most talked about thing is how to make money, how to chase a girl, how to fall in love, and that's the main thing for human beings. The things you talk about that can't be seen or touched don't seem to get more people's attention. Not many people are interested in this. At most, it's a pastime, listen to what you say, talk about these things of the soul and the body. Because a lot of people don't believe in God, so if you say that, they may have a point in their psyche that they may be trying these methods.
And those who believe in God may wonder why science has been the same thing for 300 years, and it is still the same thing as the soul and the consciousness of alayya. Maybe in the future, someone will always find out, and you will only be the first to discover a qualified relationship. Of course, I also heard of Alayya for the first time. I don't know what it is, what the Buddha said. However, the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind, everyone knows. There is little talk of it. I feel that alayas are the most profound things in the Buddha realm. I searched the Internet and found that many scientists also mentioned Alayya. But to equate alayas with souls is indeed a genius idea. And if you think about it along your train of thought, you will find that, indeed, the nature of the soul is actually the nature of the alayya. The reason why alayas are so big, mysterious, and at the bottom is because the Buddha treats them as if they were real things. It is because the two most essential characteristics of alayas are that they always remember all the information, and that the information interacts with each other.
Actually, this is also the nature of the soul, and according to what you said, the soul is the same, remembering all the information that your eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind produces, and none of them will be lost. Maybe I think that the masses don't have a fine understanding of this, but if they do, then the soul is exactly the same as the alayya. It seems that I have also been enlightened by you.

And what you said, alayya, the most important characteristic of the soul is that there is a relationship between these messages, there is a logical relationship, and there is another relationship. It is the source of almost all the mysteries of mankind.
But today's science has not developed to this point, they do not think that there is a relationship between information, there is interaction. For example, if the information is represented by photons, then the two beams of light cross each other and do not affect each other. It's amazing. But when it comes to the soul as an organism, in fact, the soul, as I understand it, is just a living organic information body.

So the soul actually, very magical. He can integrate this information into a system, and all the information will be as interconnected as possible. This is the origin of the highest degree of human freedom.

However, we have also seen that there is also an information relationship for some things that are not in the soul system. For example, left and right, it seems like a simple thing, but there is a natural subtle relationship between them.
For example, the right helix structure, plants with vines, will be in the form of a right-handed coil. Although it is explained that in the southern hemisphere vine plants are left-handed. But I think it's wrong. Because the long strand of human DNA is also a right helix. No, people in the southern hemisphere are left-spiraling. So, this is a deep-seated problem in the universe.

At the same time, we also see that levamlodipine besylate tablets, this drug is a left-helix structure, all of which have an effect. The right helix structure is ineffective.
Of course, these are all material states, and there is no interrelationship of information involved.

Therefore, it seems that the relationship between information is still missing. Can there be two independent pieces of information that automatically interact with each other? Definitely not. Otherwise, wouldn't the entire library be the liveliest place in the world?
However, the Buddhist scriptures are exceptional, because the place where the Buddhist scriptures exist is where the stupa exists. Therefore, where Buddhist scriptures exist, there is always a kind of information field. Although it cannot be seen or touched, this kind of information field exists.

And the existence of information is the most effective in the human world. Just like the kind of paradise of good causes, such a consciousness, when it enters the soul system, will produce results, and it will be natural and not subject to human constraints.

Therefore, what essentially changes human society is the existence of information. Therefore, those who think about how to make money all day long, those who think about falling in love all day long, and those who enjoy life all day long, it is still information that changes them. And the most cutting-edge, and most important thing is your articles and what you are talking about.

It can be seen that information changes human society, which starts from the consciousness of Alayya. Alayas are still personal alayyas, and everyone has their own alayyas, living soul repositories. And the Akashic record is the memory system shared by the entire human race. Am I right to analyze it this way? I hope you will comment on my remarks after reading them.

Actually, I'm hosting this conversation, but I'm actually a very ordinary human being. I think the same thing as most people. And I think it's also normally distributed. My kind of people make up the majority of humanity. Your conversation is a conversation between a few. There is another group of people who just can't understand this. But maybe they have physical memories, and soul memories. Actually, all people, souls are involved in their physical actions. Whether it's a human or an animal, therefore, there will be enlightened cats, which means that they have reached the level of consciousness of the soul.

Therefore, my voice represents the perception of most people. However, the truth is this, according to the theory you said, these principles will change themselves, unconsciously. Therefore, what changes a person must be an important truth. It must be the reason for the gear bite. When it comes to advanced truths, there may be an impact, but it is relatively slow. That is, the things of the subconscious mind, after decades to reach the state of manifest consciousness, are felt and recognized by self-reflection.

Therefore, I realized that the exposition and truth of the gear bite can be accepted by all people, and only then can it be penetrated, otherwise, it will not have an immediate effect. I think that's the most useful for people like us.

For example, everyone knows the six types of methods you talked about. It's a pastime, but it's still very difficult to act. After a while, it was forgotten. How to make these behaviors our behavior, we also exercise every day to settle down, and exercise the Dharma Yijin Washing Technique. I think it may be related to the state, whether it is going to be done or not, whether the people in the state system are aware of this. For example, if the leaders of our company are aware of this, then they may join the training during work breaks and gymnastics exercises. The students of the school should exercise, or the education part, and the principal should be enlightened, so that our children can also participate in these exercises. I think this essentially improves our intelligence, so I think it's a national task, it's the result of a social guidance.
It is unlikely that individuals will absorb these expositions of yours and take action, but if the state understands and acts, then the degree of participation of everyone is very high. So, I think we have to be enlightened, we have to act, we have to try, and at the same time, our countries, we have to take action, start to set up such social institutions, and at the same time promote such things to be implemented in all human beings.

Of course, the most important thing is that each of our families is an enlightened family, and if necessary, we will implement it. It's natural. Therefore, how to make a person an enlightened system and a family an enlightened system is the essential operation of society.

And it's important how these ideas, these discoveries, are disseminated to everybody. If society does not give confirmation, then it will be difficult to spread and it will be difficult to play its due role.

Of course, there may be many more people who dispute these. That's for sure, but we must set up a comparable system and procedure that will work and show it as much as we can. So as to achieve the structure of gear occlusion and promote the progress of society.
As you mentioned, it is the memory that is the main controller of this human society, and the degree and openness of these people directly affect the progress of our human society. Therefore, these people should receive the attention of the whole society and select enlightened people who have a sense of freedom, democracy, and equality. These people are the best journalists.

I also saw that you discussed, in order to rule, the rulers shackle the minds of the people, the minds of society, and the minds of students. I think we should learn from the United States, there is no eternal notice, we will all be in the bipartisan competition, and those who lag behind will be eliminated. Therefore, there will be no constraints on thinking, nor will there be restrictions on notifications, and the caliber will be narrowed.

Some basic things determine the development of the whole society, so there is a subtle relationship between the basic things and the development of society, so only by dredging these subtle relationships can the existing problems be fundamentally solved. That is, if the ruler of a country is not good, then it is allowed to be overthrown, social innovation is allowed, and the development and evolution of all human nations are continued.
I think that's the most important thing to open up. This is the case with the college entrance examination in a certain country. Open our minds, open our limits, open our minds of replacement. I don't think that is the case in the United States. It's really eye-opening that bad guys can run for president.In fact, everyone is very clear about their psychology, and they all think so. The simplest truth in the world. It's vernacular.

No one is better than others. People are pretty much the same. The difference is only a little bit. However, there is a big distance between being affirmed and being denied. This mode is not actually an intelligent model, but just one of the stupid models. Therefore, if society is to develop, we will progress in every aspect. Or what the Buddha said, it's good that there is no distinction between minds. With a discriminating mind, then the accumulation is a major disaster. 
For example, what you like, what you don't like, these accumulations, long-term accumulation, may be caused by an unharmonious love, but this will directly cause fatal damage to your offspring. Your preferences will destroy the purity of children and a peaceful society. Therefore, we should be peaceful, fair, free, democratic, and equal, which is the most basic requirement of being a human being. In this way, life will be better.

Therefore, when we feel the ideological realm of the big coffee, we must pay attention to our own most basic state, which is the law of life. The accumulation of these good ideas will make your family harmonious and love warm.

Don't just listen to the teachings of celebrities and rich people. They are struck by the cruelest things, and they are the harshest preferences, the ones who are bound by the most natural preferences. They have deep and strong experiences and concepts. And these are not equality, not freedom, not justice, not democracy. When they use empirical ideas to instill in you, you must pay attention, especially if you are just because he is rich. Don't be hurt by these rich people. This is a huge social disaster.

Luck seems to some people to be a little bit more. So a lot of the experience of these rich people comes from luck. Therefore, the words of the rich man must not be heard. Because you don't have to be lucky.
In essence, everyone's luck starts with the same probability, but later on, it is different.
So, the more freedom, the more basic, the luckier. The more assertive you are, the more discriminating you are, and then luck will slip away. And what others give must not be luck, only what you take the initiative to get is real luck. However, true luck is also undiscriminatory. If the luck of the people is blocked by the government of the country, then it is natural to change the country.

Because I know that from the body to the soul, it is to change from strong feelings to subtle and subtle feelings. Otherwise, we cannot function with our soul.
All right. I think that these ideas hope to be affirmed by popular science writers. Today I am the protagonist, thank you.
10:04 2024-06-11























10:04 2024-06-11