Summer it is sunny today 2 | Music NGC6302のブログ

Music NGC6302のブログ

Music,Novel,science,universe,Happy time...war...
All regular reflected in everything!~

Recite Shurangama mantra.













0,To someone:这是谁呢?选秀啦,女孩都来参与啊。立夏啦,筛选了一些新朋友,加入到我的对话中。

 1. To "middle":
welcome,I'm interested in the girl in the middle.en, nice girl.
You see a new color world about me
Do your best.

















2024summer13:summer, are you ok?


2024summer派对摩登女郎:Hello, 呵呵,还生气啦?一直关注你啦。是呀,罗马城不是一天建起来的。你就是一个大杂烩,就是一锅粥,就是一团乱麻啊。


 2. To "energy":OK,Hope you happy!~
Do your best. 我搜索不到你的信息,那你要主动显示信息啊。今年冬天感觉怎样?人生是自由的,不是和别人比,而是和自己内心比。你检查一下你的心,看你心理都是什么,是不是都是脏东西?比如攀比心,比如恨心,比如嫉妒心,比如愚痴心?都有吧。这么肮脏的东西放在你心里,哪里会有你呆的地方呢?现在心干净了吗?就是清空成见,前进。

 3. To something:

























To: Mata katyayani (the six armed tiger riding God believed by Indians)            


I had a dream the night before. In the dream, he said that he was on a mountain full of stones. Moreover, there is a Buddhist temple on this mountain. I was there reciting Amitabha. And among the multitude, I was at the center. Outside the Buddhist temple, I don't know what kind of structure it is. In an instant, I saw the Buddhist temple, which was magnificent, spacious, and majestic, with stone statues of the Buddha. Another dream was of a basin made of stone, larger than a large stadium, surrounded by cliffs full of statues of Buddhas. I'm entering the basin through a gap. In the third dream, I went to the top of the mountain, and then went to find a Buddhist temple at the highest place. A lot of people, I'm at the ticket gate where I'm going to climb the mountain. There is a famous verse on this mountaintop, but I can't remember it now. Because of this verse came to this mountain. It seems to be this sentence: Luoxia and the lonely bird fly together, and the autumn water grows together in the sky. It seems to be: the fishing boat sings at night. Famous verses. Could it be: the right concept, energy.

On the night of my dream, the plate-sized light in my room, when the light was turned off, was faintly bright, and I couldn't feel it with my eyes closed. And the phone can't shoot such a faint light. Intermittent flashing. Most of the lights were glowing. However, I still felt the glow in the dark night. It's like, after the picture tube TV is turned off, there is still a certain amount of fluorescence remaining. It's so faint. And the night before this night, began to flicker. At that time, the eyes could barely feel it, but there were still a few glimmers of light like sparse branches. But it didn't seem to shine last night. I had such an experience dreaming about Buddha. Amazing no? What causes fluorescent lights to glow? The presence of gods?

We continue,
We have seen that human civilization is a ladder, with top-level civilizations, medium-class civilizations, and low-level civilizations.
In the previous section, we discussed the top civilization of human society. You should know that in this state, everything grows. It's like the wisdom of the sun. These wisdoms are subtle realms, and you may not be able to use them now, but only when you reach the delicate realm of the balance of power, then you can appreciate this wisdom.
As the top wisdom, it is also deeply embedded in your subconscious, and to a large extent, it determines your behavior and thinking system from the bottom. Actually, it works. You may not be aware of it. That is, there are things that act on your subconscious level, and your conscious mind is not aware of it at all, and you don't know how to deal with it. But it is really the foundation of our wisdom that comes out of the fog. We can see the whole comprehensive system of human intelligence about this. If you despise the loser, if you insult the loser, it will be the loser who will change you in the end. Because your system of knowledge and concept after your victory has subverted the wisdom and knowledge system of your founder, you will inevitably suffer trouble or failure.

Because the system of the wise is what I am talking about. However, the system of behavior that you have implemented now is very superficial, contemptuous of losers, insulting losers, in fact, this system is already a very naïve and inferior civilization. Because when there is deterrence by force, the resulting system must be a relatively inferior civilization system. The more you develop, the more mentally retarded.

The system of peaceful development is comprehensive, and it involves the advanced intelligence system of human beings. However, some countries have to choose a lower level of development civilization because of certain constraints.

We see the situation of these three types of losers, enslavement, economic development, and development of nuclear weapons, are they not the three development periods of losers? If you put these losers in order, you get a big picture of a loser. There is history, there is the present, there is the future, and they are all displayed in the present at the same time. It is known through the three states. For example, we see children, we see middle-aged people, we see the elderly. We basically know the life of a person. Otherwise from a person, you have to go through a hundred years before you can know what a lifetime is.

So, when we look at the three states of a loser, we know the life situation of a loser after it is born.
The loser, first of all, is enslaved. Then the loser develops the economy, and the developed economy is more developed than the winner. At the third stage, the losers developed nuclear weapons. In the fourth stage, you will find that you will have a conflict with the United States.

The Palestinian-Israeli issue, on the other hand, has only reached the stage of enslavement, of course, the stage of enslavement of the Palestinians after the military defeat. The next step should be to develop the economy. The third stage is the possession of nuclear weapons? The key question is whether there are two countries now, and if there are two countries, it is very possible for another country to develop nuclear weapons in the future. If it is a country, then the development of nuclear weapons in the future is basically impossible. And I have a bias towards one country, but most countries in the world are biased towards two. In the fourth stage, is there a contradiction with the United States?

We have seen that the three European countries, including Spain, have recognized the State of Palestine. More than 140 countries around the world have recognized the State of Palestine.

This is a question of Palestine and Israel. In line with such a four-stage development model.

However, if you look at the world, you will find that this is also the main pattern and pattern of global contradictions.
Some countries have been invaded and enslaved in history. After that, the state was established through victory in the war. After economic development. Then there were nuclear weapons. And then the conflict with the United States.

You will find that the model produced by Palestine and Israel is also in line with the model of the global pattern for the whole world. That's it.

Then a pattern formed by these four stages is a pattern of losers. And I think the highest level of development of the loser is terrorism. The principle comes from the Bronco ending.

Hehe, it's getting more and more interesting. You will find that the development of hundreds of years is a loser mode. This also shows us that the so-called seizure of power by force to establish a country is actually one of the modes of terrorism.

Ah, isn't that all the way. Is it possible to see the entire modern history of mankind clearly at once? You will see that there are some strong social institutional factors that are the inevitable factors in the development of this loser model.

Therefore, when I say the Palestinian-Israeli issue, I represent the human issue. We see that the United States also represents human civilization.

In the end, the fourth stage of the loser's development is the emergence of contradictions with the United States. This is the underdog's development model. Why are they all contradictions with the United States?
Because America stands for humanity. It represents the height of human civilization. The ultimate challenger to the loser was naturally chosen by the United States.

Why is it all a loser's model and not knowing it? Because it involves hundreds of years, which is relatively long, more than a person's lifetime. And it is also a phenomenon, if it is multiple phenomena, different stages, children, adults, the elderly, at the same time, we know the life of a person, but now, there is only one phenomenon system. And beyond the human lifespan, no one sees the whole process of development. Therefore, this pattern is developing in fractals that are unknown to mankind. This is true of the Palestinian-Israeli issue, and the same is true of the entire world pattern.

When we see clearly, we know how to deal with losers.
But the losers are also very powerful, and they believe that the United States is the center of evil. But they don't know that they are developing in a loser's mode.
Almost all the richest people in the world, celebrities, operate in the loser ideology.

Because of the experience of failure, the memory and concept of failure have become the basis for their development. Thus developed the loser system.
So how to solve this problem? First of all, you have to empty the memories and experiences of the loser, and then start from scratch and treat everything that is good in the world. At this time, the experience system and knowledge system you have established is a normal wisdom system, and it is also a normal intelligence system.
So, you will see that standing in the highest level of civilization and space of human beings, you can turn a corner here and then come to the bright world of the future. Come to the civilized world of the future.

The loser system, not the human development system, should be abandoned. Re-understanding the world, re-establishing concepts. Re-establish the state and society.
Therefore, freedom and equality are the main core of what the United States says. When you get to the point of freedom and equality, you're basically abandoning the loser model.

Seeing no, freedom and equality, the original height, turned out to be the elements that such a normal system should have.
Why is the loser model so widespread that it has become a model that exists in all corners of human society? It is because people do not know society and nature, and in the process of development, nature fails, inevitably fails, and ultimately operates in the mode of losers. So it's a loser pattern everywhere. On the contrary, even on the crucifixion, yet he said, "I forgive you all your sins." It's not a loser model anymore. This is the model that saved the whole of humanity. Slowly in the darkness of the night, he emitted a dazzling light, guiding humanity forward.
It seems that human beings spend 1 trillion dollars, and it is not expensive to buy this idea, law. But when I thought about it, it would spread to the whole universe through consciousness.
9:32 2024-05-23






















9:32 2024-05-23