Summer it is sunny today | Music NGC6302のブログ

Music NGC6302のブログ

Music,Novel,science,universe,Happy time...war...
All regular reflected in everything!~

Recite Shurangama mantra.














0,To someone:这是谁呢?选秀啦,女孩都来参与啊。立夏啦,筛选了一些新朋友,加入到我的对话中。

 1. To "middle":
welcome,I'm interested in the girl in the middle.en, nice girl.
You see a new color world about me
Do your best.

















2024summer13:summer, are you ok?


2024summer派对摩登女郎:Hello, 呵呵,还生气啦?一直关注你啦。是呀,罗马城不是一天建起来的。你就是一个大杂烩,就是一锅粥,就是一团乱麻啊。


 2. To "energy":OK,Hope you happy!~
Do your best. 我搜索不到你的信息,那你要主动显示信息啊。今年冬天感觉怎样?人生是自由的,不是和别人比,而是和自己内心比。你检查一下你的心,看你心理都是什么,是不是都是脏东西?比如攀比心,比如恨心,比如嫉妒心,比如愚痴心?都有吧。这么肮脏的东西放在你心里,哪里会有你呆的地方呢?现在心干净了吗?就是清空成见,前进。

 3. To something:

























To: Mata katyayani (the six armed tiger riding God believed by Indians)            


In fact, the development of mankind, especially the development of war, uses such a default law. So, first of all, this law is relatively clear in the field of practice. If you need to practice, then you must first be physically healthy, and then you must practice on the basis of your health, so as to achieve the goal of your practice.
Therefore, the basic method of many spiritual practices is to first exercise and condition the body to achieve a healthy state. For example, Dharma Yijin Cleansing Gong is said to be cultivated, but in fact, the first thing is to make our body change from various unhealthy states to healthy states, so that we can move from exercising to health, and from health to cultivation. Therefore, Bodhidharma is not only a physical exercise, but also a practice, so it can only have obvious effects according to ten years of practice, so we see that the system of exercising the body and practicing is one.

What is war? It is to select strong men from human society, and young people become the protagonists of the army. That is, to solve the problem, first of all, young and strong people become the protagonists of the army. Because the solution can only be solved by military and force. This law is necessary for all organizations and companies to apply.

Then the same is true for a society to move from a state of illness to health, and then continue to practice and develop. And I think that the state of war is the state of disease in human society.

Therefore, in order for human society to develop, it must first recover from a state of disease to a state of health, and become a healthy body; Or at the same time have a healthy sense of rightness.

To end the war, which I have already discussed, is to bring the forces of peace into the theater of war, and then to restrain both sides of the war, so as to achieve peace. This requires the entry of the combined military forces of various countries into the war zone.

Then there is the health of the people's body, establish the correct concept, here I mentioned the eight duanjin, Dharma easy tendon washing marrow gong; There are also some books, such as the Emperor's Inner Canon, advanced editions, and cosmic manuals, which are best obtained by each person.

When entering the road of economic construction, we must first train companies to enter the country and then enter the development area. Because to develop the economy, basic knowledge is needed, training is a must, and it is desirable for the Israeli Prime Minister to also participate in such training companies. to familiarize yourself with how the economy is developing in general. I recommend the East Asian convergence company, which has courses ranging from daily economic activities to developing economic awareness of the group president.

So, these are all modules, and you can move these modules to your own country, and you can develop. There is a health module, a module for establishing the right concept, a training module, and an overall guidance module. Water, communications, electricity, roads, these all need to be developed and provided. Let's start by building a house. Let's start by planting a paradise of good causes.

Of course, if you think that war is a state of disease in human society. You'll be able to evaluate war as a whole, and how it was conducted.
Some people ask rhetorically, how can war be a state of human disease, since tens of thousands of years of human history, wars have been going on, and wars are born for a state of death that is more serious than a state of disease. Avoid death, be slaughtered. If there is no war, then what we are waiting for is death.
However, I think that what awaits them is not death but enslavement. Because others will win wars and force you will bring you to your knees and become their slaves. So, it's not death, it's enslavement. This has been the case in human society for tens of thousands of years, integrating everything into one nation.
The current Israeli-Palestinian state is basically Israel winning the war and then enslaving the Palestinians. If it is in the history of mankind, after 50-100 years of effort, then the Palestinians will be assimilated and integrated into the Israeli state.

However, this is a modern human society with advanced information, and people do not need Israel to enslave Palestinians, but they need Israel and Palestine to jointly develop their economies and get out of the Palestinian-Israeli state of disease. Of course, the basic idea here is freedom and equality. All men are born to be free and equal. This comes from the idea of this. Not only do Palestinians and Israelis have unequal conceptions of human nature, but we also see injustices in other contradictory areas of the earth, relying on the force of the state to ignore other ethnic groups as inferior or shameless species. It's a one-size-fits-all approach. This is similar to the American perception of blacks back then. It's just a change of language. The core is the failure of the previous force.

How do humans deal with losers? Do you want to slaughter them, to insult them, to attack them with force?
Although, the situation on the Korean Peninsula is daunting. However, it is also a post-war era of how to deal with misconceptions and losers. North Korea launched a war that year, but it was ultimately defeated. Although they do not admit defeat. But the current pattern is a post-era problem of a failed ending. Similar to the Palestinian-Israeli issue.

But now North Korea has nuclear weapons, but they are useless. Because when others don't attack you, your nuclear weapons are useless. If you attack someone else with a nuclear weapon first, it will be catastrophic. Maybe you attack someone with a nuclear weapon, and someone else will resist a year later, but as long as you use nuclear weapons, it will bring about delayed demise. Of course, according to experience, it is still a change of government, and it is impossible to massacre the people.

The Palestinian-Israeli issue is also a post-era issue after the defeat of the Palestinians.

That is, the main problem of modern human society is how to deal with the side of the loser of the war. slaughtered; being verbally abused; Forced to be nuclear-armed, similar to the Mustang ending.

So what is the correct view of all of us on this issue? First of all, I have analyzed it clearly, so it is easy for you to come up with a correct concept.
Then it is for these losers that we need the equality of humanity, and we need them to develop the economy. Obviously, in the United States, the loser can participate in the presidential race on an equal footing, and may even win, but the probability is smaller. This is how the United States treats and treats the losers, so how does the international community treat these losers?

Therefore, today we have identified the location and core of the Palestinian-Israeli issue. How we humans face losers.

Obviously, most of the losers exist in a more vicious form, which is terrorism. It is also the embodiment of the Mustang ending. Including in the United States, someone said that if he could not be elected president, there would be a massacre.
The wild horse was attacked by a vampire bat and sucked a little of the horse's blood, which also caused nothing to lose, but the horse went berserk because of the bat attack and ran to death. This pattern is called the Mustang Ending. I think now, we can also give a precise definition of global terrorism, and this is the end of the wild horse.
However, there are those who fail, but the result is much more modest, the economy is developed, and it overtakes the winner.

So what do we do about the presidential election in the United States? 2024 presidential election. First of all, give all participants an equal status. Give opportunities for development.
Some people ask why the American model should be adopted. Can't we follow the example of other countries?
As I argued, the United States can represent humanity. Other countries are not necessarily representative of humanity either. So, we take the height of human civilization. Choose the concept of the United States. That is, even if we are losers, we treat them equally. This is the fundamental foundation of all development. And the United States has this economic base.

Of course, for the Middle East, to be equal, it is better to start with taking the initiative to develop the economy. The equalizer of the future.

That is, the current human race, and the people and people of every region are equal. This is a fundamental concept, and a fundamental concept of global citizenship. Because human beings are developing, understanding things, and analyzing things, we can give new ideas and methods.

This means that Israel's concept of enslavement of the Palestinians is about to be renewed. This is a problem of the times, and this is a problem of human height. You have the concept of equality in your bones, as long as there is the concept of equality in the future.

Why is it that the system of insight and knowledge created by the pioneers is difficult for later people to understand? It's because you're not a pioneer, but after you've absorbed all the information, you have to establish a role as a pioneer, so you can know what the level and the situation are. So, to be a pioneer, get rid of those frameworks. There are no countries, no wars, no memories. Give up your mind and start with nature. Or start with thoughts. The ending of the wild horse tells us that being sucked by bats is also a trivial matter for human beings. There is no more wisdom in war. Nature has it all.

Nature has given birth to human beings, so should human beings want to eat nature? The previous era gave birth to us, do we want to eat the previous era?
The emperor's foreign classics tell us at the beginning. Harm comes from grace.

Without the Palestinians' friendly welcome to Israelis into their settlements, there would be no Israelis' current war of enslavement of the Palestinians.

Although we have won, we are all from each other's failures, and you can win. Otherwise, how could you be the winner?
Therefore, the logic of the development of human society has also reached the logical point of harm and self-gratitude, and if we continue to move forward, we will find that there is no harmlessness and self-equality.

We also know that there is no evil without good, and there is no good without evil. There is no good without good, and there is no good without bad. At this time, it is natural to dismantle the standards of good and bad, and to dismantle the standards of good and evil, which is the highest civilization wisdom of human development. Change, progress is the core.
10:36 2024-05-22


























10:36 2024-05-22