Summer it is sunny today 3 | Music NGC6302のブログ

Music NGC6302のブログ

Music,Novel,science,universe,Happy time...war...
All regular reflected in everything!~

Recite Shurangama mantra.













0,To someone:这是谁呢?选秀啦,女孩都来参与啊。立夏啦,筛选了一些新朋友,加入到我的对话中。

 1. To "middle":
welcome,I'm interested in the girl in the middle.en, nice girl.
You see a new color world about me
Do your best.

















2024summer13:summer, are you ok?


2024summer派对摩登女郎:Hello, 呵呵,还生气啦?一直关注你啦。是呀,罗马城不是一天建起来的。你就是一个大杂烩,就是一锅粥,就是一团乱麻啊。


 2. To "energy":OK,Hope you happy!~
Do your best. 我搜索不到你的信息,那你要主动显示信息啊。今年冬天感觉怎样?人生是自由的,不是和别人比,而是和自己内心比。你检查一下你的心,看你心理都是什么,是不是都是脏东西?比如攀比心,比如恨心,比如嫉妒心,比如愚痴心?都有吧。这么肮脏的东西放在你心里,哪里会有你呆的地方呢?现在心干净了吗?就是清空成见,前进。

 3. To something:

























To: Mata katyayani (the six armed tiger riding God believed by Indians)            


Since the overall development of human beings is presented in many aspects, the loser mode, we summarize and expand the loser mode, and it becomes the following eight aspects, which can be said to be the complete loser mode: 1. Fierce competition or defeat in war; 2. The loser is enslaved; 3. The loser initiates a terrorist act; 4. The loser develops the economy; 5. The loser builds the state; 6. The loser develops nuclear weapons; 7. The inevitable contradiction between the loser and the United States; 8. In the end, the loser model was dissolved, and there was a concept of freedom and equality under the rules of the world.
Among them, these 8 steps, some steps have a front and a back, and there are slight changes, but they are generally like this.

So with the loser mode, is there a normal mode? Or what about Victor mode?

Victor mode: 1, win in the war; 2. The victor enslaves the loser and develops the economy; 3. The winner is suddenly attacked by the loser; 4. Problems that have to be solved, the winners also allow the losers to develop the economy; 5, the victor sees that the loser also builds the state; 6. The victors obstructed in every possible way, but they still saw that the losers developed nuclear weapons; 7. The winner is challenged by the loser, trade war, or even war; 8. After understanding this theory, each sees the future, and the victor has always presided over the concept of freedom and equality to become the dominant and the loser to establish a balance and build a new world.

So what is the normal pattern of human development? Rare, but still exists. For example, the wisdom system of the Buddha, such as the wisdom system of Jesus.
Because human beings develop in waves. In parts of humanity, this is the pattern. However, in the global vision of mankind, is it also a fluctuating development, and now the global model is being opened, which is just the beginning, and it needs to be verified. And in all countries in different regions of mankind, they are developing, and they are all fluctuating development models.
When the victors of the war begin their country, there is a process of beginning, development, climax, decline, disappearance and overthrow. Probably this is the so-called normal pattern. This is true of the entire universe, of galaxies, of stars.
The Buddha said that this is the formation of dwelling and the destruction of emptiness. This is the normal pattern of the development of the universe and human society. This pattern has a similar expression at different levels, or a fractal representation of the entire universe.

However, you will see that it is not the normal model that presides over the main model of human development of our species, nor is it the winner's model, but the loser model. Losers, on the contrary, have a strong impetus for development. Changing the world of the winners. Therefore, on the whole, human modern times, or modern society, are still developing in a relatively low-level mode.
If it's normal mode, then it's more advanced. And the development of the whole human race is in the stage of becoming a dwelling, a bad and empty, a stage. Because the era of globalization has just begun, since Columbus confirmed that the earth is a sphere, mankind has reached the global era, which has a history of about 500 years. But when it came to the freedom of global communication, it was only 100 years since radio. So, humanity is forming at a rapid pace. In the past, it was only the development of various countries and regions, and it could not represent human beings.

And now, we see that after the emergence of the model of globalization, it is undoubtedly the United States that represents mankind. Although the United States was also enslaved by the British, it is essentially a loser model. In the end, the United States challenged Britain, the strongest player at the time, and it won. It was time for the United States and Britain to work together. That is to say, the United States is a loser model, but the United States has completed the eight steps of the loser model, and finally achieved cooperation and development with Britain through freedom and equality. Isn't the world wonderful?

And now, we find that the regional perspective, the Palestinian-Israeli issue in the Middle East, has just begun the loser mode, and has reached the stage of the loser's terrorist attack, and the next step is to develop the economy and build the state.
Now, we find that the regional perspective, the Korean Peninsula issue, has gone to the loser model, the development of nuclear weapons model, but the lack of economic development steps. It can be seen that the most important issue for North Korea now is to develop its economy and communicate with the rest of the world, otherwise it will be stuck here and will not be able to move forward. It is also difficult to reach the era of the ultimate great cooperation with the United States. Or dissolve the loser mode. Clearly, North Korea is still constrained by the loser model. Seeing me say this, is the leader of North Korea enlightened?
And now, we find that the regional perspective, the Taiwan Strait issue is also constrained by this loser model, let's see what stage of development has it reached?

Other theories, in the face of the iron law of the loser mode, pale in comparison. Because the fundamental law of development is not recognized: the law of the loser pattern.

And now, we find that the global vision, the main contradiction of this world, is also constrained by the loser model. Now in the loser mode step, to this stage, the United States is being challenged by the loser. Isn't that precise and interesting? We are glad to see that the next stage of development is that the United States and the losers are in the same concept, freedom and equality stage. It's going to take about 30-100 years. At the same time, we see that if there is a law, can the law hasten the formation of such a state of affairs, at least form a system similar to freedom and equality?

It can be seen that the loser model, this law, not only solves regional problems, but also gives solutions and directions to global problems. It can be seen that this theory is the fundamental law of human society. Human development is subject to this law. And we see that other laws, including the laws of the state, are also subsets of this law and are constrained by this law. The so-called law of social system is also a subset of this law, and it is also constrained by this law of the loser pattern.

Clearly, humanity is further free. Because they have mastered the laws of the development of human society. At least we've found out now. Great dreams are right in front of humanity. Freedom and equality throughout the world. This is the ultimate pattern.

If you see these clearly, is it what I said, correct concepts and laws, as soon as I say it, your subconscious and conscious mind will not naturally absorb it quickly. That's the power of truth.
Maybe that's how humanity is enlightened. It's all over. You can see how important enlightenment is. The Buddha regarded his enlightenment as the most important thing in his life. Take an oath on the Bodhi tree and sit down without enlightenment. Before that, after 6 years of penance, he was still not enlightened. Why did the Buddha work hard before saying the Dharma, but he still did not become enlightened, and only under the Bodhi tree did he settle down and then become enlightened? So, enlightenment requires a relaxed and free environment, especially since meditation is the foundation of all Buddhism, and now human beings must also start from meditation in order to become enlightened.

If the Buddha doesn't do the first thing, enlightenment. Then his whole life is bleak. So, is the biggest thing that happens to everyone after they are born to be enlightened? If you are not enlightened, then your life is gloomy, or your life is developed at a lower level. The Buddha said that there are 48,000 ways to become a Buddha, that is, to become a Buddha, that is, to become enlightened. Then there are many ways for human society to make us enlightened.

To be the foundation of enlightenment, you have to start with subtlety. Otherwise, you will not be able to exercise your body, win the war, be admitted to a university, and get a doctorate.
Enlightenment best begins with meditation. This is the fundamental method, and my book is to tell you how to slowly embark on the process of understanding the fundamental wisdom of human beings through my popular science. From all phenomena, then slowly to different levels, and finally to the highest level of human intelligence. This process, even if you are enlightened a little bit, understand a little bit, these enlightenments accumulate and become great enlightenments. Ultimately, we understand the entire system of human civilization and wisdom. So as to stand high and see far. And we also see that epiphanies exist. Enlightenment means that everything is complete.

So why should we define the ultimate top level of human development at the level of freedom and equality? Isn't there any other realm?
From the eight steps that the United States has gone through the loser mode, we can see that the current relationship between Britain and the United States tells us that from the war to the current level of relations, it is not as simple as others understand, Britain and the United States are allies. So, I judge, freedom and equality, become the basis of this level. To be constrained by the loser mode is not free, and to be constrained by the loser mode there is a difference between victory and defeat, and there is no equality. So, we dismantle the loser model, and the first thing we see is freedom and equality.
10:26 2024-05-24















10:26 2024-05-24