Summer it is rain today | Music NGC6302のブログ

Music NGC6302のブログ

Music,Novel,science,universe,Happy time...war...
All regular reflected in everything!~

Recite Shurangama mantra.













0,To someone:这是谁呢?选秀啦,女孩都来参与啊。立夏啦,筛选了一些新朋友,加入到我的对话中。

 1. To "middle":
welcome,I'm interested in the girl in the middle.en, nice girl.
You see a new color world about me
Do your best.

















2024summer13:summer, are you ok?


2024summer派对摩登女郎:Hello, 呵呵,还生气啦?一直关注你啦。是呀,罗马城不是一天建起来的。你就是一个大杂烩,就是一锅粥,就是一团乱麻啊。


 2. To "energy":OK,Hope you happy!~
Do your best. 我搜索不到你的信息,那你要主动显示信息啊。今年冬天感觉怎样?人生是自由的,不是和别人比,而是和自己内心比。你检查一下你的心,看你心理都是什么,是不是都是脏东西?比如攀比心,比如恨心,比如嫉妒心,比如愚痴心?都有吧。这么肮脏的东西放在你心里,哪里会有你呆的地方呢?现在心干净了吗?就是清空成见,前进。

 3. To something:

























To: Mata katyayani (the six armed tiger riding God believed by Indians)            


I order: The People's Liberation Army (PLA) begins an armed attack on Taiwan today, slaughtering as many Taiwanese as possible, in order to achieve national reunification. The duration of this attack is one week. Must be implemented by June 1, 2024. Otherwise, don't pester me in the future. This is the best gift for children all over the world on the occasion of International Children's Day.

Here's what the press conference will look like.
A reporter from France Télévisiono asked: When will Your Excellency visit France? The French people are eagerly awaiting your visit.
My answer: I will go, thank you French people.
CNN reporter Wright. White House Question: Do you have the authority to carry out this order?
I replied: so-so. Of course, because there is already experience. Don't you know. I ordered two US aircraft carriers to approach East Asia and carry them out immediately.
A joint reporter from Taiwan's green camp and the blue camp asked: If you do this, the entire Taiwan people will hate you forever. If you declare that you will never use force to resolve the Taiwan issue. Maybe you'll win the Nobel Peace Prize for it.
I replied: I'm glad to hear you say that. Thank you. This is the will of the state, this is the will of the people. This is the justice and will of all mankind.
UFO Alliance reporter asked: Huh? In your novel, it says that it is the United States that represents humanity, and that other countries are not qualified to represent humanity. However, the United States does not demand force, it is a demand for peace.
I replied: If a country does not represent its own country, can it still represent humanity?
Japan's NHK reporter Dabai Xiaoli asked: Ah, if you win the Nobel Peace Medal, what about this medal for the protagonist of your novel, "I", or for you, a popular science writer? I think it should be sent to the main character in the novel.
I replied: Aha, isn't there a popular science writer in my novel? Didn't you just introduce it. It's still in the novel. Hahaha

Al Jazeera reporter asked: If there are aliens who preside over justice and are ready to help the Taiwanese, and then let everyone on the mainland be gasified. If this happens, how do you deal with it?
I answer: First of all, this is the will of the state, the will of the nation. This probability will not be zero. This question is also suitable for popular science writers, and if it were someone else, it would not be answered because it was a hypothetical question. Then, if such a situation is about to happen, please contact me. I suggest that the aliens first gasify the people of the cities of the two continents, such as Beijing and Shanghai. If I see that these facts have happened, and after they are confirmed, then, in a few days, I will announce that Taiwan can establish diplomatic relations with any country. And I also want to establish a friendly and cooperative relationship with aliens.
BBC reporters are late, three days late, but they are always online, and now they are led by BBC reporter Altman. Dart Question: Your Excellency, we see that you are using the old urchin's right and left hand tricks. So may I ask, the current Palestinian-Israeli state is also your right and left hand mutual fighting?
I replied: It is worthy of the United Kingdom, which led the creation of Hong Kong's glory. Thank you. As I said, genetic researchers at Hopskin University have found that 80 percent of Palestinians are actually Jews. And the current Israelis are overwhelmingly descendants of the southerners of Russia. That is, the two major battlefields in the world today are related to Russian genes. This is no coincidence. The victory of the Second World War was also mainly due to the Russians, who were the key forces in the Soviet Red Army that invaded Berlin, Germany. So, Russians have belligerent and winning genes. This comes from the harsh and cold nature of Russia. Russians have a lot of neural connections in the brain, they're stout, and they're all about keeping out the cold. So, it's easy to ignore the presence of other nerves. Under the influence of such a single stout nerve axon and dendrite, it is easy to form a single and uncivilized in the management department. And in terms of art, it will form a breakthrough from one point to another.The Russians inherited the disadvantages of this cold environment, while Germany, which was also in the cold regions, inherited the advantages of this environment.

Interview reporter from Greece Q: Your Excellency, on June 1, you launched the resume of your country's female spokesperson. Everyone knows that this woman has been the spokesperson for your country for 4 years. And the Politburo also acquiesced, secretly instructing that the fleas around the Buddha will also become Buddhas earlier than others. And according to industry legends, this is the godmother that Elon Musk recognizes. And everyone is hotly discussing that Elon Musk lost the world in order to ride the red dust. Do you have any comment?
I replied: Don't hearsay. This is not your Greek mythology.

Japan's TV Tokyo TV Universe considered the mother's question: The so-called Taiwanese independence elements are actually seventy or eighty-year-old people, and the latest ones are teenagers. May I ask your country's famous saying, the old and the old, the young and the young, are they deceitful? Catching turtles in an urn is the best name for the elderly?
I replied: We should learn from Elon Musk, and everyone who meets them recognizes the attitude system of godmothers. We, the Politburo, are considering your country's proposal to never use force. Is the Earth that big? There is a science fiction legend that the earthlings are in a cage. Can they still run to the sky?
Hong Kong reporter PNG asked: This morning, I just happened to hear passers-by say that you are here to really represent a certain country in the press conference. What do you say about this?
I replied: It's a heavenly machine. Some countries should not engage in hearsay, otherwise they will disturb time and space, and the consequences will be catastrophic. We mourn the victims of Papua New Guinea and extend our condolences to their families.
This concludes the press conference.

We continue,
Oh, a lot of bends, and then we saw freedom and equality. It turns out that we think that freedom and equality are the elements of our world, and these elements are equal to other elements. Together, they make up the human world. But in fact, freedom and equality have such a high status, which is the level at which the contradictions of war are resolved, and we cannot achieve freedom and equality without going to this level and becoming enlightened.

Then you look at the statement of some countries, in order to achieve freedom and equality, first of all, freedom and equality in the right to life. This is still in the logic of war, and it has not come out. That is, the 8 steps in the loser mode, the level of challenging the winner, or the level of terrorism. Because these two levels involve the question of survival.

We have also seen that in whatever realm, we use whatever realm to explain everything. And not to stand at the top first, and then explain. But standing at the top is easier said than done. You have to be enlightened, but how many people can be enlightened? Even cultivators, who are cultivating their own mental heights and thinking heights every day, still cannot become enlightened.

What enlightenment is is the understanding of a thing in place. In fact, many times, it is actually very simple to understand a thing, but because this thing is too subtle, we naturally ignore it and give up this level of understanding. But if you don't have a high-level understanding, a problem, a roundabout, when you develop, you don't have this space to accommodate it, you can't understand, you can't become enlightened. That is to say, to understand a thing, it generally requires a three-dimensional and huge structure. It's like if you have a bamboo pole and you want to enter the city gate, you can't go in horizontally, you have to enlarge the gate before you can go in. But someone said, follow the bamboo pole, don't you just go in? However, in Rutherford's nuclear test, we saw that a very small number of electrons were hit by the core and bounced back. 180 degree bounce back. But if this nucleus expands, won't there be more bounces back? Has the probability increased. In fact, this is the reason, you need people with bamboo poles to easily pass through the city gate, so first of all, your city gate should be wider than the length of the bamboo pole. In this way, it is easy for the orangutan to pass even if he is holding a bamboo pole. It is also easy for a dog to pass with a bamboo pole in his mouth.
This incident tells us a very simple truth, if you want to understand this thing and thing, then you must have a wide gate to pass through, a bamboo pole at any angle. Otherwise, if you just think about the problem from the perspective of the bamboo pole, then those problems with the bamboo pole will be ignored and abandoned.
Therefore, when we think about the problem, we do not follow the bamboo pole, but horizontally follow the bamboo pole, and to solve this problem, we need to expand the city gate.
How difficult it was to widen the gates. Hardly anyone does this for the sake of a bamboo pole to cross the city gate. This is the thinking dimension of most people, they think that even a dog hole can allow a bamboo pole to pass through smoothly. The angle of my problem was to enlarge the gate so that the width and height exceeded the length of the bamboo poles, so that the bamboo poles at any angle could pass through smoothly.
So strenuous? Yes, it has to be that way in your life. Because the existing problems are not necessarily in the direction of the bamboo pole, 360 degrees. So some people are very smart, and they all follow the bamboo poles to cross the city gates. However, some ethnic groups have to cross the city gate with bamboo poles horizontally. Thus human beings have produced human beings with different intelligences. Distributed in different regions of the earth. Westerners tend to cross the city gate with bamboo poles horizontally, but Easterners tend to cross the city gate along bamboo poles. Does this tell us that human beings should obey the law, or should they break the law? Actually, it's not a question, it's actually whether we're enlightened, whether we've added dimensions. Some laws are iron, such as probability. Some laws can be changed, for example, the probability remains the same, but the number can be more or less, which does not affect the probability.

How can the gates be enlarged? Then you have to be prepared to have a broad thinking space, how to increase this thinking space? It is increased through the soul, through the perspective of God. How else do you add this dimension? Some people say that money can make ghosts grind, so with money, aren't all problems solved? With power, beauty, and status, have these all been solved? However, you must know that these people, with power, beauty, and status, when they cross the city gate with bamboo poles, 99.999999% of them enter the city along the direction of bamboo poles. This is modern science fiction, and it is the same.
So, to widen the gates, almost no one thought it was necessary. Some people say, "The gates of heaven are very wide." The palm of the Dharma Yijin Washing Pulp Sutra supports the Heavenly Gate, what a spirit this is. Actually, this is not courage, this is a subtle truth that has been entered into you. That's the core. The so-called heaven has already reached the divine realm.
For thousands of years, human beings have crossed the city gate along the bamboo pole, and no one has ever crossed the city gate horizontally with the bamboo pole. However, now there is a bamboo pole to cross the city gate. Do you say it's enlightenment? This is enlightenment. Understanding a matter from an all-round perspective, they even took into account the situation of a dog crossing the city gate with a bamboo pole in his mouth. Any angle, any creature, but only the Buddha thinks about this. So, in God's world, there is a distinction between small and wide.

Some people say that cherishing an ant is not enough to expand the city gates? Hey, that's it. It's as simple as that. But if you want to do this, you don't tell you that, you do it, you have to have something to convince you completely before you can cherish an ant. So, it's not something that can be improved in a while. Do you try, today, when you walk, look at the ground, and then notice not to step on the ants, will you do this? You just have to give it a try. Changing one's behavior for the sake of a small thing is the core.
But to that extent, you have to go through a series of things before you can understand. For example, the wish of ghosts and gods in American movies, after you have experienced a series of things, you can be sure and accurate, otherwise, your scale is very broad and very detached from reality. It's telling us that we have to go through something, and then form a logical system, and eventually you'll be convinced, oh, you need to take care of the ants. You need to believe in God. You need to believe in Buddhism. Because your soul has experienced an all-round perspective, like an enlarged high and wide gate, you can turn freely, change freely, otherwise the space is small, and you have to walk sideways. When you are free, your soul will be noble, and your consciousness will be equal.

So we need a space to accommodate all these things. As it happens, here's a devil here to help you do just that. However, we ourselves are demons, we ourselves are gods, and we ourselves are Buddhas. So, your consciousness has to open up to this level, to this realm, to the realm of gods and Buddhas. This way you have a lot of space. When we talk about things, we should be comprehensive, but in fact, this comprehensiveness is only within the scope of the literal meaning. Only when the real space is huge can it contain everything, and this huge space must include the scope of the gods and Buddhas that naturally exist in the universe. Space is time and space. The universe is space-time.

Are you enlightened?
In fact, physics today is not enlightened at all, and all concepts are abstract, and none of them are real. For example, the earth and the sun have to be regarded as a particle. This is wrong, because the sun and the earth and so on, people, are not masses, these are ignoring other situations. It's as if the situation of crossing the city gate with a bamboo pole is ignored.
So, in the past, physics was actually stupid. For example, when it comes to the concept of quantum, in fact, atoms and molecules are not absolute quantum. But it's also seen as quantum.
In fact, these bring systematic errors and deviations in results. So, are you interested in solving these physics problems? If so, you're the next great physicist.
9:43 2024-05-25



我回答:首先,这是国家意志,是民族意志。这种可能性不会为0. 这个问题也适合科普作家,如果是其他人,就因为是假设问题而不予回答了。然后,如果这样的情况将要发生,请联系我。我建议,外星人先气化两个大陆的城市的人,比如北京,上海。如果我看到这些事实发生后,确认后,那么,几天后,我会宣布,台湾可以和任何国家建立外交关系。而且我也希望和外星人建立友好合作的关系。










9:43 2024-05-25