ソチオリンピック(7') | CNNで気になったニュースのスクリプトを書くブログ



Around USA house, it's too warm really through new cold war.
Most Americans add the game we told as is Vladimir Putin who dropped by there Friday.
He was here yesterday.Yes, I met him. I was about the people here I was first ...
Last time America beats Russia within the Salt Lake City Olympics, 12 years ago. Too many watching taking on the Russians on their home town is a huge deal, a bit line cube miss our crasis, but on the ice. Just few minutes away where they still this queue even when the match overly restarted, this was clearly and even bigger deal than any decades long you clear on stand off. After reach goal, Putin show on stay TV very briefly noting an arroval.She is what they look like when US ???, this when they do.
This man told me he just woke up one morning with this hair, this girls are met ??? patriotic, they actually from american Mcdarlds, sorry she says.
All the global political non-sense society, this is really just about loving their team. The anguish is penalty shoot out, the heartbareak euphoria.
Barack Obama who stayed away many thinking protest tweeted conglatulation to the American team, outside Russians go caught in traffic waiting, it seems to the criminal has meditate pass out. They arise still home hokey gold medal.