Summer it is cloudy today | Music NGC6302のブログ

Music NGC6302のブログ

Music,Novel,science,universe,Happy time...war...
All regular reflected in everything!~

Recite Shurangama mantra.













0,To someone:这是谁呢?选秀啦,女孩都来参与啊。立夏啦,筛选了一些新朋友,加入到我的对话中。

 1. To "middle":
welcome,I'm interested in the girl in the middle.en, nice girl.
You see a new color world about me
Do your best.















2024summer13:summer, are you ok?


2024summer派对摩登女郎:Hello, 呵呵,还生气啦?一直关注你啦。是呀,罗马城不是一天建起来的。你就是一个大杂烩,就是一锅粥,就是一团乱麻啊。也许就是丰富多彩啦。你家孩子学了达摩已经洗髓功了吗,这才是时髦啊。噢,你家孩子太小哈。


 2. To "energy":OK,Hope you happy!~
Do your best. 我搜索不到你的信息,那你要主动显示信息啊。今年冬天感觉怎样?人生是自由的,不是和别人比,而是和自己内心比。你检查一下你的心,看你心理都是什么,是不是都是脏东西?比如攀比心,比如恨心,比如嫉妒心,比如愚痴心?都有吧。这么肮脏的东西放在你心里,哪里会有你呆的地方呢?现在心干净了吗?就是清空成见,前进。

 3. To something:

























To: Mata katyayani (the six armed tiger riding God believed by Indians)            


There is a very important issue here, and we see it more clearly in Russia. In other countries, it is not obvious. You will see that in this time of choosing peace and war, when there is hesitation, if there is a king, then naturally, as I said, can quickly turn around, and then achieve open-mindedness and economic development. However, the current Russian president is still in the inertia of war, how can he get out of the constraints of Newton's laws? Now that you understand these truths, you must also go through your own path head-on. It can be seen that the country lacks a king's level, and it is difficult for the country to turn around when making decisions. We can only move in one direction, and even if this direction, especially the direction of the war, is wrong, we will continue to insist on it. What to do unless there is a change of president? Can the president hear what I say, be enlightened, and then implement my open-mindedness and develop the economy? It's possible.
In the same way, we see that for 100 years, Japan has only used the role of the emperor once, that is, to announce the unconditional surrender of Japan in lieu of the government. If there is no emperor at this level, is it inevitable that the government level will fight for a fish to the death? Definitely. Why did Japan make a magnificent turn at the most critical time? It is because Japan has the level of king, and with one more level, you can see the facts clearly and make decisions that people in Lushan cannot make.
Another example is the unification of the country, which is not obvious. If it is at the level of the king, then it can be said with a stroke of a pen, let's establish two states, and with the development, if we think that unity is good, then the two countries must be unified. If you think that reunification is bad, why do you need reunification? There is this opportunity for trial and error. Naturally. Instead of direct confrontation, solve the problem by force.
For example, North Korea tried to achieve reunification by force, but it failed. Do you think the current situation can still be unified? If it were Germany, it would be easy to reunify. But now, shouldering the heavy responsibility of the so-called two camps, it is difficult for me to see whether reunification can be achieved. The problem is that the two camps do not exist at all, and imposing them on others and on oneself can only make oneself passive and conservative, like a footcloth.

What does this tell us? It's just that no one stands on top of the two camps and then sees the problem clearly. Except for me.
Therefore, if human beings want to see this issue clearly, they must jump out of this system and look at these problems at the highest level. This is what I am talking about as the global supreme management model of the Seven Elders of Human Society.

If we can't explain things in three dimensions, then we explain them in four dimensions of space-time. If things in the fourth dimension of space-time cannot be explained, we will explain them in the fifth dimension. This is the standard approach of mathematics to solve the problem.
What should I do if the car is driving on the road, it has to turn, and the road surface is narrow? The fundamental solution is to widen the road surface. I've also seen Indians take cars apart into parts, move them manually, and then make turns.
To understand a thing, to achieve a similar turn, how to do it? It is to broaden the space of our imagination. Rise to the level of the soul, to the level of God. In this way, things you imagine can be easily turned. And the height of God is also the height of quantum, which we call quantum consciousness.
Some people think that imagination is already very free, why can't it turn a corner, it's impossible. But in fact, when you reach the ceiling of the soul, you can turn and return. For example, we always use cause and effect to explain things, and when we find the cause, we come back, and the matter is complete. Won't continue exploring. But I can see more clearly, there is a cause, it is only a level, and in order to realize the basic understanding of the essential things, we must empty these things, stand in the zero position, and then all the above things will be clear. This is the level of a Buddha. So, you have found this reason, but the basis of this reason may involve a past life, so that you can have a more comprehensive grasp of the situation of this matter. In a previous life, you returned, and that's the fundamental way to solve the problem. This is how the Buddha explains why things happen in the world. Obviously, the level is different, the depth is different. Do you have a lot of freedom in your imagination? Or is there more freedom in the previous life? Almost at the same time, several of the situations of this life were replicated. This is also our explanation of our universe, and naturally there is a theory of parallel universes. It's just to see our universe clearly. In this way, our universe is not a unified Big Bang universe. There are also parallel universes, which have doubled, or even many times, in an instant.

If you understand this truth, you will find that in human society, many countries established by force, they have never had a top level. has been at an intermediate level. But they don't look at themselves. To participate in the funeral of the Queen of England, if you are not qualified, you have to reason with others. Oh, that's ridiculous.
The civilization of the two river basins is really peculiar, and it deserves to be one of the four ancient civilizations of mankind. Iran has a prime minister, a president, and a supreme spiritual leader. As soon as the Iranian president was killed, the Supreme Spiritual Leader said, "Let's quickly elect a new president." It's so easy. As soon as this is said, the whole system is also for the election of a new president. It's not out of touch, I did this thing, and I don't know what to do next. This is the support system that stands high and sees far. It's easy to form a support system. Standing high and looking far is to form people's consciousness into a unified causal relationship.

That's all the things, there's a sense of layering. It's always a group of people doing things while another group of people watches the crowd doing things. That's the basic logic of things. It's like exploring Mars, because you can't put all your eggs in one basket. It's as simple as that. But this is the true knowledge of the universe.

How subtle this is. However, some people think that when one group of people is doing something, why should another group of people watch? If you don't look at it, you still do it, do you have your own eyes! Aren't these people looking at them capitalists, eating for nothing! Hehe, the person who said this does not have much spirituality. It can be seen how rough the capitalist system is, awkward, stupid, spit on this system, bah blah.

So, a pattern is presenting again, and I just gave an example, but spiritual people are already aware of it. Then there's subtle awareness, which is the wisdom of a Buddha. Be kind to ants.
One group of people is doing things, and the other group of people looks at it, and on the whole, there are only subtle differences. But this subtle difference means that there is such a space for you to turn around freely. The crowd watched, maybe it was just a flash of inspiration in their brains. If you don't get to this level, there's no flash of inspiration for the system. Yes, it's just a little bit, and you can barely see the difference.

We're going to create a hierarchy of kings for this; To this end, we need to establish an international supreme system of the Seven Elders.

So the more you get to the top, the more delicate things are managed. Alien things; Psychic things; Fairy tales; The feeling of plants; Legends; Myths; The content of communication with aliens; O meeting of the gods; The soul is imprisoned in the body; In a past life; Time travel, borrowing your prime;

In fact, this also shows another truth, everything is around us. It's all something we're familiar with. But it is wisdom to give these familiar things a level and put a logical relationship in place.
For example, everyone who dreams encounters it, but you will find that this is the one that leads to the spiritual realm, to the divine realm, to the past life, to the afterlife, to the extraterrestrial universe, to the prophecy... A great treasure for mankind. People who believe in dreams are generally spiritual people.

I was dreaming all night last night, I was doing chemical experiments, weighing, material reactions, calculations. A dream the other day was that I was buying a homework book and writing a text, because the writing homework book was gone. However, on the bustling commercial street, running through every shop without homework can be bought, this dream is often done, and I have such a dream every few years.

What everyone fears most since childhood is the story of ghosts and gods, but when they grow up, they don't believe in it, isn't it ridiculous. What went wrong?

Actually, everything is around. It's all in the self. The inward world is always much richer than the outward world. In essence, the inward world determines the outward world. You can't manage yourself well. How can you manage others? It makes sense. A person who is highly self-disciplined and highly disciplined is a real person. Because it leads to a system of measurement, so that everything is known in the long-term comparison. If you're chaotic, you can't build a comparison system and you can't have experience. Life is wasted. And self-discipline is like a ruler, you can find the truth of many, many things. Such a self, then you can discover everything from the subtleties and thus become enlightened. Jump up to your own level and consciousness, concept.

Of course, what helps us move forward must be remembered, and what also helps us become enlightened, are the five types of methods I mentioned.
In this way, let's go back and see that Russia's problem is because the highest level is not enlightened. Pulling out the layers can be said to be the sixth type of method of enlightenment, but this is not yourself, this is with the help of the whole system. But if you don't become enlightened and don't train yourself, then what I'm talking about is like a passing cloud. Therefore, let yourself be enlightened, let the head of state be enlightened, then you need to persist for a long time. So, it's all around you. Maybe you've heard of all of this, but when you understand that you can be enlightened and enlightened, it's the secret meaning and essence of it.

Because my articles span a large area, from micro to macro, it is impossible for you to understand without imagination. To understand, the best way is to read it a few times, read it again in a few days, and read it again in a few years, it will be different. So that you can reach the height and depth that I said. That's my advice.
9:51 2024-06-07










比如,做梦人人遇到,可是你会发现,这是通往灵界的,通往神界的,通往前世的,通往来生的,通往宇宙外星人的,通往预言的... 人类的大宝藏啦。信梦的人,一般都是有灵性的人。





9:51 2024-06-07