Watch as deaf woman hears for first time | CNNで気になったニュースのスクリプトを書くブログ

Watch as deaf woman hears for first time



lift (up) one's heartで元気を出すとか励ますとかの意味、cochlea implantで人口内耳という意味です。

We've got something now that we hopefully lift your heart. It's from (地名???) England not too far from ours born. Remarkable footage of the moment when the woman who have been deaf all of her life hears for the first time. Take a look at this.
So say the days of the week again. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. How does it say just be careful you know come on. Can you hear my voice coming through both side?
Just incredible you are watching there is a 39 years old Joanne Milne who has born to deaf with able to hear after life-changing surgical procedure at that moment shows of the video shows the moment cochlea implant in her is swiched on. She told the British newspaper the jurnal that process have been the most emotional overwhelming experience of her life. She even ask her friend to make her compilation of the songs. She always wondered what music sounds like. What compilation what playlist do you make the someone who has never heard before. Remarkable storyis from UK.