
Watch as deaf woman hears for first time



lift (up) one's heartで元気を出すとか励ますとかの意味、cochlea implantで人口内耳という意味です。

We've got something now that we hopefully lift your heart. It's from (地名???) England not too far from ours born. Remarkable footage of the moment when the woman who have been deaf all of her life hears for the first time. Take a look at this.
So say the days of the week again. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. How does it say just be careful you know come on. Can you hear my voice coming through both side?
Just incredible you are watching there is a 39 years old Joanne Milne who has born to deaf with able to hear after life-changing surgical procedure at that moment shows of the video shows the moment cochlea implant in her is swiched on. She told the British newspaper the jurnal that process have been the most emotional overwhelming experience of her life. She even ask her friend to make her compilation of the songs. She always wondered what music sounds like. What compilation what playlist do you make the someone who has never heard before. Remarkable storyis from UK.

Some not in love with Paris' padlocks




Paris, often called the city of love and one of the its most romantic spot is the Pont Des Arts bridge. Couples come from all of the world to visit Louvre land mark. Many leave behind padlocks attached to the bridge as a symbol of their passion. Now two American women who live in paris believe the locks become an eyesore and danger.
The bridge is actually being physically damaged by the wave of the locks, by the rest the passes from the rocks on to the (mission decrease arch ???). By the emviromental damage to the river from keys that is thrown in and rusting.
Since ??? started in 2008, thousand ponds of thousands padlocks now cover the bridge and others are along the same river.
The Pont Des Arts right now is covered with 93 metric tons of metal. That is about equivalent of 3 very large trucks being parked on the bridge at all the time.I have very heard attender living that this bridge which is pedestrian bridge not made of stone with built to withstand kind of constant presure and weight.
Lisa Taylor Huff and her friend launched no love locks. A compaign singing free the bridge from tuorist tokens. Her online particians is gonne more than 16 hundreds signatures since early March. Despite the concern, several love-struct tourist say they prefer to keep the locks in place.
Now I think except bundling this with things are illegal or are things you shouldn't do but excepted.
When it comes to pollution there are other problems to deal with then padlocks on the Pont Des Arts.
But romantics may soon have to find the different way to display their affections if the her takeover the locks continue to grow.

Outrage over missing plane search 続き



This morning, outrage and fury as relatives facier with police outside Malaysia embassy in Beijin. Over 300 chinese friends and family menbers of flight 370 protesting.
From the beginnig, they just high ???. And I don't think this kind of government lier and even moron, can't stop anything.
Following Monday dire anouncement by Malaysia prime minister.
Right imige 370 and in a sudden ???
Frustrated by Malaysias handling of the incident, they descend upon embassy on foot marching over 2 miles after police prevented them from taking buses and blocked the embassies once they arrived.
Monday ??? pronouncement that there was no hope for the 239 on board 777, piercing the heart of hundreds of relatives, many inconsolable.So my mom is gone, one woman cries and she fall into arms for her family. Another woman yelling I can't be like this, I can't be like this. Some so distress they have to be reeled out in a emergency bed.
Others rushing out imidiate yelling still shooting furious and skeptical of Malaysia investigation.
Some chinese family menber release statement.Reading in part,
"The Malaysia goverment and the Malaysia military continue putting off holding back, and covering of the truth of the incidents as well as trying deceive the families of passenger and people of the world."
I don't know why this gonna see some debris of the aircraft and blackbox to know what exactly happen because there too many an anser to question.


Outrage over missing plane search

This morning, outrage and fury as relatives facier with police outside Malaysia embassy in Beijin. Over 300 chinese friends and family menbers of flight 370 protesting.
From the beginnig, they just high ???. And I don't think this kind of government lier and even moron, can't stop anything.
Following Monday dire anouncement by Malaysia prime minister.
Right imige 370 and in a sudden ???
Frustrated by Malaysias handling of the incident, they descend upon embassy on foot marching over 2 miles after police prevented them from taking buses and blocked the embassies once they arrived.
Monday ??? pronouncement that there was no hope for the 239 on board triple seven, piercing the heart of hundreds of relatives, many inconsolable.So my mom is gone, one woman cries and she fall into arms for her family. Another woman yelling I can't be like this, I can't be like this. Some so distress they have to be reeled out in a emergency bed.






Odessa protestors seek alliance with Russia


These the masked pro-Rusian gangs now threatening splinter to what left in Ukraine. Not far from Crimia, hundreds gather in the southern port city of Odessa demanding unity with Moskow. Ukraine royal police royal to Kiev look on. It's the banner of the old Sobiet Union fly high.
One potester who gave his name as アートゥ(人名) told me he was furious with the revolution in Kiev. He wanted Russia to take control just like Crimia.
We all standing here for Russia he told me to the threatening with balaclava, non of us wants to be part of European Union.
???(人名) is Ukraine Rusian speaking south and east after a month the country violent political change that left many feeling the same.
That's the helmet severy damaged you can see from a Ukraine police officer. It's intresting this memorial here in the southern city of Oddesa cause almost like ??? image as it seems we've been witnessing in the capital Kiev because these are the memorial for the protesters, the memorial to the ???, the special police who implicated in shooting so many people in Kiev. Of cource many of them were killed as well, Lots of photograph here of the scene from the those protesters let the over throw of the president ???. This massage here thumbs up what many people in the South and East of Ukraine field they say look like "we are for a custom of union" that means they want cross economic integration with a giant neighbor, Russia.
At least one new reformed pressure group who sprang up in Odessa calling for referendum on a union. Organize say collected more than 20 thousands signatures in the past few days.
This part of Ukraine choice between Kiev and Kremlin with no contest.
Russia is a great coutry and strictly we are one people one nation this woman tells me. The teritory of Odessa is Russia she says.
There the kind of words that is Kremlin not yet choose to hear.


Ukraine's PM defiant and passionate

This is illegitimate dicision, and this so called referendum has no legal ground settle. That's is the reason why we edge Russian government not to support those who claim separatism in Ukraine. Crimia was, is and we will be an integral part of Ukraine.
President Putin, Mr.Putin tear down this word, the word of intimidation, the word of military aggression and let's build up new type of relations between Ukrain and Rusia. We are ready for cooperation but we are not ready to surrender and to be the subordinate of Rusia.
We consider this is military agression we considering as an extentive and the unacceptable use of Rusian military. Rusian troops already blocked Ukraine military sites. But we stand by Ukraine military and we come on the way Ukraine military handles these crisis in Crimia.
We have in my country. Probably we have less arms non nuclear bombs but we have the spirit. This is the spirit of Ukraine evolution and this is the spirit of freedum and liberty.

Video catches brazen jewelry theft

First, they smashed to the glass doors with this stolen Ford Pickup Truck. Then they wrap up cables around massive safe full of jewelry and hauled at the door where in front??? was ready to scoop up and dumped into the another getaway car. It was precise and took less than two minutes.
They'll proffessional and they had plan and executed very while.
The high stap is on Valentine day despite inprinted time on surveillance video it was actually 5:45 am. Police say the team who have still at least 2-4 trucks, a construction vehicle and possibly a third pick up for getaway all this for one breaking.
Depressing, but all the hard work we had all uses, ??? together and a couple of minutes taking away from you. That's outbreak.
Just said I as own jewelry center room for promise he has more than 30 vendors selling jewelry here but only one was targeted early estimate at least quater of a million dollors worth jewelry stolen another hundred thousands in damaged to the building.
Surveillance camera has caught break in but not getaway. So now police are trying to figure out where the robber cash in all the stolen jewel.



Around USA house, it's too warm really through new cold war.
Most Americans add the game we told as is Vladimir Putin who dropped by there Friday.
He was here yesterday.Yes, I met him. I was about the people here I was first ...
Last time America beats Russia within the Salt Lake City Olympics, 12 years ago. Too many watching taking on the Russians on their home town is a huge deal, a bit line cube miss our crasis, but on the ice. Just few minutes away where they still this queue even when the match overly restarted, this was clearly and even bigger deal than any decades long you clear on stand off. After reach goal, Putin show on stay TV very briefly noting an arroval.She is what they look like when US ???, this when they do.
This man told me he just woke up one morning with this hair, this girls are met ??? patriotic, they actually from american Mcdarlds, sorry she says.
All the global political non-sense society, this is really just about loving their team. The anguish is penalty shoot out, the heartbareak euphoria.
Barack Obama who stayed away many thinking protest tweeted conglatulation to the American team, outside Russians go caught in traffic waiting, it seems to the criminal has meditate pass out. They arise still home hokey gold medal.


ここのprotected void onCreate (Bundle savedInstanceState)によると、
This is where most initialization should go: calling setContentView(int) to inflate the activity's UI, using findViewById(int) to programmatically interact with widgets in the UI, calling managedQuery(, String[], String, String[], String) to retrieve cursors for data being displayed, etc.
Set the activity content from a layout resource. The resource will be inflated, adding all top-level views to the activity.
Finds a view that was identified by the id attribute from the XML that was processed in onCreate(Bundle).
managedQuery(, String[], String, String[], String)は、
Wrapper around query(, String[], String, String[], String) that gives the resulting Cursor to call startManagingCursor(Cursor) so that the activity will manage its lifecycle for you. If you are targeting HONEYCOMB or later, consider instead using LoaderManager instead, available via getLoaderManager().
最後のmanagedQuery(, String[], String, String[], String)以外は大体わかった。(to retrieve cursors for data being displayedについては後日の課題)