Summer it is sunny to overcast today | Music NGC6302のブログ

Music NGC6302のブログ

Music,Novel,science,universe,Happy time...war...
All regular reflected in everything!~

Recite Shurangama mantra.













0,To someone:这是谁呢?选秀啦,女孩都来参与啊。立夏啦,筛选了一些新朋友,加入到我的对话中。

 1. To "middle":
welcome,I'm interested in the girl in the middle.en, nice girl.
You see a new color world about me
Do your best.












2024summer13:summer, are you ok?


2024summer派对摩登女郎:Hello, 呵呵,还生气啦?一直关注你啦。是呀,罗马城不是一天建起来的。你就是一个大杂烩,就是一锅粥,就是一团乱麻啊。也许就是丰富多彩啦。你家孩子学了达摩已经洗髓功了吗,这才是时髦啊。噢,你家孩子太小哈。


 2. To "energy":OK,Hope you happy!~
Do your best. 我搜索不到你的信息,那你要主动显示信息啊。今年冬天感觉怎样?人生是自由的,不是和别人比,而是和自己内心比。你检查一下你的心,看你心理都是什么,是不是都是脏东西?比如攀比心,比如恨心,比如嫉妒心,比如愚痴心?都有吧。这么肮脏的东西放在你心里,哪里会有你呆的地方呢?现在心干净了吗?就是清空成见,前进。

 3. To something:


























To: Mata katyayani (the six armed tiger riding God believed by Indians)            


Today, 11:48 1000 km away 4.9 magnitude earthquake. This was four days ago, and I was going to predict: about level 5, about 500-1000 kilometers, about three days. It's just that it wasn't written out at the time. Again, the correctness of this theory is proven.

To all malice can be stopped, subdued, this is the might; To be able to protect all good is the great virtue. Today we have asked the Great Vajra to talk about his feelings. Start now.

Hello everyone, I am the Great Widive King Kong. Maybe a lot of people don't know about me. Maybe they've heard of the Four King Kongs.
Today, the first thing I want to talk about, the Buddha said, there is nothing to say. But if I still talk about the Fa, is it a contradiction?
This is not contradictory, because we human beings experience the soul through the practice of emptiness, through the physical body. At the same time, we also realize that color is emptiness, and emptiness is color. The two are mutually transformative. It can't be said, it's just a high-level inner embodiment, a state of communication at the soul level. Because at that time, words are already superfluous, and we can perceive each other through our hearts. Or maybe it's a kind of telepathy. So when we say we can't say it, it doesn't mean that we can't speak the Dharma at the intermediate level, and we can't contradict the Dharma and discuss the Dharma at the lower level. The whole wisdom system is a logical line given to different people because of different people, different people's root organs. An enlightened person is a logical line, and an unenlightened person also has a logical line. As popular science writers say, enlightenment is to understand one thing, but it does not mean to understand other things. Therefore, there are many small enlightenments, but there are fewer big enlightenments, and after accumulating a lot of small enlightenments, there will be big enlightenments. After accumulating a lot of great enlightenment, then we can rise to a higher level. Of course, the difference in the root apparatus also determines whether our four gradual enlightenments are still epiphany.

As popular science writers say, enlightenment is the most important. If you are not enlightened, you will not understand the Fa I am talking about for the time being. Just like the New Heart Sutra, the New Diamond Sutra, everything will be enlightened after entering meditation. Therefore, we must know this logical relationship, and the causal relationship, which is the cause and which is the effect. Which is the front and which is the back. Concentration is the front, and enlightenment is the last. To understand what I'm saying here, you need to first settle down, then become enlightened, and then you can understand. in order to play creatively. And popular science writers have summarized six types of methods such as entering the determination. I think everybody should build on that, and that's why. And these must be effective through long-term persistence. Stick to it for at least 1.3 years so that your root apparatus is improved and enhanced. A lot of things are naturally understood.

Because of this process, there is also a beautiful life.

Buddhism, in fact, is a kind of cosmic principle, and the law, does not have to be related to the Buddha. Can stand on its own. So when many people hear about the Buddha, they think it's an ancient wisdom. In fact, this is the discovery and use of the fundamental laws of the universe. Especially for the human body system, and the human social system.

Popular science writers have discovered that alayas are the soul. I think that's right. Alayas are the most basic things in the world, because information is subtle, but it is decisive, but it is a longer time period. At the same time, the information in the alayas is organic, living information, not the information in the library. At the same time, the alayas record all the information.

So, from this basic nature, it can be deduced that the seeds of good and evil, wisdom and foolishness, can be born and grown from the alayya. Because it is through this living organism that these seed messages come into play. If it is a piece of information in the library, it will not evolve. Unless it is remembered, it enters the consciousness of alayya.

Because alayas are the ones who remember all the information. People produce a lot of information every day, but most of this information is not accepted by us. The existence of this information is very subtle, but even the subtle information exists. For example, if you step on an ant while walking, this information is self-conscious. From this there is a cause, and then there must be an effect.
Although causality is the most familiar relationship for human beings, the general law may not be accepted by people. For example, the big one always affects the small one. Small aggregates become large ones. The small always follows the big. This is the law of size relations. Cause should be as important as cause and effect. Of course, you will also be inspired by the relationship between the front and back, although the relationship between the before and after is not necessarily a causal relationship, but it is also an important timeline to show the law. Different before and after relationships form different timelines, bring different logical relationships, and bring different results.

We've also seen that everyone has noticed the question of whether information can interact with each other. The moderator also explored this issue. Of course, the information in the alayas is interactive, otherwise there would be no development and no causal relationship. So what other information in the real universe interacts with each other? We may have heard of the interaction of forces, but this is probably the first time we have heard of information interacting. First of all, we need to know what information is, or what carries it. For example, the left and right hands are pure concepts and information, while the left and right hands are the materials that carry the information of the person. Size, front and back, up and down, these are pure concepts that carry information.
It can be said that language is relatively speaking, an information system. There is a paradox between some of the information. But why do popular science writers say that language is not language? Because language is not yet the soul, and language is not yet alayya, language is in a state of matter that human beings can use, in fact, it is composed of abundant matter, small matter. However, now there is the power of computer power for electronic text. This is closer to pure information. However, language is also sound, and sound is vibration, which is closer to pure information.
So, what is the cosmic force of pure information? When this information reaches the spirit realm, it shows a completely different effect.
It seems that all information is the information carried on the object, and what kind of object has what kind of information there is. So, we say, form is expected, momentum is expected, people are surprised, God is surprised. Pure information, only the information carried by the consciousness of Alayya, the information carried by the soul power.

And now that humans have formed a chat AI, it gathers almost all the information of human beings, which is somewhat similar to human alayya, but it is just a sample. So, there are many more things that we can use the current chat AI to figure out the nature and state of the alayya. There are similarities between the two. The only hope is that AI now contains all human information.

So is the information carried by genetic power related to reincarnation? Or what is the emergence of information carried in genes? This requires the continued efforts of today's scientists. I'm just asking this question.

I think my appearance, one illustrates science, and the other illustrates the relationship between science and information. As long as human beings understand the proper information and human relationships, then it is normal to understand us gods. ----That's the most important thing I've said today.

Perhaps what human beings on the earth need most today is my Great Mighty Vajra. But no one remembered me. Especially when the situation in the Middle East deteriorated again, no one remembered me. I can stop all evil, all evil things from happening, and I can subdue all evil sources, evil people, evil nations. At the same time, I also protect all good deeds. I want people in the Middle East to remember me and call me by my name, the Great Widder Vajra. As long as the humans of the world pronounce my name, I will play my part. Middle East - Great Widder Vajra. Let's shout it out together. It's best to meditate in your heart.

Middle East - Great Widder Vajra.
Middle East - Great Widder Vajra.
Middle East - Great Widder Vajra.

Many people are still very uncomfortable with the practice of bringing the focus of human society from ordinary agriculture, industry, service industry, and computer information industry to the spiritual world at once for popular science writers.
Carve out your own life, make money, take care of the house, and work hard, this is what we are like today. Popular science writers, on the other hand, take us directly to the inner world of each of us. How much does changing our inner world change us?

Therefore, we must know that the principle mentioned by popular science writers, all things in human society, are rooted in our personal psychological world; What the mental world is, then what our world is. Therefore, all human beings should be kind to themselves and to their inner world. If we can do it, democracy, fairness, equality, I think our inner world, including our body, is also healthy, this is the right concept for us to face ourselves. It is also the correct concept of our earthlings.

However, many people have evil in their hearts and hatred in their hearts. What should we do? First of all, most of these people are young people, some adults. And the elderly, there are less.
So, it's a lack of understanding of the world, and not understanding it in place.
But it's the adults or the old people who control the young army. So, we see that one of the contradictions in the nature of human beings is the contradiction between the young and the old. This is the eternal theme of mankind. It can be said that the core of the Middle East issue lies in the system and mechanism of contradictions between fathers and sons. This is my understanding.
So, in essence, it is a matter of people dealing with relationships within the family. It's a question of your proximity psychology and psychology. Problems with the psychology of young people and the psychology of the elderly.
And the relationship between Judaism and Christianity, that is, the relationship between the father and the son, is a problem. This is whether humanity should be reformed or conservative. This is a problem in every era.
I think about the essence of the question, the new insight between the alayas and the soul, which is about the renewal and reform of the Buddha's theory. Of course, the core of popular science writers here is Buddhism, not Buddhism.

What we're doing is changing people's inner thinking systems. Different theories and different concepts are loaded in our minds, minds, and brains, and they will also have different worldviews and social realities. I think that both scientists and gods and Buddhas in the inner world are aware that changing people's minds, what kind of ideas are scientific and correct, and these ideas are the dominant ones in society.
However, the enormity of human society has deprived many people and countries of their right to compare and choose. We have to rely on the laws of the flesh and the material laws of society. However, everyone knows that it is the system of thought and logic that changes a person's mind. With ideas, but with more erroneous logic, then such a social mainstream is also instantaneous.

Therefore, establishing a system of the inner world and establishing a correct concept is the most important foundation for a person's existence in the world.
And being a human being, the most successful and wise person, also begins with keeping the precepts. The precepts of your heart are the true precepts. At the same time, it is easy to do it in one area, but it is not easy to do it in all aspects. Essentially, the precepts work from within.
The six categories of methods of enlightenment for popular science writers. Commandment. That's what I emphasize. I have my own opinions.
Okay, I'm Vajra. Thank you.

That's all for today's speech, thanks to Daweide King Kong, thanks to the platform of popular science writers! ~Thank you to the attendees! ~Middle East - Great Widje! ~
10:28 2024-06-12

今天,11:48 1000公里外4.9级地震。这个在四天前,我准备预测:5级左右,500--1000公里左右,三天左右。只是当时没有写出来。再次证明这种理论的正确性。




















10:28 2024-06-12