Summer it is rain today | Music NGC6302のブログ

Music NGC6302のブログ

Music,Novel,science,universe,Happy time...war...
All regular reflected in everything!~

Recite Shurangama mantra.













0,To someone:这是谁呢?选秀啦,女孩都来参与啊。立夏啦,筛选了一些新朋友,加入到我的对话中。

 1. To "middle":
welcome,I'm interested in the girl in the middle.en, nice girl.
You see a new color world about me
Do your best.












2024summer13:summer, are you ok?


2024summer派对摩登女郎:Hello, 呵呵,还生气啦?一直关注你啦。是呀,罗马城不是一天建起来的。你就是一个大杂烩,就是一锅粥,就是一团乱麻啊。也许就是丰富多彩啦。你家孩子学了达摩已经洗髓功了吗,这才是时髦啊。噢,你家孩子太小哈。


 2. To "energy":OK,Hope you happy!~
Do your best. 我搜索不到你的信息,那你要主动显示信息啊。今年冬天感觉怎样?人生是自由的,不是和别人比,而是和自己内心比。你检查一下你的心,看你心理都是什么,是不是都是脏东西?比如攀比心,比如恨心,比如嫉妒心,比如愚痴心?都有吧。这么肮脏的东西放在你心里,哪里会有你呆的地方呢?现在心干净了吗?就是清空成见,前进。

 3. To something:

























To: Mata katyayani (the six armed tiger riding God believed by Indians)            


"The imperial examination and the college entrance examination are all dog holes."
"Your Excellency, this is the first time in thousands of years that people have become enlightened, and this is a bright light for thousands of years."
"But I don't think so. For example, Zhang Liang picks up shoes. If he hadn't picked up his shoes, he wouldn't have gotten a higher book on wisdom. So the dog hole, maybe you can drill it. ”
"When Shakyamuni Buddha first founded Buddhism, there were only about 50 people. However, Mahakalpa, who is a Zoroastrian religion, already has 1,000 disciples. The Buddha went to Mahakalpa, and they tried their supernatural powers over the course of a few days. Mahakalpa is inferior to Shakyamuni. After that, all 1,000 of them became disciples of the Buddha. And Mahakasa became enlightened 7 days later, realizing the Sudra Fruit.Does such a natural thing need to be described as a dog hole? Isn't it the person who holds the 'dog hole' who is really drilling the dog hole? The dog's hole mind is lower and duller than the dog's hole. ”
"Of course. The point you said is to see the environment clearly, the environment of the Buddha is the last Buddha recognized by everyone as wise, but the college entrance examination is not necessarily recognized. And in some countries and ethnic environments, the whole is a dog-hole thinking. Therefore, the college entrance examination thought is a dog's hole thought, and the Buddha is a Buddha. ”
"What about the American college entrance examination?"

"There is only a certain country that has a doghole ideology. Other countries do not. ”
"Well, it's about prescribing the right medicine and teaching students according to their aptitude. Hit the spot. Impartial. Just and natural. You can see it clearly from the height of the station. ”
"Why do you always have to rise to the heights of God?"
That is, there is a basic logic in everything, that is, when you encounter something, you will have corresponding wisdom. For example, one of the most important things in practice is to expand one's consciousness and body to a height that stands tall and tall. This is the essential foundation for all spiritual practice. ”
"Oh, Your Excellency, I have spoken of the highest light of human wisdom again. Audition. ”
"You're right. When Professor Li asked his team members to go to see the Buddha, the Buddha was very tall and mountain-like, and they were only as tall as the Buddha's toes. This is a scientific experiment. Only God can show us such a large body. Of course, it would be better if we could have learned that. ”
"Yes, the Buddha used his height to tell us the mysteries of the universe. But we're just ignoring it. I don't understand. ”
"Oh. For example, in the Diamond Sutra, there is the so-called word "big body", but everyone does not understand it in place, and the big body is their own body, as big as heaven and earth. His body stood against the sky and on the ground. This is the source of wisdom. ”
"Actually. Dharma Yijin Cleansing Exercises, many links are telling us that we are standing between heaven and earth. Hold the gate of heaven; Pick up the stars for the fight. It's all about exercising our bodies as big as the world. Stand between heaven and earth. ”
"I know that standing up to the heavens and the earth is actually our souls. Because the human soul can be as big as the whole universe, stretching and moving in the whole universe. Because in the time of the ancients, the concept of the soul did not yet appear. The body and soul have not yet been separated. Although he already has supernatural powers, he can travel the universe and enter and exit Brahma. But the concept of the soul has not yet been formed. And the whole trend is about the performance of the soul. But there is no soul to bear, so I use a lot of peripheral concepts to express this meaning again and again. If you repeat it a lot, you will know that this is the meaning. However, all consciousness is an expression of a consciousness, that is, the actual degree and performance of the soul's existence. ”
"For example?"
"This is the core, the secret meaning, and the Dharma. You can't tell people easily. ”
"It's a global era, and you're still doing the thinking system of the ancients? Because you name it, everyone in the world knows it, but not only a few people know. It brings about the leap and improvement of the entire human race. The teachings of the great monks and virtues may not be in place. Not necessarily clear. For example, everything is like a dream. This sentence is not a comprehensive understanding of dreams. Dreams aren't dreams. Lucid dreaming allows you to control your dreams and progress according to your imagination. It is estimated that at the time of the Buddha, there was no comprehensive understanding of dreams. Or neglect the study of dreams. It's like a Buddha forbids supernatural powers, but in fact, supernatural powers have changed the whole world. For example, the supernatural powers of Jesus. ”
"Looks like you've guessed a bit. Then I'll talk about a sentence in the Buddhist scriptures, this sentence pattern, repeated many times. For example, one of them: a conjunction, that is, a non-conjunction, is a conjunction. There are many places in this kind of sentence pattern in the Diamond Sutra. It's all about the same thing. The foothold of this sentence is the combination of name and name. The name is called a conjunction, so why repeat everything for the name? ”
"What's the mystery of the name?"
Well, first of all, the name is the basis of the architecture of the whole language system. Without names, everything can't be compared and communicated with each other. And the biggest feature of a name is language, that is, consciousness. ”
"Verbal non-verbal?"
"Hmm. That's what it means. It's also a level. There are other meanings. ”
"What the hell is it?"
"Hehe, actually, we discussed it in a group of people, and we have already given the answer in the discussion."
"Oh, that's right. It's still very mysterious. Let me think back, oh, I feel like the whole sutra has been cracked. ”
"Then I want to ask, is there such a thing as a soul in the Buddha's scriptures?"
"Nope. The soul of some nations is not the soul. ”
"Some Buddhist monks have said that the Buddha does not believe in the existence of the soul. If you think that souls exist, then you are a demon. ”
"It seems that this matter is more complicated. People have not yet seen the soul clearly. Although now the term is widely spread around the world. However, the concept of the soul is a concept that has been invented recently. It's not from time immemorial. ”
"We have been saying that the soul does not die. And Swedenborg also told the story of the soul in heaven, and the communication between the souls of the dead and the dead. I think the concept of the soul came out of the mouths of scientists, from Swedenborg. ”
"Oh, the concept of soul is a new word."
"We also say that the soul is a ghost. It is also said that God is also a soul. Aren't any of these true? ”
"But from Swedenborg, it does."
"The Buddha talked about the eight senses: eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, mind, mana consciousness, and alayya consciousness. There is no concept of a soul. ”"Yes, as we mentioned earlier, the memory of the soul is the Arya Consciousness, which is also the Akashic Record."
"So is the concept of human beings, the soul, progressive, enlightened, or unenlightened, wrong?"
"I believe that the soul, which is a manifestation of human progress, is a kind of abstraction and summary on the basis of human beings who have come to know themselves and the world, which is higher than the hazy understanding of the past."
"Then the body has a brain and can remember. So the soul, can it be remembered? Since you have memories of past lives, they must come from the memories of your soul. Could it be the emergence of the same material structure? Emerge with the same thing? ”
"Obviously, many concepts are already reinvented by modern humans, not ancient ones. Or maybe we now use modern abstract concepts to explain ancient inexplicable concepts very well. Isn't it? ”
"Then you invent a new concept. I think it's harder than climbing to the sky. ”
"We have said that there is a real universe under every concept, and we know through the concept what this universe looks like and what it is like. So although there are things that the Buddhist scriptures don't directly tell us the answer or form a new concept, from the meaning and summary of what the Buddha said, we realize that the real universe exists later. And this real cosmic existence is understood by human beings today, and new concepts have been given, such as the soul. Isn't it all the same? ”
"Oh, humans are slowly evolving, we can feel it."
"That's right. The ancients described things in countless words, and now we can give new abstract answers accurately. ”
From this, we can also see that the Buddha is also deeply embedded in history. The enlightenment of the Buddha is relatively much easier for us now. ”
"Isn't it true that human beings are always inventing new concepts that human beings have never had before? It represents the progress of mankind and the degree of civilization. ”
"Hehe, everybody drink tea, everybody drink tea. Longjing tea, Pu'er tea, Tieguanyin, Dahongpao... Enjoy! ~”
"This pavilion is quite high, on top of a hill. The surrounding clouds and mist shrouded in light, from the sun, sprinkled onto the earth. ”
"The screen is a pot of mountain wild tea, the mountains are stacked and green, the ripples are rippling, and the infinite silver bell is unrestrained for a while, when the universe is ethereal and large, sitting is a mountain and river scenery, with a fantasy dream, the left mountain spring, the right wind is high, the parallel universe talks about each other, time appreciation, and the arrow is like the future."
10:19 2024-06-08


“呵呵,大家喝茶,大家喝茶。龙井茶,普洱茶,铁观音,大红袍... 随便享用啦!~”
10:19 2024-06-08