Summer it is sunny today 6 | Music NGC6302のブログ

Music NGC6302のブログ

Music,Novel,science,universe,Happy time...war...
All regular reflected in everything!~

Recite Shurangama mantra.













0,To someone:这是谁呢?选秀啦,女孩都来参与啊。立夏啦,筛选了一些新朋友,加入到我的对话中。

 1. To "middle":
welcome,I'm interested in the girl in the middle.en, nice girl.
You see a new color world about me
Do your best.















2024summer13:summer, are you ok?


2024summer派对摩登女郎:Hello, 呵呵,还生气啦?一直关注你啦。是呀,罗马城不是一天建起来的。也需要一个朋友保护我,那多好。


 2. To "energy":OK,Hope you happy!~
Do your best. 我搜索不到你的信息,那你要主动显示信息啊。今年冬天感觉怎样?人生是自由的,不是和别人比,而是和自己内心比。你检查一下你的心,看你心理都是什么,是不是都是脏东西?比如攀比心,比如恨心,比如嫉妒心,比如愚痴心?都有吧。这么肮脏的东西放在你心里,哪里会有你呆的地方呢?现在心干净了吗?就是清空成见,前进。

 3. To something:























To: Mata katyayani (the six armed tiger riding God believed by Indians)            


There are two models, a 1:1 model, and a model that only builds houses for Palestinians. Both models can be implemented both within the State of Israel and in Palestinian settlements.

In order to make the human body and soul highly coordinated and completely one, then we need to develop a market economy and a highly developed economic system, which will make our body and soul highly compatible, showing that the spiritual height of human beings is also close to the height of the pure soul. At this time, the talent can be said to represent himself. Because you are a human being, the state of the greatest degree of freedom of a person represents yourself.
Some people say that man is a Buddha, and only the state of a Buddha represents himself. Some people say that man is a god, and only when he reaches the state of God does he represent himself.
But the vast majority of people think that they are a boy or a girl, and that a boy or a girl represents themselves.
It can be seen that there are different states on behalf of yourself, you appear as a grandfather, then the grandfather represents yourself, and when you appear as a son, then the son represents you.

And the most appropriate way for human beings to represent their state is 20-40 years old, because in heaven, people are what they are like at this time, not what they are when you are old.
Of course, when you are in a good mood, it represents your state, or when your humanity is fully exerted and there is a review, then at this time, this state represents you.
When a country's economy is highly developed, it represents itself, otherwise how can the developing economy, the economy that has just started, represent itself? Maybe it's a beast, or a demon. Quite possibly. Therefore, when the country's economy is highly developed, when people are free, let's solve some difficult problems at that time. At that time, you represent yourself, you represent your nation, and you represent your country.

Therefore, no matter people, countries, or nations, representing themselves starts from economic development and persists in developing the economy.

Although this point is clear, we can see that human beings have been using this law for a long time, especially in developed countries. But you don't see it clearly in the positive direction. On the flip side, however, you hear the concept of economic sanctions almost every day. Some countries have thick skin, and economic sanctions will be sanctioned. is so thick-skinned, obviously not in the state of a normal person, using this state to represent oneself seems to be using the status of a hooligan to represent oneself is no different. When the economy is developed, freedom is there, not cheekiness. The skin is rough and the meat is thick. You will also find that when the economy is developed, the label that represents yourself is also different.

How to bring out your own humanity. As we have seen, the Bible is a good reflection of human nature. So, people who have a Bible feel that they see themselves in a completely different way. For this is the closest people to God. It is the Bible that represents itself, and it is God. It is the highest level of human civilization and the most glorious appearance. Everyone has a Bible now, and so will we do in the future. God is all around us.

However, some peoples have also begun to represent themselves in everything, but you will see that it is not their present that best represents them, but their history. Haha, that's a bit fake.
Can history represent you? Some people say that history can represent a person and a nation. But the Buddha said, put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha on the spot. Now, the present moment represents yourself.
To represent modern times is to start from scratch. That is, from now on, we should not use history to represent ourselves, not to represent ourselves with money, not to represent ourselves with riches, not to represent ourselves with power, not to represent ourselves with beauty, not to mention to represent ourselves with ugliness, and not to represent ourselves with evil. Representing oneself with evil can only go to hell.

So what can represent the core of all the articles in the past half a month, that is, to enter the determination. Because to settle down is to stay in the present as much as possible. Listen to what I said, even if it's three minutes of heat, you have to try it, enter the concentration, even if it is such a concentration, this realm will give you a deep imprint, so your entire physical and mental system, consciousness system will be affected by this realm, change, improve your understanding, and improve your IQ. In fact, when you enter the meditation, it is the real soul realm, or almost the pure soul realm. And this realm is carried out in the present thought. It can also be said that this state does represent the height of your understanding and wisdom, and it really represents the real yourself.

The second one that can represent the core of my article in the past half a month is what I said, the essentials of Baduanjin, as well as the exercise methods and ideas of Dharma Yijin Pulp Washing Gong. As long as you keep exercising for 30 minutes a day for 1.3 years, your IQ can increase by about 10-30. These are all qigong, and practicing qigong can open up wisdom and improve IQ. When we come to know God again, this kind of phenomenon is very natural. There is also a foundation of a universal touch. And this IQ increase is within the maximum IQ range of gene expression. It is at this time that you represent yourself. represents the highest degree of this IQ of yours. Due to the environment, your IQ is generally hidden and you don't know it. This method is especially effective for children.

We have seen that the two blockbuster movies in the United States are both things that raise IQs. One is Rise of the Planet of the Apes; The other is Jurassic Park 4.
The main meaning of both movies is to tell us that through gene editing, the IQ of apes and dinosaurs can be achieved. However, there is a key point here, and that is that although our genes have been accidentally changed to the level of high intelligence, my physical system does not necessarily achieve this function. For example, when a gorilla speaks, although this IQ has reached this point, the structure of the physical body has not yet reached the level of control of the throat muscles, so even if the gorilla's IQ is up to the IQ of a human, it is difficult for him to speak. I think this is a popular science point. In other words, the level of speech can only be spoken when the human body system is reached. And for human beings, after the 0-2 years old speaking stage, if you learn to speak, you can't learn it. That is, the day after tomorrow, even if you have the intelligence of a human being, you can't learn to speak. In ancient times, some people put newborn babies in an environment where they did not speak, and found that later they could not speak or learn to speak when they became adults. Maybe maybe some sign language.

So both movies are here, and there is a situation that they don't realize. That is, gorillas and dinosaurs that have changed their genes and have human IQ, they can actually speak very little. Unless you are genetically altered to look like a human so that you can speak. But it also has to start with a baby. Because it is in the flesh of a human being, there is the flexibility of the throat muscles and the preparation of pronunciation. Otherwise, it's hard to speak.

However, is it also possible to change genes to improve IQ? Let's take the example of the cat in the temple, in fact, the cat has reached the same level of thinking as the human brain. But cats are still cats, can you say that enlightened cats, cats who worship Buddha, have increased their IQ? It can be seen as a cat is enlightened, but whether the IQ has improved or not, not necessarily, but with this human consciousness, I think the intelligence has improved. But his genes haven't changed.

In other words, it is almost impossible to change the genes of animals to increase the IQ of animals. If there is such a probability, it is as small as the probability of a person being born in the universe.
And from another point of view, if there is a human IQ, there is also a human body structure, or a similar human body body body structure. And not like a gorilla, not like a dinosaur. For example, like the dream in Dream Kebao, this is a completely different look, this is possible. However, it's best not to have a tail.
However, whether gorillas can fly or not, whether dinosaurs can fly or not, this is completely possible. It's like a cat can worship the Buddha. The spiritual ascension of their souls is unhindered. But that doesn't mean they will improve their IQ or know human language.
Parrot learns to speak, this is known to everyone, parrots can learn parts of human language, and can also express their own meaning. It is because their throat muscular system has adapted to the need for the freedom of speech vibration.
Birds are more ancient, descended from dinosaurs, and have evolved for a long time, and they are stronger than later mammals. Therefore, the IQ of birds is generally very high, and many birds can communicate with humans. The Blue Jayer is an outstanding representative of birds. It's a highly evolved species in the universe.

Of course, in the end, whether this is the case or not, we can only practice it in the future gene editing experiments of human beings. And I'm now denying this sci-fi. Because the concept is incorrect.

So, about intelligence hiding, IQ hiding, this is a very important topic. It means that your humanity has not been fully expressed. If this is not the case, then there is not much point in writing about popular science.
Because I'm also observing people, exploring people, people with different looks, different heights and weights, their consciousness systems are different. Pretty girls have brighter consciousness systems, more freedom, more understanding, and spirituality. Girls with ordinary looks feel more horizontal and rigid, especially after having a celebrity background, the underworld is more serious. These two kinds of girls, one is in heaven and the other is in hell. So your physical system determines the degree of perfection of your union with your soul, and the degree of consistency, and the degree of oneness. We must recognize these things, and then through acquired efforts, we can control and change these, so that adult women are basically more consistent. At the same time, some people are inherently generous, regardless of their appearance, such as thick lips. Generally speaking, what kind of body you have, what kind of soul you have, but in fact, it is your soul that changes you, and you have to learn a lot of knowledge and skills in the soul field. For example, in the realm of God. Including meditation, meditation, yoga, the Bible, the New Heart Sutra. When the soul changes, so does the appearance. You'll have a layer of light, or the appearance of a wise man. You can't tell what I look like, and you can't tell the photos. But through the slight change in my eyes, you immediately manifest a completely different feeling. One in a million. When I arrived at a stadium with 10,000 people, my eyes controlled the whole stadium, which is rare. It means that my soul is very perfect and powerful, shining brightly. I've felt this way since I was a child, and that's what I am.

So, in the end, it's your genes that represent you, but the genes are developed to a different degree. What ultimately represents your present is that you may be wiser and freer. Some people will say that it is not necessarily the economy that is developed to represent oneself. In fact, the girl in love represents herself. This is to the level of genes, to the height of human nature, to the level of what we don't know. So in Japan, Yuki Boki's graduation concert was glamorous and unprecedented. So is it the explosion of her 17 years of accumulation, or is she really in love? I think she's in love, that's the main thing. She sings no better than a singer, but she has a loud voice.

And the paradise of good causes is another wisdom system entirely, not necessarily economic development. However, when the two are combined, a huge amount of light will shine out.
10:32 2024-05-17
















所以,最终代表你的是你的基因,但是基因的开发程度不同哦。最终代表的是你的现在,你可能更智慧,更自由。有人会说,不一定是经济发达了才代表了自己。其实,恋爱中的女孩才代表了她自己哦。这到了基因的高度,到了人性的高度,到了我们不知道的高度。那么日本,伯木由纪的毕业演唱会,美艳,盛况空前啊。那么是她17年的积累的爆发呢, 还是她真的恋爱啦。我认为她是恋爱啦,这是主要的。她唱歌并不比歌唱家好,只是嗓音洪亮罢了。

10:32 2024-05-17