Summer it is sunny today 5 | Music NGC6302のブログ

Music NGC6302のブログ

Music,Novel,science,universe,Happy time...war...
All regular reflected in everything!~

Recite Shurangama mantra.













0,To someone:这是谁呢?选秀啦,女孩都来参与啊。立夏啦,筛选了一些新朋友,加入到我的对话中。

 1. To "middle":
welcome,I'm interested in the girl in the middle.en, nice girl.
You see a new color world about me
Do your best.















2024summer13:summer, are you ok?


2024summer派对摩登女郎:Hello, 呵呵,还生气啦?一直关注你啦。是呀,罗马城不是一天建起来的。也需要一个朋友保护我,那多好。


 2. To "energy":OK,Hope you happy!~
Do your best. 我搜索不到你的信息,那你要主动显示信息啊。今年冬天感觉怎样?人生是自由的,不是和别人比,而是和自己内心比。你检查一下你的心,看你心理都是什么,是不是都是脏东西?比如攀比心,比如恨心,比如嫉妒心,比如愚痴心?都有吧。这么肮脏的东西放在你心里,哪里会有你呆的地方呢?现在心干净了吗?就是清空成见,前进。

 3. To something:























To: Mata katyayani (the six armed tiger riding God believed by Indians)            

Let's talk about that. Why did peace not happen in the Middle East 24 years ago? At that time, the leaders of Palestine and Israel, under the mediation of the US president, wanted to exchange land for peace. However, it didn't work out. One reason is that the Palestinians have focused on solving the problem by force. And instead of victory, Israel won. After the 911 incident in the United States, there was no hope for the two-state theory. Why didn't any of this work?
I analyze it because they do not represent themselves, nor do they represent modernity, nor do they represent peace. Of course, if we analyze it from the perspective of human beings, from the point of view of politics, from the level of the superstructure, you will find that these are all in the political realm, in the superstructure, and they have not touched themselves or the people.

How to touch oneself is to take the initiative to develop a market economy from the most basic perspective of human survival. Persist in developing the economy. The fundamental solution to all problems is to start with the quantum realm. including religion, science, and economics.

Therefore, I believe that the main core of representing oneself is to develop the economy, because if we develop in this way, we will start from the bottom of ourselves, from the people, and from people's lives. from economic conditions and economic society, as well as the market economy to change. That's what you represent. Because your government represents the people. Therefore, the national government level is not meant to represent itself. It is the people who are represented.

Therefore, I believe that in such a complex environment as the Middle East, it is necessary to start with the most basic economic life to change the problem and promote the problem.

It is because of economic life and the active development of the market economy that there is a nation and a country. If we build two countries, we are actually turning the problem upside down.

Of course, the development of many countries in other parts of the planet is first the establishment of the state, and then under the leadership of the state, the society has developed and the problems have been solved. However, these regions more or less have an original country, even if they are backward. It's a change of country. These are relatively simple environments with no complexity. It seems that the establishment of a state to solve the problem is an inevitable choice of mankind. However, this is not an inevitable choice. It is also true that if there is no country, as long as the economy is developed, all problems will be solved. However, without a state, if the economy develops, it will be monopolized by the oligopoly, and the market economy and social reality of the nature of the underworld will appear. With the management of the state, at least there is the police, to maintain the order of the market economy, and the police are the police of the country, supported by the armed army. Therefore, it can be said that having a country only makes economic development a better environment. It is not necessary to build a country that begins to develop the economy. In human society, barter, which already existed, predates the state.

Discuss. However, the Middle East is special. The environment is also more complex. Three major religious gathering places. At the same time, because the lives of the Palestinians now, international aid, economic development, and jobs, are basically transferred by the Israeli state, and run through the Israeli state. That is to say, in fact, the current Palestine and Israel are basically one country, or have basically reached the characteristics of one country, but they do not fully possess the characteristics of one country. The current Palestine and Israel in the Middle East are actually supported by the state of Israel. It's just that Israel has not been established for a long time, and Israel does not know the practices of many ancient civilized countries.

Therefore, the fundamental solution to the problem in the Middle East that I have proposed is to first develop the economy, develop the market economy in the Middle East, and persist in development. When the economy grows to a certain point, then think about other things.
The current economic development of the Middle East is only an instinctive economic development, and it can be said that it is drifting with the natural characteristics of human society. We have not yet seen what the economy is, what it is to develop the economy, and especially what it is to take the initiative to develop the economy. I don't know exactly what the development is.
So, here is the need to open your mind. Start with 0, it's best.

It was at this time that the two-state doctrine was opposed by Israel and the United States. I came up with the idea of creating an economic development that is a paradise of good causes. Economic development to solve the problem. Of course, the economic development mentioned here is the development of the economy with wisdom, that is, the active development of the economy. The foundation, of course, is to build houses and roads for the Palestinians in the first place. This can be done in any Palestinian city, provided that the war stops and a period of peace begins. It is led by Israel and completed by Palestine and Israel. Because economic development will not only benefit the Palestinians, but will also enable the Israeli economy to continue to develop.
Because the people can't see this matter clearly, but the government, the countries in the world, through my exposition, will form such an awareness, and the Israeli government will also form such a basic method for settling the Middle East problem with economic development.

The first is to be open-minded. Don't be shackled by the problems of the moment. Be open-minded and let go of your baggage. Open minds while developing the economy. Economic development must be accompanied by an open mind.
As a matter of fact, if two countries are established, it is still necessary to develop the economy, and if the economy is not developed, there is still a problem. Chaos and war.
Therefore, the solution to the problems of the Middle East lies in the development of a market economy in the Middle East. At the beginning of the Meiji Restoration, Japan's economic development began. We see that Dubai is now also developing its economy, and the results are brilliant. They are adept at taking the initiative. Adhere to the practice of economic development. Now India is also developing its economy and insisting on developing its economy. Hajj economy in Saudi Arabia. In fact, the birthplace of the three major religions is a global tourist hotspot. The economic development of the Asian Tigers, and the persistence of economic development. These are all classic teaching materials for economic development. The core is active development.

To be open-minded is to see how others have developed their economies.
Some people say that for decades, there have been constant wars in the Middle East, and because of the wars, the economy has not been able to develop. If there is peace, then surely the economy has also developed. However, in fact, in times of peace, economic development is still not taken initiative. Or we don't have the notion that economic development is the basis for solving all problems. That's the core.

Equality emerges only when the economy develops. When the economy develops, life is free. When the economy develops, imagination is free. Only when the economy is developed can people live on behalf of their own will. At this time, you will see that other questions are secondary. Economic development is the core, take the initiative to develop the economy, persist in developing the economy, and open the mind to develop the economy. This is the slogan for development in the Middle East.
Force, what the army is used for, is to develop the economy, take this road, and give support.

And I also pointed out that for the sake of economic development, when the preparation stage was in the preparation stage, the shape of the war was also different. Concentrate wisdom, win more locally, and respect the captives. Establish a system that is consistent with economic construction. If all the positive people are killed, who will carry out economic construction? It takes at least 15 years for a person to get involved in the economy, and then he starts working at the age of 18. With these positive people eliminated, who will drive the economy? You have to have this vision. Disobedient, but persuasive, you must have this concept, economic development is the best persuasion event, a person has money, life is free, is there anything more basic than this, the mood changes, wisdom will follow.

To change the country, we must first change the people, but to change the people, we must change from economic development. The people represent themselves, and this is the foundation. It is better to let the people go to war than to let the people develop the economy.
If there is a setback in economic development, war may be the choice. However, war is for the sake of economic development. If the economy is not developed, the war will be fruitless, or if it is won, it will be lost.

However, to develop the economy, we need to be polite first, and we must have the right concept, if your concept is wrong, then economic development also brings problems. For example, oligopoly and state monopoly are all incorrect concepts. Some of them have become facts, and it's not just a matter of perception. For example, if a job offer is offered, then it should be an equal opportunity for all applicants. Because it reflects the equality of competition in this social work. However, to get a job, the person must outperform the others in terms of overall strength. Or be singled out for a certain specialty. This is the right idea in the world of work.
For example, when developing the economy, they still invade the territory of other countries, or when they are developing the economy, they still take the initiative to start wars. Or when developing the economy, resolve controversial issues by force. All these are desecrations of the economic system and insult the core and essence of economic development. Russia has done just this in the past. Therefore, when the economy develops, the existing problems can be put aside, and slowly wait for the economic development to reach a certain level, which can be solved. Because at that time, people's minds were very free and active, and they could be completely different from those when they were financially poor. Therefore, the development of the economy is also a gradual change in people's concept of the world, the concept of the universe, and the concept of man himself. However, some countries have developed economically, but the concept is still very old-fashioned, and this is the problem, and the decisions brought about are also incorrect. This phenomenon is rare, but it exists. It's weirder.
South Korea's highly developed market economy. North Korea, on the other hand, has a slow economy and people have no basis for freedom of thought, and it is assumed that this will continue to be the case in 10 years. Comparing the two, you will find that people's freedom of thought is completely different. The people of South Korea represent themselves, but can it be said that the people of North Korea represent themselves?

One movie is called Time Travel. It tells the story of a man who is the eighth child in the family. As a result, he accidentally traveled to ancient times, became the king of the ancients, and established cities one after another, but was finally overthrown and driven away by the people. This huge difference in life circumstances allows us to see what is the all-round development of a person's humanity and what is the bondage of a person's humanity. With economic development, your humanity is fully developed and you can make the right decisions. We always say, don't make important decisions when you're in a bad mood. It is to tell us that when you are in a bad mood, your humanity is shackled, your freedom is shackled, you are in a small space, your knowledge and information are limited, and even your own information cannot remember the past experience. At this time, the choices and decisions made are completely different from when you are in a good mood and when you are well-connected.

So how did all this come about, that is, to take the initiative to develop the economy. When the economy is developed, you can have whatever you want. It's free. Online shopping, thousands of goods, one click. Compared to Doraemon's pocket, there was only a delay of a few days. Ha ha.

Of course, this may still be carnal. At most, it is also a union of body and soul. Ours learned drag racing, our snipers, our airplane pilots. These are all things that tell us that man and machine are perfectly combined, almost becoming one. Therefore, we also see that there is also such a problem of cooperation between our body and our soul, and when the economy develops, that is, when our body and our soul are highly coordinated, they are almost one. When someone plays the piano, they can achieve the unity of hand movements and soul, and this is a pianist. To develop an app, it must not only fit the body, but also the soul. The key is to have a high degree of freedom of action. The next step is easy and abundant.

But today you must know that when man rises to the level of union of body and soul, the height of oneness, it is also a kind of enjoyment of life. But what is higher than this enjoyment of life is the pure experience of our pure soul realm. How to test this truth, you can choose, wholeheartedly, recite Amitabha Buddha for three years, devote yourself to chanting Buddha wholeheartedly, and you will experience the human performance in the realm of the soul. You can detect it by this method. Of course, of course, this process may be meteorological, and the changes and experiences are beyond imagination. Magical than any amusement park project you've ever done. But that's the least you need to know.
10:20 2024-05









就在这个时候,两国论受到以色列和美国的反对。我提出来了,创建 种善因乐园 的经济发展思路。以经济发展来解决问题。从当然这里说的经济发展,是智慧的经济发展,就是主动的发展经济。当然,基础是首先给巴勒斯坦人盖房子,修建道路。这个事情,在任何巴勒斯坦城市都可以展开,前提是,停止战争,进入和平时期。由以色列主导,巴以共同完成。因为经济发展了,不但造福巴勒斯坦人,也会使得以色列经济继续发展。







一个电影叫做 时空穿梭。讲述一个人是家庭里第八个孩子。结果偶然穿梭到了古代,当了古代人的王,建立了一个个城市,可是最终被人民推翻,赶走。这种人生境遇的巨大差别,让我们看到了什么是一个人的人性全面开发,什么是一个人的人性的束缚。有了经济发展,你的人性就全面开发了,你也可以做出正确的决定。我们总是说,心情不好的时候不要做出重要决定。就是告诉我们心情不好的时候,你的人性被束缚,你的自由被束缚,你在一个狭小的空间里,知识和信息都有限,那怕你自身的信息也想不起来过去的经验了。这个时候,自然和你心情好的时候,一通百通的时候,做出的选择和决定是完全不同的。



可是今天你要知道,当人上升到肉体和灵魂结合的高度,一体的高度的时候,也是一种人生享受。可是比这个人生享受更高的则是我们的纯灵魂领域的纯粹经验。如何测试检验这个真理呢,你可以选择,一心一意,念阿弥陀佛 三年,全身心全时间的投入到念佛中,你就会体会灵魂领域的人类性能了。你可以通过这个方法检测。当然,当然这个过程,可能是气象万千的啦,变化和体验超出想象的。比你做任何游乐园的项目都神奇。不过你至少要知道这一点就可以了。
10:20 2024-05-16