Summer it is cloudy today 2 | Music NGC6302のブログ

Music NGC6302のブログ

Music,Novel,science,universe,Happy time...war...
All regular reflected in everything!~

Recite Shurangama mantra.













0,To someone:这是谁呢?选秀啦,女孩都来参与啊。立夏啦,筛选了一些新朋友,加入到我的对话中。

 1. To "middle":
welcome,I'm interested in the girl in the middle.en, nice girl.
You see a new color world about me
Do your best.












2024summer13:summer, are you ok?


2024summer派对摩登女郎:Hello, 呵呵,还生气啦?一直关注你啦。是呀,罗马城不是一天建起来的。你就是一个大杂烩,就是一锅粥,就是一团乱麻啊。也许就是丰富多彩啦。你家孩子学了达摩已经洗髓功了吗,这才是时髦啊。噢,你家孩子太小哈。


 2. To "energy":OK,Hope you happy!~
Do your best. 我搜索不到你的信息,那你要主动显示信息啊。今年冬天感觉怎样?人生是自由的,不是和别人比,而是和自己内心比。你检查一下你的心,看你心理都是什么,是不是都是脏东西?比如攀比心,比如恨心,比如嫉妒心,比如愚痴心?都有吧。这么肮脏的东西放在你心里,哪里会有你呆的地方呢?现在心干净了吗?就是清空成见,前进。

 3. To something:


























To: Mata katyayani (the six armed tiger riding God believed by Indians)            


Our conversation continues.
"I'm really excited, I could barely sleep last night."
"What enlightenment, or discovery?"
"Yes, I found that the entire Buddhist scripture system talks about the function of the soul."
"Oh, I see, even though the word soul doesn't appear in the sutras. But as you say,"
"Yes, the whole sutra revolves around the concept of the soul. It talks about how we can get out of the body and our troubles and then enter the realm of the soul. ”
"It turns out that pain and troubles are flesh."
"Yes, when you are free from suffering and happy, you are in the soul and you are exercising your intellect and ability. And the germination of supernatural powers is also at the soul level. ”
"Therefore, the process of becoming a Buddha is the process of moving from physical wisdom to soul wisdom."
"You're right. The most important question now is how do we affirm the existence of the soul. It's time to popularize all of this. ”
"Obviously, I believe in the existence of souls. There are also people who have near-death experiences who have experienced the existence of souls firsthand. Isn't there a description of the experience of near-death experiencers in the time of the Buddha? ”
"I think there must be such a legend, but I suspect that in the Buddha's theory of the eight consciousnesses, the eighth consciousness of alayas probably refers to the consciousness of the soul. That is, it involves the soul. However, for many people at the time, alaya was still a very esoteric concept. ”
"I searched for the concept of alayya, and in a nutshell, it is the basis of all cause and effect, and there are ten thousand dharmas. All the seeds of foolishness and wisdom are in the alayya. ”
Actually, if you summarize the various characteristics of alayya, you will find that alayas are souls that have no beginning and no end, and they are the souls that exist forever, and the reason why this soul exists is that the phenomena of various people in the human world are changed, and the phenomena of the human world are actually based on the soul. It's as if human heredity is genetically based. Its essence is that the soul is making the basic memory, and at the same time, there is a certain logical and scientific relationship between these memory information. So all the information comes from the alayas or the soul, and there are all kinds of dharmas, and all the causal information also exists in the soul or in the alayya. ”
In this way, the ancients, in the time of the Buddha, also had the concept of the soul, but there was no such word, but another word, alaya. That is, the alayas are the souls. ”
"But. There is no mention of alayas in the sutras. Why not use this concept as a generalization and summary. Or is it used to describe esoteric truths? ”
"yes. However, alaya consciousness is a concept summed up by later generations, but its root is derived from the Buddha's scriptures. That is, in the Buddha's teachings at that time, the concept of primitive alayas was already involved. At that time, it was just some simple concepts, such as hiding, receiving, and living. The word aliyah is already in the Ahama Sutra. That is, the concept of alayya, after the process of germination, growth, and formation, is finally the alayya, which we are talking about now, that is, the soul. ”

"Yes, you're right, it takes a process of growth and maturity. That being the case, the soul as we understand it now does not feel as rich as the alayya. Isn't it? ”
"Maybe. However, the concept of the soul has just been born, and there is also a process of development and maturity. So now we are leaning our soul on the alayya, and we feel that the soul is a little thinner. It's just that human beings don't have a more exploration of the soul. The soul of the present day is more humanoid, and the ancient alayas have the nature of the overall social memory, or the bottom and root of the various natures that give rise to the afterlife, which is hidden. Nowadays, the soul is already obvious, and people's daily life depends on the soul, but we don't know it. So, there is still a difference between the two. It's the difference in people's understanding of the bias. For the ancients, the soul was still hidden. ”
"I find that there is an important thing here, which is that the information in the soul, that is, the information in the alayya, is logically related and interactive."
"Yes, what you have discovered, and I have discovered, is a very important feature, we always think that information exists independently, but the information that exists in the soul is interactive, and can be the seed of wisdom and stupidity. It means that the alayas or soul are an organism. ”
"Yes, the soul is a vast repository of information about an organism. The existence of information, such as the library, is the independent existence of information. ”
So, when the information enters the human body, when it enters the brain, it becomes the information of the organism, it becomes a part of the alayya, it becomes a part of the soul. The soul and the message are almost inseparable, so to speak, the message is the soul, and the soul is the message. Because every soul has many past lives. The universe is destroyed, but the soul still exists. ”
"When the universe is destroyed, the soul still exists, and the soul has jumped out of the Three Realms, not in the Five Elements?"
"It's just speculation, because we know that there are multiple universes right now, there are parallel universes, or there are circular universes. So, maybe this universe of ours was destroyed and another universe was born. But the soul may be transverse. ”
"Possibly. Or maybe that's the truth. ”
"I once dreamed of going to the Big Bang singularity, but the singularity was in a temple. It shows that at that time, there were still higher wisdom, or there was already a certain soul. Our Big Bang is not the beginning of the universe, but the beginning of this universe, a link in the cosmic cycle. ”
"Is the dream a direct manifestation of the soul's memory? Or do we scientists explain that certain brain cells are active? ”
In this way, dreams are actually the manifestation of our souls. That is, one of the windows of the soul information is our dreams. Therefore, dreams can travel through time and space, can be absurd, can go to the spirit world, can predict the future, can travel the universe, can communicate with aliens, and so on. ”
"Yes, when you believe in these things, when you understand them, you are even more free. But when you don't believe it, it's suppressed, it's inactive, it's twisted and grotesque. ”
"To understand the soul, it begins with dreams. But maybe you have to be enlightened first, and enlightenment is the six types of methods that I talked about. Otherwise the information is unprincipled and confusing, and if you believe these, then the information has logic and causality. Seems understandable. Because behind it is a powerful soul organism. ”
"You're right. So what is the guiding significance of the soul, the consciousness, to our world today? ”
"There is a great significance. Our soul is the source of our consciousness. So, in all walks of life, we should value the soul. In fact, it is to value our consciousness. Because dreams are the outlet of the soul, but consciousness is the real outlet of the soul. However, when it is not at the soul level, consciousness does not express the soul, but only the memory and logical relationship of the brain. When we ascend to the soul level, our consciousness expresses more of the soul existence and the soul level. Therefore, consciousness operating at the soul level is the best life. ”
"Therefore, we have the actions of holding the gate of heaven in our hands, picking up the stars and changing the bucket, these actions that perfectly combine our bodies and our consciousness. It embodies the wisdom of our soul's existence. At this time, we consciously imagine that our palms are holding the heavenly gates. The whole body and mind are as big as the universe, and you can pick the stars and replace the stars. It's like a farmer working in a field. ”
"Yes, that's at the soul level, and the application of this soul level. Do you know Xingyi Boxing? ”
"Got it. I'm now searching, Xingyi Fist, the center of gravity of the fist is in the mind, in the imagination of our consciousness. It's the same as what you said about the essence of Dharma Yijin Cleansing Exercise. There is such a legend that Dharma Moses came to practice kung fu without a word, and all according to his heart. Xingyi boxing, the core of which is the intention is to force, force is the intention. The intention is born from the form, and the force is turned by the meaning. The head is straight, the eyes are straight, the gods are solemn, and the sound is quiet. Xingyi Fist, starting with a standing pile, clear the void inside. Xingyi boxing, also known as Yiquan. It fully explains the role of consciousness and soul in it. ”

"Well, what I also value is the concept of Yiquan. This is directly related to the consciousness and soul that we are talking about here. In fact, pulling the tail of the nine cows upside down tells us that this kind of consciousness, thinking psychologically, pulling the tails of the nine cows upside down with his arms and pulling the running cows back. This is the mind, with such an idea, exercise it, then you will be the same as the deep kung fu of Yiquan. In fact, Bodhidharma is easy to wash the marrow, that is, the palm, the stretch, the support, the pick, the push, the pull, the ghost, the fall, the pounce, the bow, the mountain. With this awareness in the mind, the effect of pulling is achieved. Mainly fitness and self-defense. And Yiquan has the meaning of attacking. Punching with this consciousness is like lightning and extremely powerful. You will see that Xingyi Quan and Dharma Yijin Cleansing Exercise are the same mental method. ”

"Hehe, you've become a kung fu master too."
"I'm just exercising and improving my intelligence. I haven't touched on the specific punches and kicks yet. ”
"In this way, everything in the world is the same kernel."
"Yes, everything is an exercise in our consciousness and mind. The form is expected, the potential is expected, the people are surprised, and the gods are surprised. Reach the point where our actions are centered on our soul and consciousness. The affairs of the world are centered on our soul and consciousness. So, how important it is to establish the right concept. The correct idea is the manifestation of consciousness. It is the expression of the wisdom of the soul and the consciousness of alayya. ”
Okay, that's all for today. Thank you.
10:31 2024-06-10




10:31 2024-06-10