Summer it is rain today | Music NGC6302のブログ

Music NGC6302のブログ

Music,Novel,science,universe,Happy time...war...
All regular reflected in everything!~

Recite Shurangama mantra.














0,To someone:这是谁呢?选秀啦,女孩都来参与啊。立夏啦,筛选了一些新朋友,加入到我的对话中。

 1. To "middle":
welcome,I'm interested in the girl in the middle.en, nice girl.
You see a new color world about me
Do your best.

















2024summer13:summer, are you ok?


2024summer派对摩登女郎:Hello, 呵呵,还生气啦?一直关注你啦。是呀,罗马城不是一天建起来的。你就是一个大杂烩,就是一锅粥,就是一团乱麻啊。也许就是丰富多彩啦。你家孩子学了达摩已经洗髓功了吗,这才是时髦啊。噢,你家孩子太小哈。


 2. To "energy":OK,Hope you happy!~
Do your best. 我搜索不到你的信息,那你要主动显示信息啊。今年冬天感觉怎样?人生是自由的,不是和别人比,而是和自己内心比。你检查一下你的心,看你心理都是什么,是不是都是脏东西?比如攀比心,比如恨心,比如嫉妒心,比如愚痴心?都有吧。这么肮脏的东西放在你心里,哪里会有你呆的地方呢?现在心干净了吗?就是清空成见,前进。

 3. To something:

























To: Mata katyayani (the six armed tiger riding God believed by Indians)            


The press conference continued.
Russian Press Secretary Fate-Sutina Valkam Question: Your Excellency, I am the Russian Press Secretary. My problem is that we all believe in fate, and we know that fate is hard to change. In particular, most of the French believe in fate and do not believe in struggle. Is it possible to change the thinking of the Russian state, as well as to change the fate of the Russian state, that you mentioned? We have begun to call the United States an enemy, what do you think?

I replied: My theory is divided into high-level theory, middle-level theory, and low-level theory. The high-level theory is simple, the middle-level theory is complex, and the low-level theory is full of contradictions. First of all, Russia needs to change its president every 5 years, so that there is more probability of improving the fate of Russia. At the same time, it can also allow more people to participate in the management at the highest level, and the country will appear wise.
And then, above the president of Russia, it would be nice to have a king, to increase the distance between the administrations, to let things be seen clearly at the top, and to put the people and the masses in wisdom. Russia's biggest problem is that it cannot see the world pattern and things clearly, and cannot make choices from the top. Bound by a false so-called social system. Bound by two camps of falsehood. The choices made now, and the choices made in the past few decades, are just a mid-level level of agent consciousness. Because at the highest level, the relationship between the kings of various countries is very good. Because there will always be friendly relations between peoples. For example, the people should focus on agriculture, develop the economy, promote education, develop science and technology, and improve their living conditions. It is best for every country to give the impression of a sense of superiority in the international community. Rather than being backward in consciousness. Every country is the same, so there will be no essential contradictions between the people, and they will all be friendly. If it's not friendly, it's the government that has gone astray. Only the middle level chooses close confrontation. This is a basic profile of Russia.
Thirdly, what I have said below, starting with the Buddha, is aimed at the highest level of every nation. Perhaps there is no such state apparatus in Russia at the highest level to take over my theory, and digest, assimilate. Because I think the highest level is some level of wisdom, not necessarily the level of power. The highest level of politics is also the most intelligent, such as the King of England and the Emperor of Japan. Power will make people fall into the small scope of the dimension of power, unable to extricate themselves, unable to come out. Absolute power is generally at the agent level. Is the president of the United States at the top? The United States has implemented it for many years, the highest + wise man advised. They never skimped on reading my popular science. At the same time, because of the two-party system in the United States, there has never been a concept of enemies, nor a concept of bad guys. Or maybe both good and bad guys can run for president of the United States. Jumping out of the category of friend or foe. Because of the civil war in some countries, there has been a long-term mindset of friend and foe. This has affected them to be able to treat the middle level as the highest level. The United States is also strongly opposed to the system that produces results in close proximity. Always try to stand on the sidelines at the highest level. It's very simple, one group of people does the work, and the other group of people watches.

That is, Russia and other countries, the biggest system problem is the lack of hierarchy.

Why is that? This comes from two unifying models, that is, the seizure of power by force. The existence and implementation of this idea and concept makes the whole system lack a sense of hierarchy. Solve all problems by force. Second, it is the same ideological system, and the result of the implementation of such a model is a lack of hierarchy. Although they believe that there are senior, intermediate, low-level cadres. But they all use a system of ideology and theory.

What is the biggest harm of lack of layering? It is that I can't see things clearly, I can't see the world pattern clearly, and I can't stand at the highest level of human beings. In this way, there will be cognitive differences with the world, backward consciousness and backward knowledge, and thus contradictions will accumulate and develop into war. For example, the war in Ukraine.

I thought I saw things clearly, like communism. Actually, I didn't see things clearly. It's just self-deception. Ignore the darkness of the road under your feet.
As I said, the low-level reaction is the presentation of contradictory things. This is the embodiment of a sense of layering. For example, different regions of the world have their own folk customs. Most are different. That's the bottom layer. The middle level is confrontation, because the dimension is not enough, there is only a frontal attack, direct confrontation, and there is no room for detour and space.

For humanity as a whole, there is a lot of room for detours, and it must be at the level of consciousness, at the level of the soul, or at the level of God. This is the third danger of a lack of hierarchy, they are all atheists. It greatly compresses their space for consciousness and imagination, brings about the accumulation of contradictions, and develops into war.

It can be seen that the lack of a sense of hierarchy is a common feature of countries of this type in Russia. And dragged down the entire human race. It is the shortest plank in the barrel theory. So, the conclusion is, Russia, it's all about your own ideas and consciousness, don't impose these problems on other people and other countries.

So what can be done in the face of these problems? I want to be the king of Russia. It is to open our minds and develop the economy.
However, it is necessary to bring in capital and develop the economy. But Russia is so cold. Who wants to develop in these places? Russia, with its large geography and sparsely populated population. At most, sell oil and gas. As if Russia is like this now, naturally.

However, to open our minds, we must end the war and withdraw from Ukraine. Solve the Crimean problem. Admit mistakes. Then it was openly declared that there was no distinction between China and the West. There is no difference between socialism and capitalism in the two camps, and you can hit the road. If I were the king of Russia, I would do it.

Because this war was first started by Russia, it is called a special military operation. It was also a small fight before. In these places, do you choose development, or war? Of course, it was the choice to develop. All problems have been solved. This point of view, which I focused on earlier, can be seen in the previous article about Israel's economic development.
Moreover, I also analyzed that the time of the whole world has reached the level and point of not invading any country. Otherwise the aggressor will be sanctioned. Driven by force. Several wars have been used to illustrate this logic and concept. Why can't Russia understand it yet. Russia uses this as a base point to develop its economy. But what is Russia thinking? You have to stand at the top and see the positive things and logic of the other party, instead of looking at the things and logic of others in private like the agents. Unsightly things are short-term and cannot be shown to the world. There is no future for development on this basis.
In this way, the sanctions are lifted and economic development begins. Even if Russia is in the coldest part of the northern hemisphere, the economy can still grow. It's called the Arctic Circle Economy, and it's a snowy country of dreams. With the development of the economy, consciousness and insight have kept up with the human era.

Now we will discuss the topic of fate, which is a high-level issue.
Why is it said that Buddha is the fundamental wisdom of human beings? It is because the Buddha's theories are the basis of all theories in human society, and all theories operate according to the wisdom of the Buddha. That is, it operates according to the laws discovered by the Buddha.

Probably, many people talk about such topics as fate and luck. Some people even believe that fate is unchangeable, especially the fate of a country is difficult to change. Although you have discovered phenomena and laws, it is very difficult to change the fate of the country. Because nations are built through war. War changes the fate of all people in a country. Since the state has been established, it is difficult to change this destiny until the state is overthrown and a new state is established to change the fate.

They believe that fate, the fate of people, the fate of the country, is very difficult to change. And fate and luck are directly related. Fate decides, and so does your luck.
Therefore, I will argue that entrepreneurs and multinational corporations have naturally emerged in human society. These leaders, the plutocrats, are the result of a combination of fate and luck, and they are not something that can be established with the support of the state. To define the good leaders that naturally emerge from human society as capitalists is a reversal of the facts. This era is like this, and the next era will evolve and will not be set in stone.

Because in many countries, especially the rich developed countries, people believe in fate, such as France. And there are countries, and people believe that they can change their fate, such as the United States.

So the theory of the Buddha, believing in the Buddha, can it change fate, can it change luck? When you study Buddhism, will your fate change? Will there be more luck?

Actually, the Buddha said that the Buddha has a fate. At the same time, the Buddha also said that cause and effect cannot be changed. Whatever cause you have, you will have the effect.
So, according to the law of cause and effect, if you plant good causes, then there will be good results after that, at different times and at different places.
If you plant the causes of evil, then there will be evil consequences later, at different times and at different places.
Why, some people are evil, but they can still live a good life? This is closely related to the cause and effect of his previous life.
Why, some people are evil, but there is no retribution? For example, the Israelis. It is the law of cause and effect, which is irregular and indefinite. Maybe it will be retribution after a thousand years, maybe it will be repaid in this life.

The great cause and effect of life is that your parents gave birth to you, you can't change your parents, what happened to your parents, what happened to you. This has been passed down from generation to generation. Therefore, it is difficult to change fate. Even if you change your destiny, this is actually your destiny. So fate says that it's hard to unravel.

However, as I also said, life is a matter of interest and freedom.

The so-called fate is always inseparable from good and bad, there is a good fate and a bad fate. That's why there is such a difference, so everyone pursues a good destiny. If there is no good or bad, why should we believe in fate? But in fact, the Buddha is empty of everything, even good and bad. Therefore, it doesn't matter what fate says, fate doesn't work. Measuring one's life by fate is actually a very low consciousness system. In fact, the so-called inferiority is also discovered after studying Buddhism, otherwise why wouldn't everyone want to have a good life and a good destiny? So, the core of what we said yesterday is that we have freedom, democracy, and equality in our hearts. Or maybe there is tranquility and nature inside. Our future is determined by ourselves, because we are loaded with force, loaded with the concept of the state, loaded with the social system, so how can we be peaceful? How can we go far? Then become one with humanity, don't be different, and don't be closed. Then enjoy the fruits of the highest civilization wisdom of mankind.

Therefore, the consciousness of the Buddha is the basis of all the laws of society. If you have this awareness, then the so-called laws don't work. To live is to benefit and serve mankind. Truth, Freedom, Service. This is the motto of a certain university. If these things are done, then life is great and will be remembered by mankind forever. Cosmic value.

Some people say that I have eaten more meat in my life, I have drunk an extra glass of wine in my life, and I have met many friends in my life and carnival together. This level is probably the level of fate. It's also a level of luck.
But your life, when you read my article, you have already involved a precious life, a great life, and a Buddha's level of consciousness. It's all the beginning, it's all a good cause. These will grow naturally in your consciousness. I have said a lot of similar things, why do these words automatically take root and grow in your consciousness? This is the way people's consciousness and thoughts work. Really, natural, essential, our subconscious will automatically absorb and digest the power of enlightenment after contact. Because our subconscious mind is the higher self, which is the level of God.


So, when your life is connected to the level of God, you are already enlightened. I stood at the height of humanity completely. At this time, it doesn't matter what happens to the individual. Because this is the fate of humanity. Not putting all your eggs in one basket is the basic pattern of human destiny. Explore Mars and connect with aliens. Exploring outer space, it's a given. Because you're part of the human landscape. The meaning of life is different. This consciousness is the planetary consciousness and the cosmic consciousness.
18:39 2024-06-05
9:52 2024-06-06























18:39 2024-06-05
9:52 2024-06-06