Summer it is cloudy today | Music NGC6302のブログ

Music NGC6302のブログ

Music,Novel,science,universe,Happy time...war...
All regular reflected in everything!~

Recite Shurangama mantra.













0,To someone:这是谁呢?选秀啦,女孩都来参与啊。立夏啦,筛选了一些新朋友,加入到我的对话中。

 1. To "middle":
welcome,I'm interested in the girl in the middle.en, nice girl.
You see a new color world about me
Do your best.















2024summer13:summer, are you ok?


2024summer派对摩登女郎:Hello, 呵呵,还生气啦?一直关注你啦。是呀,罗马城不是一天建起来的。也需要一个朋友保护我,那多好。


 2. To "energy":OK,Hope you happy!~
Do your best. 我搜索不到你的信息,那你要主动显示信息啊。今年冬天感觉怎样?人生是自由的,不是和别人比,而是和自己内心比。你检查一下你的心,看你心理都是什么,是不是都是脏东西?比如攀比心,比如恨心,比如嫉妒心,比如愚痴心?都有吧。这么肮脏的东西放在你心里,哪里会有你呆的地方呢?现在心干净了吗?就是清空成见,前进。

 3. To something:























To: Mata katyayani (the six armed tiger riding God believed by Indians)            


With the current situation, you can mix it with the economy at will, where it is, where it is not, it is also at the disposal of the state, and if you do it little by little, then there will be results, and this is where we are interested now. Because we have this degree of freedom, we discover the points of interest in our existence. Instead of groping in the fog.

Here we have screened out a problem, that is, we found that there is a one-size-fits-all problem. Because that's where our great freedom comes in. Because the truth of many things can be used in this field as well as in other fields.
For example, you can't close off the country because of the interests of your own company, and you can't increase tariffs because of the interests of your own country. These two problems are actually one problem, and you just don't realize that this is a one-size-fits-all problem. You can do this, and it makes sense for me to do so. So, a lot of things in the economic sphere are similar. If one is passed, the others will be passed. Don't get angry because of this, and don't curse because of that. You can't use force against each other because of this, otherwise it's stupid.

The United States landed on the moon on the front side of the moon, and now some people go to the far side of the moon to find out whether the traces of the United States landing on the moon are in the opposite direction. It's ridiculous. They thought the moon was the size of a palm. But can you find a tree in the United States in Europe?
However, the spirit of skepticism is commendable, so how can you not doubt yourself, more than a dozen countries do not recognize it. Are you on the desert of the earth, or on the moon? So the economy must be developed, and it must be reviewed before it can become enlightened.
The spirit of skepticism can be understood in a variety of ways.
Now some people are doing popular science on the Internet, and you are originally a child born to your parents, which is natural. But now, these people who do science popularization say that the child stole the genes of his parents and became the great son now. And how shameless, lewd, insidious, and cunning this son is. I wonder now if you and your parents are in a parent-child relationship. The so-called Western civilization is fake, Western civilization steals Eastern civilization, and so on. The world is one, interconnected and communicates with each other. You have me, I have you.

As I mentioned, Jesus may have traveled to India as a young man and was influenced by Buddhist thinking. This is the reason for the blank period in Jesus' life between the ages of 12 and 30. But it's a possibility. Now it may be, maybe it is possible to go to the planet of Thiaoouba during this period and study. Quite possibly.
Some people even say that Shakyamuni Buddha was a student of Lao Tzu, or the next life of Lao Tzu's soul. Because Lao Tzu finally left Hangu Pass and went west, probably to India. It is also because they use Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching to explain the whole world and the universe. I think Lao Tzu is a philosopher, not a god at all. In fact, when fingers are literate, the word Lao Tzu only has a gray light. It's not the same with the Buddha's great light. That is what we are talking about, the development of the economy has reached the initial stage, or it has just developed the economy, what can it represent? It's still far from a developed economy. It's still far from God.
Koreans also say that they invented Chinese characters. The logic is the same as the truth. All-in-one.

It can be seen that all this can prove that when the economy develops, the people's degree of freedom will be greater, and the standards for representing themselves will be different, or improved. Even Western technological civilization has represented itself. It can be seen that at this time, there is a concept of the Noble Eightfold Path. Mindfulness needs to be had. These are not righteous thoughts, they are evil thoughts. Therefore, in the time of change, in the process of economic development, we need a standard and a soul. Otherwise, the skills of the flesh can only be deceived and deceived. Therefore, in the physical dimension, it is simply much lower than the level of God. Actually, what I said was a thought, that is, the distance was only as thin as window paper. It would take about 10,000 years to pierce this layer of window paper.
Western civilization represents human civilization, and can represent human civilization. Instead of Western civilization, some ancient civilization is represented. One thought is wrong, far from it. Actually, it just doesn't represent the present. These are evil thoughts, not righteous thoughts. Nor is it the right idea.

Issuing the so-called double standard calls and criticisms is actually just a lack of one-size-fits-all approach. In fact, it is a similar problem at different levels. It's a similar position in the spiral, but the problem of different rings is just a problem. I thought it was a standard, but it wasn't a standard anymore. It's just that there's no one-size-fits-all approach.

Some girls fall in love, and as a result, they take their whole family with them, and then fall in love with this boy. Your family's IQ is comprehensive, can you compare it with one person. Can the IQ of three of you be compared to the IQ of one? This is simply what a rogue ruffian looks like. I thought it was normal. To be in love is to choose your own choice. Isn't it bed bug behavior to get a maid to go on a date with a boyfriend? Fraud, when signing, signing someone else's name, this is not what a bed bug is. I think I'm very powerful.,It's still very good to make a tone of the underworld.。 Are these all fair, not fair. Of course, there is a logic and reason for animals. That's how in the family, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. I thought I treated my boyfriend like I treated my enemy, and I thought it was a success. However, what kind of psychology and attitude you have towards your parents, brothers, sisters, younger brothers and sisters, and what kind of psychology and attitude you have towards other people, this is a good idea. Treat your boyfriend very specially, and the ghost believes that you are special. It's not a one-size-fits-all approach, it's simply synonymous with imperiousness.

How do these arise, that is, your physical body, what kind of environment there is, what kind of physical manifestations there are, what kind of social relations there are physical expressions.
As I said, the performance of the flesh is too bad, and the deception and abduction are all the behavior of the flesh, rudeness, barbarism, arbitrariness, shamelessness, obscenity, insidiousness and cunning, all of which are the characteristics of the behavior of the flesh.
So what are the characteristics of the soul? There is a lot of tolerance, there is a lot of freedom, there is a lot of psychological space, there is a lot of room for curiosity, there is a lot of room for exploration, there is a lot of room for the unknown.

In fact, many times, when men and women communicate, they encounter unknown things and unknown situations, so they cannot be blindly explained by known situations and laws. Therefore, the soul has such a degree of tolerance, and there is such an unknown space.

So, what the soul is, is to take advantage of supernatural powers, to take advantage of divine protection, to take advantage of miracles, that we can move and associate freely.

In particular, many things are difficult for us because of the unknown, not artificial. So, we have to have this tolerance. International relations are very complex, complex in fact, it is the occurrence and development of many unknown things, if we understand and have tolerance, we can definitely solve the problem. But if we don't understand, of course there will be contradictions. Some things are understandable. But there are some things, that is, the wonder of nature, which is a kind of unknown. For example, in the Middle East, there are many problems that are unknown, so it is difficult to solve them all year round. However, we have also discovered the law of some key points, such as development, such as active development and change, active pursuit of economic development, trade development, and market development. Of course, development is definitely facing difficulties and blows, so we must see this direction and then insist on development. This is a law found in the most complex and changeable things of human beings in war. So, we are confident that we can solve these problems. It is to persist for a long time and add up to a lot. In order to have the discovery and reference of the law of cause and effect, we must only plant good roots and good causes, and not do evil, destroy and kill people. We have kept the lifeblood of this development. It is necessary to have the application of the law of aspiration from an early age. It is necessary to believe that reciting the Buddha can open up wisdom. Because we don't know what it is. We thought that children chanting Buddha would develop in a single way. But in fact, children can increase their wisdom, increase their IQ, and understand miraculous things.
So, in the complex environment of the Middle East, we have to believe in these fundamental things. Kind of good causes, that's the core.
Although at the beginning, it was a subtle accumulation, but after a long time, there are huge prospects for development. And when people are familiar with the methodology of planting good causes, there will be results in ten years, so there are many unknowns, but no matter how many unknowns there are, there are not as many unknowns as in war. As long as mankind is familiar with war, it is already familiar with the most difficult and ignorant situation, so at most, it is backed by force. We believe in force, and when we get here, force is used on the right path.

Therefore, our unknown, thinking that it was brought by the enemy, we can solve the problem by killing all the enemies. This is what we know and what we know now. But in fact, this is the unknown we face, the unknown is our strongest enemy, and our actual enemy is also wrapped in the unknown, so we must be tolerant, we must provide a huge space. This is the psychological basis of development. In fact, it is the soul foundation of development. God's greatest help to us is to be able to make us see things clearly, to make us elevate the dimension, and this is what God is doing all the time. In this way we have the right concept, so that, on the basis of energy, we can realize any of our dreams of great happiness. These correct ideas actually come from the soul.

This is to bring together methods, people, things, psychology, accumulation, force, freedom, and curiosity. All of them are coordinated and interested in developing the economy, which is the basis of our freedom. It is on the basis of the soul that there is complete freedom. God is synonymous with maximum freedom.
10:28 2024-05-18













10:28 2024-05-18